71 research outputs found

    Scaling up parenting interventions is critical for attaining the sustainable development goals

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    Of all the potentially modifiable influences affecting children’s development and mental health across the life course, none is more important than the quality of parenting and family life. In this position paper, we argue that parenting is fundamentally linked to the development of life skills that children need in order to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We discuss key principles that should inform the development of a global research and implementation agenda related to scaling up evidence-based parenting support programs. Research over the past 50 years has shown that parenting support programs of varied intensity and delivery modality can improve a wide range of developmental, emotional, behavioral and health outcomes for parents and their children. Such findings have been replicated across culturally and socioeconomically diverse samples, albeit primarily in studies from Western countries. We highlight the evidence for the relevance of parenting interventions for attaining the SDGs globally, and identify the barriers to and strategies for achieving their scale-up. The implications of the global COVID-19 pandemic for the delivery of evidence-based parenting support are also discussed

    A Population of Gamma-Ray Millisecond Pulsars Seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    Gamma-Ray Pulsar Bonanza Most of the pulsars we know about were detected through their radio emission; a few are known to pulse gamma rays but were first detected at other wavelengths (see the Perspective by Halpern ). Using the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, Abdo et al. (p. 840 , published online 2 July; see the cover) report the detection of 16 previously unknown pulsars based on their gamma-ray emission alone. Thirteen of these coincide with previously unidentified gamma-ray sources, solving the 30-year-old mystery of their identities. Pulsars are fast-rotating neutron stars. With time they slow down and cease to radiate; however, if they are in a binary system, they can have their spin rates increased by mass transfer from their companion stars, starting a new life as millisecond pulsars. In another study, Abdo et al. (p. 845 ) report the detection of gamma-ray emission from the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, which is coming from an ensemble of millisecond pulsars in the cluster's core. The data imply that there are up to 60 millisecond pulsars in 47 Tucanae, twice as many as predicted by radio observations. In a further companion study, Abdo et al. (p. 848 , published online 2 July) searched Fermi Large Area Telescope data for pulsations from all known millisecond pulsars outside of stellar clusters, finding gamma-ray pulsations for eight of them. Their properties resemble those of other gamma-ray pulsars, suggesting that they share the same basic emission mechanism. Indeed, both sets of pulsars favor emission models in which the gamma rays are produced in the outer magnetosphere of the neutron star

    Exploration of Personality Factors in Relation to College Students’ Attitudes About Plagiarism

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    College students were presented with a scenario in which a student plagiarized in a research paper. Students rated the severity of the act, appropriate consequences, and type and level of desired social interaction with the student. Participants’ attitudes about plagiarism were investigated in relation to their academic locus of control, academic motivation, procrastination tendencies, and the Five Factor Model personality dimensions of Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. The results of this study have important implications for faculty who mentor and utilize undergraduate research assistants, and illuminate characteristics that relate to student tolerance or even propensity to engage in plagiarism

    El liderazgo y el trabajo colaborativo como factores del rendimiento académico, en el subsector de educación matemática en alumnos de quinto año básico "A" y "B" del Colegio "San Juan Diego" de la Comuna de Recoleta

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    Tesis (Magister en Dirección y Liderazgo para la Gestión Educacional)El propósito fundamental de esta investigación es comprobar la incidencia del Liderazgo y Trabajo colaborativo, en los resultados académicos, teniendo como referente las metodologías Asiáticas y Europeas, que trabajan las premisas de esta investigación y que han significado el éxito, la copia para otros países y la referencia en este caso. La investigación se realiza en un colegio particular subvencionado, directamente en dos cursos del mismo nivel, teniendo como diferencia que sólo un curso implementa la metodología, sirviendo el segundo curso como medio de comprobación. La investigación demostró que una vez más las metodologías Asiáticas y Europeas son exitosas

    Parental Views of Social Worker and Chaplain Involvement in Care and Decision Making for Critically Ill Children with Cancer

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    Background: Social workers (SWs) and chaplains are trained to support families facing challenges associated with critical illness and potential end-of-life issues. Little is known about how parents view SW/chaplain involvement in care for critically ill children with cancer. Methods: We studied parent perceptions of SW/chaplain involvement in care for pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) patients with cancer or who had a hematopoietic cell transplant. English- and Spanish-speaking parents completed surveys within 7 days of PICU admission and at discharge. Some parents participated in an optional interview. Results: Twenty-four parents of 18 patients completed both surveys, and six parents were interviewed. Of the survey respondents, 66.7% and 75% interacted with SWs or chaplains, respectively. Most parents described SW/chaplain interactions as helpful (81.3% and 72.2%, respectively), but few reported their help with decision making (18.8% and 12.4%, respectively). Parents described SW/chaplain roles related to emotional, spiritual, instrumental, and holistic support. Few parents expressed awareness about SW/chaplain interactions with other healthcare team members. Conclusions: Future work is needed to determine SWs’/chaplains’ contributions to and impact on parental decision making, improve parent awareness about SW/chaplain roles and engagement with the healthcare team, and understand why some PICU parents do not interact with SWs/chaplains