2 research outputs found

    Некоторые особенности структурной динамики межсекторальных ресурсных потоков в научной системе Украины

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    Представлен анализ динамики финансирования научно-технической деятельности в аспекте основных источников средств и исполнителей за весь период независимости Украины. Изложен авторский подход к оцениванию роли государства и других экономических субъектов, который адаптирует требования международных учетных стандартов к реалиям отечественной экономики.Представлено аналіз динаміки фінансування науково-технічної діяльності в аспекті головних джерел коштів та виконавців за весь період незалежності України. Викладено авторський підхід до оцінювання ролі держави та інших економічних суб’єктів, що адаптує вимоги міжнародних облікових стандартів до реалій вітчизняної економіки.An analysis of the R&D funding dynamics in terms of main funding sources and performers over the period of the Ukrainian independence is given. The author’s approach to evaluating the role of the government and other economic entities, which adapts the requirements of international accounting standards to the realities of the national economy, is shown

    Potential of poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) monolithic columns for the LC-MS analysis of protein digests

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    Two polystyrene-based capillary monolithic columns of different length (50 and 250 mm) were used to evaluate the effects of column length on gradient separation of protein digests. A tryptic digest of a 9-protein mixture was used as a test sample. Peak capacities were determined from selected extracted ion chromatograms, and tandem mass spectrometry data were used for database matching using the MASCOT search engine. Peak capacities and protein identification scores were higher for the long column with all gradients. Peak capacities appear to approach a plateau for longer gradient times; maximum peak capacity was estimated to be 294 for the short column and 370 for the long column. Analyses with similar gradient slope produced a ratio of the peak capacities of 3.36 for the long and the short column, which is slightly higher than the expected value of the square root of the column length ratio. The use of a longer monolith improves peptide separation, as reflected by higher peak capacity, and also increases protein identification, as observed from higher identification scores and a larger number of identified peptides. Attention has also been paid to the peak production rate (PPR, peak capacity per unit time). For short analysis times, the short column produces a higher PPR, while for analysis times longer than 40 min, the PPR of the 250-mm column is higher