32 research outputs found

    Neuroethology of the Waggle Dance: How Followers Interact with the Waggle Dancer and Detect Spatial Information

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    Since the honeybee possesses eusociality, advanced learning, memory ability, and information sharing through the use of various pheromones and sophisticated symbol communication (i.e., the "waggle dance"), this remarkable social animal has been one of the model symbolic animals for biological studies, animal ecology, ethology, and neuroethology. Karl von Frisch discovered the meanings of the waggle dance and called the communication a "dance language." Subsequent to this discovery, it has been extensively studied how effectively recruits translate the code in the dance to reach the advertised destination and how the waggle dance information conflicts with the information based on their own foraging experience. The dance followers, mostly foragers, detect and interact with the waggle dancer, and are finally recruited to the food source. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge on the neural processing underlying this fascinating behavior

    Pulmonary Manifestations of Plasma Cell Type Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease: A Clinicopathological Study in Comparison with IgG4-Related Disease

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    Plasma cell type idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (PC-iMCD) occasionally manifests as parenchymal lung disease. This study aimed to elucidate the detailed clinicopathological features of lung lesions in PC-iMCD and compare the findings with those in immunoglobulin (Ig) G4-related disease (IgG4-RD), the most difficult differential diagnosis of PC-iMCD. We analyzed the clinicopathological findings and immunohistochemical expression patterns of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Igs in lung specimens from 16 patients with PC-iMCD and 7 patients with IgG4-RD. Histologically, pulmonary PC-iMCD could not be differentiated from IgG4-RD based on lesion distribution patterns, the number of lymphoid follicles and obliterative vasculitis, or fibrosis types. The eosinophil count was higher in the IgG4-RD group than in the PC-iMCD group (p = 0.004). The IgG4/IgG-positive cell ratio was significantly higher in the IgG4-RD group (p < 0.001). The IgA-positive cell count and IL-6 expression intensity were higher in the PC-iMCD group than in the IgG4-RD group (p < 0.001). Based on these findings, we proposed a new diagnostic approach to differentiate lung lesions of PC-iMCD and IgG4-RD. Our approach can be utilized to stratify patients with suspected lung-dominant PC-iMCD to identify candidates for strong immunosuppressive treatment, including IL-6 blockade, at an early stage

    Neural basis of the polarization compass in insects

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    Aggressive behavior of the white-eye mutant crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus

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    Aggressive behavior of white-eye mutant crickets was investigated and compared with that of wild-type crickets. In the dark, wild-type pairs performed long-lasting fights with significantly higher aggressive levels compared to those in the light. In contrast, fights between two white-eye mutants were not significantly different with those between two wild-type crickets both in duration and the aggressive levels. Ethograms of aggressive behavior showed that the mutants could show typical sequentially escalating fight with the same behavioral categories as the wild-type crickets. These results indicate that the white-eye mutants are able to express normal aggressive behavior

    Evidence for instantaneous e-vector detection in the honeybee using an associative learning paradigm

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    Many insects use the polarization pattern of the sky for obtaining compass information during orientation or navigation. E-vector information is collected by a specialized area in the dorsal-most part of the compound eye, the dorsal rim area (DRA). We tested honeybees' capability of learning certain e-vector orientations by using a classical conditioning paradigm with the proboscis extension reflex. When one e-vector orientation (CS+) was associated with sugar water (US), while another orientation (CS-) was not rewarded, the honeybees could discriminate CS+ from CS-. Bees, whose DRA was inactivated by painting, did not learn CS+. When ultraviolet polarized light (350 nm) was used for CS, the bees discriminated CS+ from CS-, but no discrimination was observed in blue (442 nm) or green light (546 nm). Our data indicate that honeybees can learn and discriminate between different e-vector orientations, sensed by the UV receptors of the DRA, suggesting that bees can determine their flight direction from polarized UV skylight during foraging. Fixing the bees' heads during the experiments did not prevent learning, indicating that they use an "instantaneous" algorithm of e-vector detection; i.e. the bees do not need to actively scan the sky with their DRAs ("sequential" method) to determine e-vector orientation

    Aggressive behavior of the white-eye mutant crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus

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    Aggressive behavior of white-eye mutant crickets was investigated and compared with that of wild-type crickets. In the dark, wild-type pairs performed long-lasting fights with significantly higher aggressive levels compared to those in the light. In contrast, fights between two white-eye mutants were not significantly different with those between two wild-type crickets both in duration and the aggressive levels. Ethograms of aggressive behavior showed that the mutants could show typical sequentially escalating fight with the same behavioral categories as the wild-type crickets. These results indicate that the white-eye mutants are able to express normal aggressive behavior