938 research outputs found

    Distribución temporal de trips y controladores biológicos en banano Musa sapientum (C. Linneo, 1753)

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    En la investigación realizada el objetivo fue determinar la influencia de los factores ambientales como temperatura y humedad relativa, en la distribución temporal de las especies de trips y controladores biológicos. Las especies reportadas pertenecen al Orden Thysanoptera, familia Thripidae: Frankliniella parvula y Chaetanaphotrips signipennis, en Controladores biológicos se reporta a la especie Karnyothrips flavipes, que fueron identificadas morfológicamente en el Laboratorio de Entomología de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Tumbes y corroborada en el Laboratorio de Entomología del Departamento de Sanidad Vegetal de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de Piura. Siendo la segunda de las especies antes mencionadas la más importante debido a las altas poblaciones y económicamente debido a los daños que ocasiona a la fruta, así como a la planta del cultivo de banano Musa sp., confirmándose la presencia de estas especies en la temporada verano-otoño, en los tres distritos del valle de Tumbes donde se realizó el presente trabajo

    Colloidal mobilization of arsenic from mining-affected soils by surface runoff

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    Received 2 June 2015, Revised 2 September 2015, Accepted 24 September 2015, Available online 23 October 2015Scorodite-rich wastes left as a legacy of mining and smelting operations pose a threat to environmental health. Colloids formed by the weathering of processing wastes may control the release of arsenic (As) into surface waters. At a former mine site in Madrid (Spain), we investigated the mobilization of colloidal As by surface runoff from weathered processing wastes and from sediments in the bed of a draining creek and a downstream sedimentation-pond. Colloids mobilized by surface runoff during simulated rain events were characterized for their composition, structure and mode of As uptake using asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation coupled to inductively plasma mass spectrometry (AF4-ICP-MS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the As and Fe K-edges. Colloidal scorodite mobilized in surface runoff from the waste pile is acting as a mobile As carrier. In surface runoff from the river bed and the sedimentation pond, ferrihydrite was identified as the dominant As-bearing colloidal phase. The results from this study suggest that mobilization of As-bearing colloids by surface runoff may play an important role in the dispersion of As from metallurgical wastes deposited above ground and needs to be considered in risk assessment.The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (research project CGL 2010-17434) supported this study.A. Gomez-Gonzalez was supported by the Ph.D. Spanish FPI fellow-ship (BES-2011-046461) and by graduate students (EEBB-I-14-08063) programs.Peer reviewe

    Mesoscopic description of the annealed Ising model and Multiplicative noise

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    A new type of Langevin equation exhibiting a non trivial phase transition associated with the presence of multiplicative noise is introduced. The equation is derived as a mesoscopic representation of the microscopic annealed Ising model (AIM) proposed by Thorpe and Beeman, and reproduces perfectly its basic phenomenology. The AIM exhibits a non-trivial behavior as the temperature is increased, in particular it presents a disorder-to-order phase transition at low temperatures, and a order-to-disorder transition at higher temperatures. This behavior resembles that of some Langevin equations with multiplicative noise, which exhibit also two analogous phase transitions as the noise-amplitude is increased. By comparing the standard models for noise-induced transitions with our new Langevin equation we elucidate that the mechanisms controlling the disorder-to-order transitions in both of them are essentially different, even though for both of them the presence of multiplicative noise is a key ingredient.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora de Andalucía: citas novedosas e interesantes de la provincia de Almería

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    Contribution to the knowledge about Andalusian flora: new and interesting cites of the Almería province.Palabras clave. Corología, Isla de Alborán, sureste ibérico, xenófitas.Key words. Corology, Alborán Island, South-Eastern Iberian Peninsula, xenophytes

    Automatic linguistic reporting of customer activity patterns in open malls

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    In this work, we present a complete system to produce an automatic linguistic reporting about the customer activity patterns inside open malls, a mixed distribution of classical malls joined with the shops on the street. These reports can assist to design marketing campaigns by means of identifying the best places to catch the attention of customers. Activity patterns are estimated with process mining techniques and the key information of localization. Localization is obtained with a parallelized solution based on WiFi fingerprint system to speed up the solution. In agreement with the best practices for human evaluation of natural language generation systems, the linguistic quality of the generated report was evaluated by 41 experts who filled in an online questionnaire. Results are encouraging, since the average global score of the linguistic quality dimension is 6.17 (0.76 of standard deviation) in a 7-point Likert scale. This expresses a high degree of satisfaction of the generated reports and validates the adequacy of automatic natural language textual reports as a complementary tool to process model visualization. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Versatile Graphene-Based Platform for Robust Nanobiohybrid Interfaces

