366 research outputs found

    Systematic reviews and meta-analyses

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    Suomalainen julkaisuaktiivisuus psykiatrian alan ydinlehdissä vuosina 2001-2010

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    Bibliometrian menetelmät ovat vakiinnuttaneet asemansa tutkimustyön arvioinnin apuvälineenä. Tässä työssä esitellään 30 maan psykiatrian tutkimustoiminnan tuloksellisuutta vertailemalla tutkimusryhmien julkaisutoimintaa vuosina 2001-2010 kansainvälisissä psykiatrian ja sen lähialueiden näkyvimmissä lehdissä. Lisäksi analysoidaan Suomen psykiatrian julkaisutoiminnan kansainvälistä yhteistyötä. Tulosten mukaan ydinlehtien julkaisemien artikkeleiden määrä oli kasvanut tarkastelujakson aikana kolmanneksella ja kaikissa maissa psykiatrian julkaisuaktiivisuus oli lisääntynyt. Suomalaisten kirjoittajien osuus kaikista artikkeleista oli 1,7 prosenttia. Suomalaisten artikkeleista yli puolet oli yhteisjulkaisuja ulkomaisten tutkijoiden kanssa. Kansainvälisten yhteisjulkaisujen osuus oli kasvanut tasaisesti koko 2000-luvun. Suurimmassa osassa suomalaisia kirjoittajia sisältävistä tutkimuksista myös vastuukirjoittaja oli Suomesta. Tämä osuus oli kuitenkin laskenut viime vuosina kansainvälisen yhteistyön lisääntymisen myötä

    Mortality of young offenders : a national register-based follow-up study of 15-to 19-year-old Finnish delinquents referred for forensic psychiatric examination between 1980 and 2010

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    Background: The mortality rate of young offenders is high. Furthermore, mortality in young offenders is associated with psychiatric and substance use disorders. The primary aim of this national register-based follow-up study was to investigate the mortality rate of Finnish delinquents who underwent a forensic psychiatric examination between 1980 and 2010. As delinquency is not a solid entity, we further aimed to compare the risk of premature death among different subgroups of the delinquents; violent versus non-violent offenders, offenders with alcohol use disorders versus those with no such diagnoses, offenders with schizophrenia spectrum disorders versus conduct-and personality-disordered offenders, under-aged versus young adult offenders, and, finally, boys versus girls. Methods: We collected the forensic psychiatric examination reports of all 15- to 19-year-old offenders who were born in Finland and had undergone the examination between 1.1.1980 and 31.12.2010 (n = 606) from the archives of the National Institute of Health and Welfare and retrospectively reviewed them. For each delinquent, four age-, gender- and place of birth-matched controls were randomly selected from the Central Population Register (n = 2424). The delinquents and their controls were followed until the end of 2015. The median follow-up time was 23.9 years (interquartile range 15.3-29.5). We obtained the mortality data from the causes of death register. Deaths attributable to a disease or an occupational disease were considered natural, and those attributable to an accident, suicide or homicide were considered unnatural. Results: By the end of the follow-up period, 22.1% (n = 134) of the delinquents and 3.4% (n = 82) of their controls had died (OR 8.11, 95% CI 6.05-10.86, p <0.001). Among boys, 22.0% (n = 121) of the delinquents and 3.7% (n = 81) of the controls had died (OR 7.38, 95% CI 5.46-9.95, p <0.001). Male delinquents' risk of unnatural death was almost 11-fold, of natural death more than twofold, and of unclear death more than fourfold compared to that of their controls. No girls had natural or unclear deaths, but 23.6% (n = 13) of the delinquents and 0.5% (n = 1) of the controls had died due to unnatural causes (OR 67.79, 95% CI 8.63-532.00, p <0.001). The violent delinquents' risk of premature death was twice that of the non-violent delinquents. The other comparisons demonstrated no statistically significant differences between subgroups. Conclusions: Even though the Finnish correction system prefers psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation over criminal sanctions, and the national health care system offers developmental-phase-specific psychiatric care, the mortality rate of delinquents, especially of those with a history of violent offences, is high. The excess mortality of offenders can be regarded as a specific public-health inequity that calls for more effective intervention procedures than those used thus far.Peer reviewe

