1,456 research outputs found

    Mean-Field and Anomalous Behavior on a Small-World Network

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    We use scaling results to identify the crossover to mean-field behavior of equilibrium statistical mechanics models on a variant of the small world network. The results are generalizable to a wide-range of equilibrium systems. Anomalous scaling is found in the width of the mean-field region, as well as in the mean-field amplitudes. Finally, we consider non-equilibrium processes.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figures; reference adde

    Universality of the single-particle spectra of cuprate superconductors

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    All the available data for the dispersion and linewidth of the single-particle spectra above the superconducting gap and the pseudogap in metallic cuprates for any doping has universal features. The linewidth is linear in energy below a scale ωc\omega_c and constant above. The cusp in the linewidth at ωc\omega_c mandates, due to causality, a "waterfall", i.e., a vertical feature in the dispersion. These features are predicted by a recent microscopic theory. We find that all data can be quantitatively fitted by the theory with a coupling constant λ0\lambda_0 and an upper cutoff at ωc\omega_c which vary by less than 50% among the different cuprates and for varying dopings. The microscopic theory also gives these values to within factors of O(2).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Phase Diagrams and Crossover in Spatially Anisotropic d=3 Ising, XY Magnetic and Percolation Systems: Exact Renormalization-Group Solutions of Hierarchical Models

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    Hierarchical lattices that constitute spatially anisotropic systems are introduced. These lattices provide exact solutions for hierarchical models and, simultaneously, approximate solutions for uniaxially or fully anisotropic d=3 physical models. The global phase diagrams, with d=2 and d=1 to d=3 crossovers, are obtained for Ising, XY magnetic models and percolation systems, including crossovers from algebraic order to true long-range order.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures. Corrected typos, added publication informatio

    The Ferromagnetic Potts model under an external magnetic field: an exact renormalization group approach

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    The q-state ferromagnetic Potts model under a non-zero magnetic field coupled with the 0^th Potts state was investigated by an exact real-space renormalization group approach. The model was defined on a family of diamond hierarchical lattices of several fractal dimensions d_F. On these lattices, the renormalization group transformations became exact for such a model when a correlation coupling that singles out the 0^th Potts state was included in the Hamiltonian. The rich criticality presented by the model with q=3 and d_F=2 was fully analyzed. Apart from the Potts criticality for the zero field, an Ising-like phase transition was found whenever the system was submitted to a strong reverse magnetic field. Unusual characteristics such as cusps and dimensional reduction were observed on the critical surface.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to be published in Phys. Rev B (2006

    Diquark and Pion Condensation in Random Matrix Models for two-color QCD

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    We introduce a random matrix model with the symmetries of QCD with two colors at nonzero isospin and baryon chemical potentials and temperature. We analyze its phase diagram and find phases with condensation of pion and diquark states in addition to the phases with spontaneously broken chiral symmetries. In the limit of small chemical potentials and quark masses, we reproduce the mean field results obtained from chiral Lagrangians. As in the case of QCD with three colors, the presence of two chemical potentials breaks the flavor symmetry and leads to phases that are characterized by different behaviors of the chiral condensates for each flavor. In particular, the phase diagram we obtain is similar to QCD with three colors and three flavors of quarks of equal masses at zero baryon chemical potential and nonzero isospin and strange chemical potentials. A tricritical point of the superfluid transitions found in lattice calculations and from an analysis in terms of chiral Lagrangians does not appear in the random matrix model. Remarkably, at fixed isospin chemical potential, for the regions outside of the superfluid phases, the phase diagram in the temperature - baryon chemical potential plane for two colors and three colors are qualitatively the same.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX

    Renormalization Group Approach to Strong-Coupled Superconductors

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    We develop an asymptotically exact renormalization group (RG) approach that treats electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions on equal footing. The approach allows an unbiased study of the instabilities of Fermi liquids without the assumption of a broken symmetry. We apply our method to the problem of strongly coupled superconductors and find the temperature T* below which the high-temperature Fermi liquid state becomes unstable towards Cooper pairing. We show that T* is the same as the critical temperature Tc obtained in Eliashberg's strong coupling theory starting from the low-temperature superconducting phase. We also show that Migdal's theorem is implicit in our approach. Finally, our results lead to a novel way to calculate numerically, from microscopic parameters, the transition temperature of superconductors.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, expanded presentation, final versio

    Isotope effect on the superfluid density in conventional and high-temperature superconductors

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    We investigate the isotope effect on the London penetration depth of a superconductor which measures nS/m∗n_S/m^*, the ratio of superfluid density to effective mass. We use a simplified model of electrons weakly coupled to a single phonon frequency ωE\omega_E, but assume that the energy gap Δ\Delta does not have any isotope effect. Nevertheless we find an isotope effect for nS/m∗n_S/m^* which is significant if Δ\Delta is sufficiently large that it becomes comparable to ωE\omega_E, a regime of interest to high TcT_c cuprate superconductors and possibly other families of unconventional superconductors with relatively high TcT_c. Our model is too simple to describe the cuprates and it gives the wrong sign of the isotope effect when compared with experiment, but it is a proof of principle that the isotope effect exists for nS/m∗n_S/m^* in materials where the pairing gap and TcT_c is not of phonon origin and has no isotope effect.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Antibound States and Halo Formation in the Gamow Shell Model

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    The open quantum system formulation of the nuclear shell model, the so-called Gamow Shell Model (GSM), is a multi-configurational SM that employs a single-particle basis given by the Berggren ensemble consisting of Gamow states and the non-resonant continuum of scattering states. The GSM is of particular importance for weakly bound/unbound nuclear states where both many-body correlations and the coupling to decay channels are essential. In this context, we investigate the role of l=0 antibound (virtual) neutron single-particle states in the shell model description of loosely bound wave functions, such as the ground state wave function of a halo nucleus 11Li

    Phase Transitions In Two Planar Lattice Models And Topological Defects: A Monte Carlo Study

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    Monte Carlo simulation has been performed in the planar P(_{2}) and P(_{4}) models to investigate the effects of the suppression of topological defects on the phase transition exhibited by these models. Suppression of the 1/2-defects on the square plaquettes in the P(_{2}) model leads to complete elimination of the phase transition observed in this model. However in the P(_{4}) model, on suppressing the single 1/2-defects on square plaquettes, the otherwise first order phase transition changes to a second order one which occurs at a higher temperature and this is due to presence of large number of 1/2-pair defects which are left within the square plaquettes. When we suppressed these charges too, complete elimination of phase transition was observed.Comment: Related work has been presented in 22 nd International Conference on Statistical Physics, STATPHYS22, IISC Bangalore, Indi

    Notes on the Hamiltonian formulation of 3D Yang-Mills theory

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    Three-dimensional Yang-Mills theory is investigated in the Hamiltonian formalism based on the Karabali-Nair variable. A new algorithm is developed to obtain the renormalized Hamiltonian by identifying local counterterms in Lagrangian with the use of fictitious holomorphic symmetry existing in the framework with the KN variable. Our algorithm is totally algebraic and enables one to calculate the ground state wave functional recursively in gauge potentials. In particular, the Gaussian part thus calculated is shown to coincide with that obtained by Leigh et al. Higher-order corrections to the Gaussian part are also discussed.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX; discussions on IR regulators and local counterterms improved, references adde
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