8 research outputs found

    A current review of causation and management of functional myopia

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    A current review of the proposed causes and controls concerning the management of functional myopia is discussed. Nutritional-Disease, Mechanical-Anatomical, Environmental, and Genetic theories are reviewed. Topics concerning the controls of myopia include orthokeratology, vision training, surgery, pharmaceuticals and bifocals. A macroscopic theory of myopia development is presented and the merits of the various methods of control are evaluated

    Values and Culture in the Family Business Studies (Spanish)

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    Evidence for Paleoindians in Wisconsin and at the Skare Site

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    The Utilization of Inorganic and Organic Phosphorous Compounds as Nutrients by Eukaryotic Microalgae: A Multidisciplinary Perspective: Part 2

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    Situational factors shape moral judgments in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern, and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample

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    Much research on moral judgment is centered on moral dilemmas in which deontological perspectives (i.e., emphasizing rules, individual rights and duties) are in conflict with utilitarian judgements (i.e., following the greater good defined through consequences). A central finding of this field Greene et al. showed that psychological and situational factors (e.g., the intent of the agent, or physical contact between the agent and the victim) play an important role in people’s use of deontological versus utilitarian considerations when making moral decisions. As their study was conducted with US samples, our knowledge is limited concerning the universality of this effect, in general, and the impact of culture on the situational and psychological factors of moral judgments, in particular. Here, we empirically test the universality of deontological and utilitarian judgments by replicating Greene et al.’s experiments on a large (N = X,XXX) and diverse (WEIRD and non-WEIRD) sample across the world to explore the influence of culture on moral judgment. The relevance of this exploration to a broad range of policy-making problems is discussed