    Diagnostic and prognostic prediction models in ventilator-associated pneumonia: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prediction modelling studies

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    Machine learning; Mechanical ventilation; Prognostic modelAprenentatge automàtic; Ventilació mecànica; Model pronòsticAprendizaje automático; Ventilacion mecanica; Modelo pronósticoPurpose Existing expert systems have not improved the diagnostic accuracy of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The aim of this systematic literature review was to review and summarize state-of-the-art prediction models detecting or predicting VAP from exhaled breath, patient reports and demographic and clinical characteristics. Methods Both diagnostic and prognostic prediction models were searched from a representative list of multidisciplinary databases. An extensive list of validated search terms was added to the search to cover papers failing to mention predictive research in their title or abstract. Two authors independently selected studies, while three authors extracted data using predefined criteria and data extraction forms. The Prediction Model Risk of Bias Assessment Tool was used to assess both the risk of bias and the applicability of the prediction modelling studies. Technology readiness was also assessed. Results Out of 2052 identified studies, 20 were included. Fourteen (70%) studies reported the predictive performance of diagnostic models to detect VAP from exhaled human breath with a high degree of sensitivity and a moderate specificity. In addition, the majority of them were validated on a realistic dataset. The rest of the studies reported the predictive performance of diagnostic and prognostic prediction models to detect VAP from unstructured narratives [2 (10%)] as well as baseline demographics and clinical characteristics [4 (20%)]. All studies, however, had either a high or unclear risk of bias without significant improvements in applicability. Conclusions The development and deployment of prediction modelling studies are limited in VAP and related outcomes. More computational, translational, and clinical research is needed to bring these tools from the bench to the bedside.The project is supported by the Academy of Finland (project number 326291) and the University of Oulu

    Risk factors of hospitalization for carpal tunnel syndrome among the general working population

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    Objectives Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) causes a considerable amount of sick leave and healthcare costs. The etiology of CTS is multifactorial, involving both personal and occupational risk factors. To date, few prospective cohort studies on occupational risk factors of CTS have examined the general working population. Methods The study population consisted of participants from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort of 1966 who attended the 31-year follow-up in 1997 and were working >= 3 days a week in a paid job (N=6326). Information on socio-economic status, weight and height, smoking, exposure to occupational physical factors, and long-term illnesses was collected at baseline in 1997. Data on hospitalizations due to CTS came from the Care Register for Health Care, 1997-2016. Results Between 1997 and 2016, 3.4% of the participants had been hospitalized (attended secondary care) for CTS. After adjusting for confounders, women [hazard ratio (HR) 3.77, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.70-5.25], overweight/obese participants (HR 1.69, 95% CI 1.29-2.22), smokers (HR 1.48, 95% CI 1.12-1.96), farmers and manual workers (HR 3.02, 95% CI 1.85-4.92 compared with upper clerical workers), lower clerical workers (HR 1.74, 95% CI=1.08-2.80), workers exposed to hand vibration (HR 2.29, 95% CI 1.48-3.54) and participants with physically demanding jobs (HR 1.71, CI 1.06-2.76) were at increased risk of hospitalization for CTS. Physically demanding work increased the risk of hospitalization for CTS for overweight/obese participants at baseline, but not for participants of normal weight. Conclusions Excess body mass and occupational physical factors increase the risk of hospitalization for CTS. Excess body mass potentiates the adverse effects of strenuous work on CTS.Peer reviewe

    Do adverse perinatal events predict mortality in schizophrenia during midlife?

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    Background: We examined mortality in schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD) and non-schizophrenic psychosis (NSSD) compared to individuals without psychosis, and whether perinatal factors predict mortality. Methods: Within Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (n = 10 933; 203 with SSD, 178 with NSSD), mortality was followed until end of 2011 by national register. Wantedness of pregnancy, mother's antenatal depression, smoking and age, parity, paternal socio-economic status (SES) and family type at birth were examined as predictors of mortality. Results: Mortality was higher in SSD (hazard ratio (HR) 3.60; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.38-5.45) and NSSD (4.05; 2.65-6.17) compared to persons without psychoses after adjustment for gender. HR for natural death was 2.01 (0.82-4.91) in SSD and 4.63 (2.43-8.80) in NSSD after adjustment for gender. Corresponding figures for unnatural deaths were 4.71 (2.94-7.54) and 2.94 (1.56-5.55), respectively. Among non-psychotic persons, mother's depression, smoking and low SES predicted mortality after adjustment for gender and parental psychoses (and SES), whereas among psychosis those whose father was a farmer had lower risk of mortality compared to those with high SES. Conclusions: Individuals with SSD had a higher risk of unnatural death and individuals with NSSD of natural and unnatural deaths. Perinatal factors seem to be more important predictors of mortality in individuals without psychoses than with psychoses. According to population-based long follow-up data, it is important to pay attention to somatic morbidity behind natural causes of death in psychoses and to prevent suicides in order to prevent excess mortality. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Cerebrovascular disease at young age is related to mother's health during the pregnancy-The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 study