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    Technologically useful and robust graphene-based interfaces for devices require the introduction of highly selective, stable, and covalently bonded functionalities on the graphene surface, whilst essentially retaining the electronic properties of the pristine layer. This work demonstrates that highly controlled, ultrahigh vacuum covalent chemical functionalization of graphene sheets with a thiol-terminated molecule provides a robust and tunable platform for the development of hybrid nanostructures in different environments. We employ this facile strategy to covalently couple two representative systems of broad interest: metal nanoparticles, via S-metal bonds, and thiol-modified DNA aptamers, via disulfide bridges. Both systems, which have been characterized by a multi-technique approach, remain firmly anchored to the graphene surface even after several washing cycles. Atomic force microscopy images demonstrate that the conjugated aptamer retains the functionality required to recognize a target protein. This methodology opens a new route to the integration of high-quality graphene layers into diverse technological platforms, including plasmonics, optoelectronics, or biosensing. With respect to the latter, the viability of a thiol-functionalized chemical vapor deposition graphene-based solution-gated field-effect transistor array was assessed

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (30)

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    Sumario : Habitabilidad en el Universo.-- El imán de la Vía Láctea.-- El estudio del Universo frío.-- DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS. Johannes Kepler.-- EL “MOBY DICK” DE... Matilde Fernández (IAA-CSIC).-- HISTORIAS DE ASTRONOMÍA. La noche de Noli.-- ACTUALIDAD.-- ENTRE BASTIDORES.-- CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES : Núcleos activos de galaxias.-- ACTIVIDADES IAA.N

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora de Andalucía: citas novedosas de la provincia de Almería, el elemento estenócoro.

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    Contribution to the knowledge about Andalusian flora: new cites of the Almería province, the stenochorus elementPalabras clave. Corología, Iberomaghrebismos, sureste ibérico.Key words. Corology, Iberomaghrebism, South-eastern Iberian Peninsula

    Doñana, diversidad y ciencia

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    144 páginasLa biodiversidad es más que la suma de los elementos que componen el mundo vivo; también son biodiversidad las relaciones entre esos elementos, los procesos ecológicos que hacen posible su existencia y los procesos evolutivos que los han originado. […] Los seres humanos necesitamos a la biodiversidad más que ella a nosotros, ya que es la responsable de que la Tierra funcione de una manera satisfactoria. […] El entramado de la vida se ocupa de regular la composición de la atmósfera (y con ella, el clima), de depurar el aire y el agua, de hacer fértil al suelo, de evitar riadas y avalanchas, de polinizar las cosechas, de reducir las plagas, etc. Por todo ello es indispensable conservar la biodiversidad, hoy amenazada.” (Miguel Delibes) Doñana, diversidad y ciencia es un paseo conceptual por el espacio natural más emblemático de Europa. La esencia de un mito a través de decenas de fotografías… Un acercamiento respetuoso a la diversidad de sus conceptos, un paseo por la esencia de su historia y una curiosa aproximación a la ciencia que genera hoy en día. En este recorrido descubriremos el carácter distintivo de algunos de los parajes de la reserva, sus matices más interesantes, las texturas y las formas más sorprendentes de la naturaleza, sus colores y conjuntos, sus transformaciones en las últimas décadas y la influencia de la presencia humana en el privilegiado ecosistema de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana

    Biodiversity Assessment and Geographical Affinities of Discards in Clam Fisheries in the Atlantic–Mediterranean Transition (Northern Alboran Sea)

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    This study focused on the assessment and quantification of discards generated by clam fisheries along the northern Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean). Discard samples (n = 278) were collected throughout one year on board nine commercial vessels. A total of 129 species were identified, mostly represented by molluscs (72 spp.), arthropods (20 spp.) and echinoderms (12 spp.). Molluscs dominated in terms of abundance (67.5%) and biomass (94.2%). The superfamily Paguroidea (i.e. hermit crabs), together with undersized target individuals, were the most abundant taxa. The abundance and biomass of discards displayed significant maximum values in winter, which could be partly related to biotic factors including population dynamics of some dominant species. Multivariate analyses indicated the presence of different assemblages related to the targeted bivalve species, reflecting the transition between a fine surface-sands biocoenosis exposed to wave action and a well-sorted fine sands biocoenosis below 5 m depth. Analysis of biogeographical affinities showed that most discarded species (73.2%) have an extensive Atlantic range, whereas 7.1% have a restricted distribution within the Mediterranean. The presence of subtropical species highlights the uniqueness of this area (the Atlantic–Mediterranean transition) in European seas. The usefulness of discard analysis for biodiversity assessment is discussed.Postprin