70 research outputs found


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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Diritto come qualita o qualita del diritto? Questioni preliminari

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    Il presente studio, appartenente all’ambito della fenomenologia giuridica, tratta la questione della qualità del diritto; il problema lampante e fortemente presente presso ogni sistema giuridico contemporaneo. Lo studio avanza certe proposte secondo cui la qualità del diritto non appartenga all’ambito della tecnica normativa né si identifichi con la mera osservanza del dettato legislativo. La qualità riguarda piuttosto l’ambito della ricerca, e si collega inseparabilmente con il concetto di teoria del diritto e con il suo necessario sviluppo. L’A. prende le distanze dai modi tradizionali di trattare l’argomento, procedendo piuttosto verso nuovi orizzonti metodologici e dottrinali

    Główne ogniwa dydaktyczne w procesie nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego

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    Niniejszy artykuł stanowi częściowo zmienioną i uzupełnioną wersję artykułu opublikowanego w "Dydaktyce Szkoły Wyższej" 1983, nr 4/64, z. 133-147, opracowanego w ramach badań nad problemem P III 7 w latach 1980-1981.Organizacja procesu nauczania języka obcego i jego przebieg mogą być różne, ponieważ zależą od wielu czynników. W przypadku środowiska studentów-cudzoziemców są to przede wszystkim: poziom wiedzy ogólnej studenta, uzdolnienia językowe, właściwości psychofizyczne, możliwości percepcyjne i adaptacyjne. Podstawowym warunkiem prawidłowo zorganizowanego procesu nauczania i uczenia obcokrajowca jest: wszechstronne rozpoznanie środowiska studenckiego, zapoznanie się z planem studiów dla cudzoziemców w Polsce oraz uwzględnienie w procesie dydaktycznym głównych ogniw i zasad dydaktycznych oraz uwarunkowań psychologicznych.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Discernimento del Superiore religioso: la postulazione

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    The main purpose of the present submission relates to the matter of the postulation regulated by the legal disposition expressed in canons 180 e 181 CIC/83. The main emphasis is not placed on the correct application of the canon law, in the case concerning the dispensation granted to who is ineligible to the canonical office or other assignment.Instead, the Author tries to highlight the meaning and importance that must be given to the discernment undertaken by the collegial Authority in the case of election. The article presents the certain conditions required from the candidate and, at the same time, supplies these criteria, which usually are considered by the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the matter of admission of the postulation.The main purpose of the present submission relates to the matter of the postulation regulated by the legal disposition expressed in canons 180 e 181 CIC/83. The main emphasis is not placed on the correct application of the canon law, in the case concerning the dispensation granted to who is ineligible to the canonical office or other assignment.Instead, the Author tries to highlight the meaning and importance that must be given to the discernment undertaken by the collegial Authority in the case of election. The article presents the certain conditions required from the candidate and, at the same time, supplies these criteria, which usually are considered by the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the matter of admission of the postulation

    Concetto di responsabilità oggettiva nell’ordinamento canonico

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    The main aim of this paper is to examine the presence of the strict liability category in the legal system of the Latin Catholic Church. According to the correct understanding of the objective responsibility in the legislation of modern states, the Author, after having considered profound analysis concerning the offices’ duties of the hierarchical Superior, studied the specific content of the can. 128 CIC/1983 and indicated it as the benchmark in order to establish possible, not only theoretical, answer of the problem. The research has found that, it is highly probable to assign some negative consequences (a real responsibility) to ecclesial Superiors even without their fault.Il presente studio s’interrgoa sull’effettiva presenza dell’istituzione della responsabilità oggettiva all’interno dell’ordinamento canonico vigente. Si tratta, infatti, di imputare la responsabilità al soggetto non agente (per dolo o per colpa) col il quale, tuttavia, l’agente rimane in una specifica relazione d’indole giuridica. A questo scopo servirà l’analisi delle soluzioni legali presenti negli ordinamenti civili come civil law e common law. In base a si giunti risultati, l’Autore proporrà una plausibile ipotesi, aperta comunque ad accogliere diverse opinioni dottrinali, le critiche inclusi.Il presente studio s’interrgoa sull’effettiva presenza dell’istituzione della responsabilità oggettiva all’interno dell’ordinamento canonico vigente. Si tratta, infatti, di imputare la responsabilità al soggetto non agente (per dolo o per colpa) col il quale, tuttavia, l’agente rimane in una specifica relazione d’indole giuridica. A questo scopo servirà l’analisi delle soluzioni legali presenti negli ordinamenti civili come civil law e common law. In base a si giunti risultati, l’Autore proporrà una plausibile ipotesi, aperta comunque ad accogliere diverse opinioni dottrinali, le critiche inclusi

    Maia Luisi, Gli istituti misti di vita consacrata. Natura, caratteristiche e potestà di governo

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    È possibile risolvere la questione dell’incardinazione anomala di cui al can. 701 del CIC/83?

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    The main goal of this article is to find a constructive legal solution after incardinatio abnormis arose as a result of a legal dismissal of the member of the clerical religious Institute. By virtue of a legal dismissal decree, the punished religious-cleric looses a proper canonical status of being consecrated. The author discusses the meaning of the legal dismissal in the Code of Canon Law of 1983. Emphasis is placed on the consequences and circumstances of this act; especially in order to address the problem of incardination of a religious-cleric who was punished with a dismissal. Dimissio modo iure praescripto automatically excardinates from the religious Institute, however without any guarantee or a subjective right or faculty given to the punished cleric in order to be eligible to be incardinated to another ecclesial community according to the can. 265 CIC/83

    Tutela giuridica della professione religiosa ad tempus emissa

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    The question, which launched our study, concerns the problem of the legal possibilities carried out in order to protect canonically the state of the consecrated life even though assumed temporary. Firstly, the Author tries to focus on the meaning of the canonical state and canonical status of the consecrated persons. The aim is to point out that it is not appropriate to simply consider condicio as the state sic et simpliciter in the meaning of the legislation of the 1983 Code.In a second moment, the Author analyses the hypothesis relates to lose the proper canonical status, especially this one assumed ad tempus. The question the Author tries to answer concerns legal possibilities and appropriates manners in order to protect the single consecrated religious.Finally, the Author presents the main thesis of this paper, relates to the pre­‑establishment of the proof. In this perspective, it is very convenient for both the religious Authority and an individual religious to document the proper acts/activities even though, in case of the legal Superiors, deprived of binding force

    Tutela giuridica della professione religiosa ad tempus emissa

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    The question, which launched our study, concerns the problem of the legal possibilities carried out in order to protect canonically the state of the consecrated life even though assumed temporary. Firstly, the Author tries to focus on the meaning of the canonical state and canonical status of the consecrated persons. The aim is to point out that it is not appropriate to simply consider condicio as the state sic et simpliciter in the meaning of the legislation of the 1983 Code. In a second moment, the Author analyses the hypothesis relates to lose the proper canonical status , especially this one assumed ad tempus . The question the Author tries to answer concerns legal possibilities and appropriates manners in order to protect the single consecrated religious. Finally, the Author presents the main thesis of this paper, relates to the pre -establishment of the proof. In this perspective, it is very convenient for both the religious Authority and an individual religious to document the proper acts/activities even though, in case of the legal Superiors, deprived of binding force