26 research outputs found

    The impact of building up the limb muscle mass by the resistance exercise with the intake of milk in middle-aged and elderly women

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    Background: In the rapidly aging Japanese society, the most serious disorder to prevent is sarcopenia for extending healthy life expectancy. Objective: This study was carried out to clarify whether five kinds of specific and simple resistance exercise performing at home for the short term (42 days) with theintake of whole milk could help to increase the limb muscle mass in middle-aged and elderly women. Participants and measurements: Subjects were 39 healthy women aged 50 to 80 years who gave the consent to participate in the present study. Body composition, physical fitness, food and nutrient intake were measured. Oral glucose-tolerance test (OGTT) was also performed. Groups and results: Subjects were categorized in two groups; Group I with the increase of the limb muscle mass after exercise and Group II with no increase. Body weight before exercise (Group I, 51.6±5.5 kg vs Group II, 58.5±10.3 kg), the body mass index (BMI) (21.7±2.5 kg/m2 vs 24.3±3.9 kg/m2), the limb muscle mass (14.4±1.3 kg vs 15.6±2.0 kg), the skeletal muscle mass index (SMI) (6.0±0.5 kg/m2 vs 6.5±0.7 kg/m2), were all significantly high in Group II. The intake of milk before exercise in Group I (162.1±103.7 g/day) was significantly higher than in Group II (92.5±63.3 g/day). The blood glucose level at 30 min after glucose loading in Group I before exercise was significantly higher than that in Group Ⅱ (199.3 ± 31.1 mg/dl vs 177.0±34.1 mg/dl). Conclusion: The subjects in Group I could successfully increase the limb muscle mass, but the subjects in Group II, whose weight, BMI, the limb muscle mass were significantly high before exercise, could not increase the muscle mass by resistance exercise with the intake of milk. It was considered that the resistance exercise carried out in this study was not strong enough for Group II. We assumed that the BMI value could be the indicator of the strength of exercise for building up the muscle mass in middle-aged and elderly individuals

    トウニョウビョウ ケア ノ リスク マネージメント

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    The number of diabetics has been increasing in recent years. The diabetics are under varioustreatments, including the improvement of life habit and the medication for diabetes with insulin.Our hospital set a team of diabetic care, which is composed of a diabetic specialist, certified diabeteseducators(CDEs), nurses, dietricians and pharmacists. This team takes great care of the diabetics.For medical safety measures, the department of risk management was organized in our hospital.The department investigated the cases of Hiyari-Hatto within 1 year and 3 months, from 2005to 2006, and found that 3% of them was the diabetic case, which was caused by the nurses exceptCDEs. Therefore the department made the manual of diabetic therapy in cooperation with theCDEs. All the staffs in our hospital were educated by the seminars according to the manual. Theknowledge about the diabetic therapy proved to be mostly accurate one year after the last seminar.For the improvement of medical safety, the department of risk management helps the CDEswith holding the educational seminars by giving the informations after analyzing the cases of Hiyari-Hatto and the questionnaires following the seminars