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    Background and purpose For prevention of cerebrovascular diseases at younger age, it is important to understand the risk factors occurring early in life. We investigated the relationship between mothers' general health during pregnancy and the offspring's risk of cerebrovascular disease in age of 15 to 52 years. Methods Within the population-based prospective Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966, 11,926 persons were followed from antenatal period to 52 years of age. Information on their mother's ill health conditions, i.e., hospitalizations, chronic diseases, medications, vitamin or iron supplement, fever, anemia, mood, and smoking was collected from 24th gestational week onwards. Ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular diseases of the offspring were identified from national registers in Finland. Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate the association of mother's health conditions with incidence of cerebrovascular disease in the offspring, with adjustments for potential confounders. Results During 565,585 person-years of follow-up, 449 (2.8%) of the offspring had a cerebrovascular disease. Hospitalization during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of cerebrovascular disease in the offspring (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.49; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.06-2.08) after adjustment for confounders, as was having more than three ill health conditions (HR = 1.89; CI 1.14-3.11). Not using vitamin or iron supplement was associated with increased risk for cerebrovascular disease in the offspring (HR = 1.39; CI 1.01-1.89). Conclusions The results suggest that the risk of cerebrovascular disease may start as early as during the antenatal period, and the health characteristics of mothers during pregnancy may play a role in cerebrovascular disease risk of the offspring.Peer reviewe

    Nuorten kannabiksen käyttö, aivojen kehitys ja psykiatriset häiriöt

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    Kannabis on yleisin nuorten käyttämä laiton päihde.Nuoruus on herkkää aikaa kannabiksen haitoille, sillä keskushermosto kypsyy silloin laaja-alaisesti. Käyttö voi myöhemmin altistaa mielenterveysongelmille ja päihdehäiriölle.Kannabista käyttävien nuorten ja nuorten aikuisten psyykkistä vointia on syytä arvioida rutiinisti, etenkin jos suvussa esiintyy vakavia mielenterveyden häiriöitä

    Do seriously offending girls differ from their age- and offence type-matched male counterparts on psychopathic traits or psychopathy-related background variables?

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    Background: More research is needed to improve our understanding of the manifestation of psychopathic traits in violently offending girls. Our aim here was to assess psychopathic traits and psychopathy-related background variables in a Finnish nationwide consecutive sample of girls charged with violent crimes and referred to a pretrial forensic psychiatric examination. These girls were then compared to their male counterparts. Methods: The forensic psychiatric examination statements of 15-to 17-year-old juveniles who underwent a pretrial forensic psychiatric examination over a 31-year period (1980-2010) were reviewed. For each non-psychotic girl with a normal IQ (n = 25), an age-and offence type-matched male control was randomly selected. Offence and offender characteristics were collected from the forensic psychiatric examination reports, and a file-based assessment of psychopathic traits was performed using the Hare psychopathy checklist-youth version. Results: Approximately every third girl exhibited high traits of psychopathy, and no significant difference was observed between the genders. Focusing on the underlying factor and item scores, the girls scored significantly lower than boys on the Antisocial factor. Their interpersonal relationships were significantly more unstable and they significantly more often exhibited a history of child sexual abuse. During the index offence the girls were significantly less frequently intoxicated, and their victims were significantly more often family members or current or ex-intimates but significantly less often strangers. Conclusions: Although violently offending girls and boys do not differ on psychopathy total scores, significant gender differences exist on underlying factor and item scores as well as in background-and offence-related variables. Interventions should take into account these special features of violent girls.Peer reviewe