538 research outputs found

    StĂ©rĂ©otypes d’incompĂ©tence : les consĂ©quences professionnelles d’une menace sociale

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    L’existence de stĂ©rĂ©otypes qui promeuvent l’incompĂ©tence de certains groupes sociaux peut conduire leurs cibles Ă  adopter des comportements qui confirment la mauvaise rĂ©putation de leur groupe. Deux dynamiques sont exposĂ©es pour expliquer les effets dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres de ces stĂ©rĂ©otypes dans le parcours professionnel des individus cibles : l’une repose sur l’intĂ©riorisation des stĂ©rĂ©otypes, l’autre sur l’effet de menace du stĂ©rĂ©otype. Dans les deux cas, ces stĂ©rĂ©otypes posent une menace sociale et participent Ă  la perpĂ©tuation des inĂ©galitĂ©s professionnelles. Des pistes d’action pour aider ces populations Ă  transformer la menace en dĂ©fi sont proposĂ©es.The existence of incompetence stereotypes of certain social groups may lead their group members to adopt behaviors that confirm their group’s negative reputation. Two dynamics are exposed to explain the deleterious impact of these stereotypes in the group members’ professional development: one relates to stereotype internalization, the other to stereotype threat effect. In both cases, these stereotypes create a social threat and participate in perpetuating professional inequalities. Various actions are proposed to help to transform the threat into a challenge among these individuals

    Prefigurative politics between ethical practice and absent promise

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    'Prefigurative politics' has become a popular term for social movements' ethos of unity between means and ends, but its conceptual genealogy has escaped attention. This article disentangles two components: an ethical revolutionary practice, chiefly indebted to the anarchist tradition, which fights domination while directly constructing alternatives; and prefiguration as a recursive temporal framing, unknowingly drawn from Christianity, in which a future radiates backwards on its past. Tracing prefiguration from the Church Fathers to politicised re-surfacings in the Diggers and the New Left, I associate it with Koselleck's 'process of reassurance' in a pre-ordained historical path. Contrasted to recursive prefiguration are the generative temporal framings couching defences of means-ends unity in the anarchist tradition. These emphasised the path dependency of revolutionary social transformation and the ethical underpinnings of anti-authoritarian politics. Misplaced recursive terminology, I argue, today conveniently distracts from the generative framing of means-ends unity, as the promise of revolution is replaced by that of environmental and industrial collapse. Instead of prefiguration, I suggest conceiving of means-ends unity in terms of Bloch's 'concrete utopia', and associating it with 'anxious' and 'catastrophic' forms of hope

    Acquamanili nella liturgia cristiana (IV-XVI secolo): il bronzo della Pinacoteca Nazionale di Cagliari

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    Gli acquamanili sono degli utensili che hanno una funzione liturgica nel rito cristiano, le cui origini sono verosimilmente legate a oggetti di uso profano. Il saggio analizza la funzione e le tipologie dei pochi manufatti giunti ai giorni nostri, databili tra l’VIII e il XVI secolo. Queste suppellettili occupano una posizione particolare nella storiografi a specialistica, in quanto considerati dagli studiosi “tra gli oggetti più artistici”, principalmente nell’ambito dei bronzi. Di tale materiale è costituito l’acquamanile a forma di pavone musealizzato nella Pinacoteca Nazionale di Cagliari, per il quale si affronta un’analisi storiografi ca e d’archivio, si propongono dei confronti formali e si suggeriscono un inquadramento cronologico e un ambito di provenienza basato sui dati storici.Aquamaniles are tools that have a liturgical function in the Christian rite, the origins of which are likely to be linked to objects of profane use. This essay analyses the function and the types of the few examples that have survived to this day, dating from the eighth to the sixteenth century. These ornaments have a significant position in the specialist historiography, having been considered by art historians to be “among the most artistic objects” especially those produced in bronze. Bronze is the material used for the aquamanile in the shape of a peacock that is kept in the National Gallery in Cagliari. Subjecting this important object to historiographical and archival analysis, this study advances a formal comparison that suggests a chronological framework and a place of origin based on historical data

    Redditi Turchi et potentiarum nobis. Un nuevo testimonio sobre la Cruzada contra el Imperio Otomano a mediados del siglo XV

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    The examination of liturgical codex 56-23 in Toledo Cathedral Library has revealed the existence of an exceptionally rich text, hitherto overlooked by researchers. This document contains an exhaustive assessment of the economic and military capabilities of the Turks and the Christian powers, as well as a description of their strengths and weaknesses in combat. Through the analysis of its contents and its materiality, on the one hand this article associates the circumstances of its origin and use with the preparations for the crusading project that Pius II organized against the Ottoman Empire in 1458. On the other it contextualizes and interprets this new evidence as one of the numerous crusading treatises that proliferated in humanist Europe after the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453.El examen del cĂłdice litĂșrgico 56-23 de la Biblioteca Capitular de Toledo ha revelado la existencia de un texto de excepcional riqueza, hasta ahora ignorado por los investigadores, que recoge una exhaustiva valoraciĂłn de la capacidad econĂłmica y militar del Turco y de las potencias cristianas, asĂ­ como de sus virtudes y defectos en combate. A travĂ©s del anĂĄlisis de su contenido y de su materialidad, este artĂ­culo vincula las circunstancias de origen y uso de dicho escrito con los preparativos del proyecto bĂ©lico que PĂ­o II emprendiĂł contra el Imperio otomano en 1458 y lo contextualiza e interpreta en el seno de las numerosas creaciones literarias de cruzada que proliferaron en la Europa humanista tras la conquista otomana de Constantinopla en 1453

    Music, Silence, and the Senses in a Late Fifteenth Century Book of Hours

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    Although it is common in the musicological literature to compare decorated music books with books of hours, studies addressing the musical features of books of hours are rare. This article considers musical features in the decoration of a book of hours made by leading illuminators in Ferrara ca. 1469. Images appearing in books of hours are considered to have had an exemplary and meditative function in relation to devotional practice; therefore, this study asks what the reader was intended to learn from musical images, drawing conclusions about the alignment of the senses and the significance of music in fifteenth-century religious experience