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    【目的】近年、高齢者の低栄養問題が注目されている。これまで、集団を対象とした、ある一時点における横断的調査の結果が多数報告された。一方で、長期間にわたり同じ栄養摂取状態が継続された同一人物を追跡した縦断的調査はほとんどない。本研究では、4年前に栄養状態の調査を行った長期入院中の高齢者を対象として追跡調査を行い、栄養状態、自立度、介護度および認知症度の推移について検討を行った。【方法】C 県C 市N医学生物学研究所付属病院に入院している11名(男性2 名、女性9 名、年齢81.8±6.4歳、入院期間平均6.0±1.7年、2012年3 月)を対象とし、身体計測、栄養状態調査、自立度(寝たきり度)、要介護度、認知症度、および栄養素摂取調査を行った。また、血液を採取し、生化学的検査を行った。調査は2012年2 ~ 8 月に実施し、2008年1 ~ 4 月に行った調査のデータを利用して縦断的な比較を行った。また、栄養摂取方法の違いの比較も行った。【結果】対象入院患者の推定栄養素摂取量は、約4年間で減少する傾向が見られた。血液・生化学検査の結果からは、加齢に伴う栄養状態の低下が観察された。ビタミン類に関しては、栄養剤から栄養素を摂取している経腸栄養患者の方が、食事を通じて栄養素をしている経口栄養患者と比べて血中の値が良好であり、また加齢に伴う低下度は小さかった。亜鉛は縦断的な比較はできなかったが、2012年の調査では11名中10名が基準値未満であった。【考察】長期入院高齢者においては、ビタミン、ミネラル類に関しては、経腸栄養群の方が経口栄養群よりも栄養状態が良かった。しかし、経腸栄養剤に十分含まれていない栄養素に関しては不足していた。これより、経腸栄養患者に対しては、ビタミンばかりではなく、亜鉛をはじめとするミネラル類の含有量も配慮された経腸栄養剤に変更する、または使用中の栄養剤と併用して、ミネラル類の摂取量を上げることが望まれる。また、経口栄養患者に対しても、給食に加えて栄養補助食品やサプリメントなどを利用して、不足している微量栄養素の補給を行うことが望ましいと考えられる

    Human Cryptochrome-1 Confers Light Independent Biological Activity in Transgenic Drosophila Correlated with Flavin Radical Stability

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    Cryptochromes are conserved flavoprotein receptors found throughout the biological kingdom with diversified roles in plant development and entrainment of the circadian clock in animals. Light perception is proposed to occur through flavin radical formation that correlates with biological activity in vivo in both plants and Drosophila. By contrast, mammalian (Type II) cryptochromes regulate the circadian clock independently of light, raising the fundamental question of whether mammalian cryptochromes have evolved entirely distinct signaling mechanisms. Here we show by developmental and transcriptome analysis that Homo sapiens cryptochrome - 1 (HsCRY1) confers biological activity in transgenic expressing Drosophila in darkness, that can in some cases be further stimulated by light. In contrast to all other cryptochromes, purified recombinant HsCRY1 protein was stably isolated in the anionic radical flavin state, containing only a small proportion of oxidized flavin which could be reduced by illumination. We conclude that animal Type I and Type II cryptochromes may both have signaling mechanisms involving formation of a flavin radical signaling state, and that light independent activity of Type II cryptochromes is a consequence of dark accumulation of this redox form in vivo rather than of a fundamental difference in signaling mechanism

    Miso Soup Consumption Enhances the Bioavailability of the Reduced Form of Supplemental Coenzyme Q10

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    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential compound that is involved in energy production and is a lipid-soluble antioxidant. Although it has been proposed as an antiaging and a health-supporting supplement, its low bioavailability remains a significant issue. Concurrent food intake enhances the absorption of orally administered CoQ10, but it has not been fully established whether specific food substances affect intestinal CoQ10 absorption. Therefore, to determine whether the bioavailability of supplemental CoQ10 is affected by diet, P30, a granulated and reduced form of CoQ10, was dispersed in four different foods, clear soup, miso soup, milk soup, and raw egg sauce. Those foods which contained CoQ10 were consumed on different occasions at intervals of 6–14 weeks by the same participants. Thirteen participants were recruited in the single-dose and repeated clinical study. When miso soup containing P30 was provided, the serum CoQ10 concentration increased faster than when participants consumed other P30-containing soups or a P30-containing raw egg sauce. The area under the curve for serum CoQ10 during the first 5 h after consumption of the P30-containing miso soup was approximately 1.5 times larger than those after the consumption of other P30-containing meals. These data imply that the absorption of CoQ10 supplements can be enhanced by consuming them with food and in particular with specific food substances, such as miso soup

    Effect of Intake of Milk on Blood Leucine Level and Body fat Mass intehe Japanese Elderly

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    本文は神戸女子大学ホームページ( https://www.yg.kobe-wu.ac.jp/wu/course/f-home/dietician.html )にて公