58 research outputs found
Building Information Dashboard as Decision Support during Design Phase
This paper discusses the Building Information Dashboard, a data representation
method which provides a solid basis for decision-makers to make optimal
decisions during the design phase of an Architecture, Engineering, and
Construction project. We describe an example project workflow where the
dashboard is integrated. We sum up the evaluation method, which is the basis of
the dashboard, and we research what type of visualization method is best suited to
representing this type of data. To this end, an evaluation matrix was created to
compare the alternative charts. We take into account what kind of information
such a dashboard should represent and what kind of features it should have. We
suggest layouts for different use cases - both for professional and
non-professional decision-makers, as well as for discipline designers
Method for Evaluating a Building Information Model
This paper discusses a method for evaluating building information models from the point of view of different disciplines. The ultimate goal is to provide a methodology for decision-makers on an Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) project, where they can follow the status and performance of the BIM model at each project milestone, from different aspects, in a comparable manner. This methodology requires an evaluation method that aggregates data input by the designers. Interpreting BIM models is complex – multi-dimensional, in fact, considering the meta-information added to it. Therefore, the aggregation process is not trivial and may differ in several cases. We build up multi-dimensional diagrams to chart the possible factors of the evaluation, besides introducing aggregation rules and visualizations. For such a method, it was essential to analyze BIM ontologies in order to establish a precise definition for each concept: milestones, building parts, indicator metrics, etc. We describe an example project workflow where our method works in theory, while we give a practical solution how to add the evaluation data to the BIM model with CAAD software
Gastritisek es gastropathiak.
Alterations of the stomach mucosa in response to different adverse effects result in various morphological and clinical symptoms. Gastric mucosa alterations can be classified on the bases of diverse viewpoints. It makes this overview difficult, that identical toxic effects may cause different mucosal changes and different toxic agents may produce similar mucosal appearance. The more accurate understanding of the pathological processes which develop in the stomach mucosa needs reconsideration. The authors make an attempt to define gastritis and gastropathy in order to classify and present their features. Gastritis is a histological definition indicating mucosal inflammation. Acute gastritis is caused by infections. The two most important forms of chronic gastritis are metaplastic atrophic gastritis with an autoimmune origin and Helicobacter pylori inflammation. Gastropathy is the name of different structural alterations of the mucosa. Its most important feature is the paucity of inflammatory signs. Gastropathies can be divided into 4 categories based on the nature of the underlying pathological effect, on its morphological appearance and the way of the development. Differential diagnosis is an important pathological and clinical task because different treatment methods and prognosis. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(2), 43-61
Biztonságkritikus diagnosztikai célú informatikai rendszerek kutatása = Safety critical diagnostic systems
A kutatás az elfogadott projekt tervnek megfelelően több egymáshoz kapcsolódó résztémát ölelt fel. Az elért eredményeket röviden ismertetjük a Szakmai Beszámolóban, az eredmények részletes leírása a megadott publikációkban található. Az elért eredmények tükröződnek a megjelentetett közlemények nagy számában, valamint a résztvevő kutatók előrehaladásában a tudományos ranglétrán. Jelen OTKA projektben résztvevők közül ketten PhD minősítést szereztek (Szilágyi László és Kovács Levente), egy résztvevő (Somogyi Péter) PhD eljárása folyamatban van és várhatóan ebben az évben lezárul. További négy résztvevő fejezte be sikeresen PhD tanulmányait (Kovács Katalin, Heckenast Tamás, Fördös Gergely, Szlávecz Ákos) és szerzett abszolutóriumot, ők aktívan dolgoznak a disszertációjuk elkészítésén. Az OTKA projekt témájához kötődve több kutatási és kutatásfejlesztési program indult. Két programot említünk, melyek a "Diagnosztika foton emissziós felvételek alapján" végzett kutatások kapcsán indultak, ezek: - Multi-modalitású képalkotó-rendszer sorozatgyártásra történő kifejlesztése orvos-biológiai kutatás és humán orvos-diagnosztika céljára (PETCT_06) - Különböző modalitású orvosi diagnosztikai tomográfiás berendezésekbe építhető teraflop kapacitású képrekonstrukciós rendszer kifejlesztése (TERATOMO) Az OTKA kutatási projekt tehát nemcsak a publikációkban közzétett kutatási eredményeket tekintve, hanem további mérhető szempontokat is figyelembe véve sikeresen zárult. | The reported project included several subtopics according to the original project plan. The details of the achieved results are published in the papers listed in the project report. Both the high number of the publications and the improvements of the participating researchers in their scientific carrier reflect the project results. Two researchers (Szilágyi László és Kovács Levente) from the project team received PhD degree during this research project, another participant (Somogyi Péter) started his PhD graduation and four other researchers (Kovács Katalin, Heckenast Tamás, Fördös Gergely, Szlávecz Ákos) finished successfully her/his PhD study. The successful OTKA project also helped us to initiate further research and R&D projects. Two examples are: - Development of multimodality imaging system for serial production dedicated to biomedical research and human diagnostic imaging - Development of a teraflop capacity image reconstruction system for various medical tomography devices used for diagnosis. Thus this OTKA research project has been successfully completed regarding the scientific results and other achievements as well
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