273 research outputs found

    ClpXP protease targets long-lived DNA translocation states of a helicase-like motor to cause restriction alleviation

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    We investigated how Escherichia coli ClpXP targets the helicase-nuclease (HsdR) subunit of the bacterial Type I restriction–modification enzyme EcoKI during restriction alleviation (RA). RA is a temporary reduction in endonuclease activity that occurs when Type I enzymes bind unmodified recognition sites on the host genome. These conditions arise upon acquisition of a new system by a naïve host, upon generation of new sites by genome rearrangement/mutation or during homologous recombination between hemimethylated DNA. Using recombinant DNA and proteins in vitro, we demonstrate that ClpXP targets EcoKI HsdR during dsDNA translocation on circular DNA but not on linear DNA. Protein roadblocks did not activate HsdR proteolysis. We suggest that DNA translocation lifetime, which is elevated on circular DNA relative to linear DNA, is important to RA. To identify the ClpX degradation tag (degron) in HsdR, we used bioinformatics and biochemical assays to design N- and C-terminal mutations that were analysed in vitro and in vivo. None of the mutants produced a phenotype consistent with loss of the degron, suggesting an as-yet-unidentified recognition pathway. We note that an EcoKI nuclease mutant still produces cell death in a clpx(−) strain, consistent with DNA damage induced by unregulated motor activity

    Uso de Screening de anticuerpos ampliado para detectar presencia de anticuerpos irregulares dirigidos al sistema Diego en pacientes embarazadas de la ciudad de Talca

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    53 p.El sistema sanguíneo Diego, tiene su origen en 1953, cuando se encontraron anticuerpos en el suero de una mujer venezolana, los que atacaron a los antígenos que estaban presentes en los eritrocitos de su hijo recién nacido, el cual llevaba por apellido Diego. Estos anticuerpos fueron los causantes de la Enfermedad Hemolítica del Recién Nacido (EHRN), la que causo finalmente su muerte. El antígeno fue bautizado con el nombre de Diego y fue clasificado como un antígeno de baja frecuencia.Los principales antígenos del sistema Diego son Dia y Dib , los cuales tienen una prevalencia en la población dependiente de la etnia, por ejemplo el antígeno Dia es considerado un marcador antropológico, ya que tiene una alta prevalencia en poblaciones de indios Americanos y en poblaciones de origen asiático (mongoles), encontrándose ausente (<0,01%) en personas de raza negra o caucásicos. [1]A causa de esto la probabilidad de formar un anticuerpo anti Dia en la raza blanca es casi del 100% por lo que este anticuerpo es considerado clínicamente significativo, tanto en medicina transfusional como en embarazos, debido a que puede provocar enfermedad hemolítica del recién nacido y reacciones hemolíticas si no es adecuadamente detectado. El presente estudio se determinó la presencia de anticuerpos anti Dia en el suero de 210 pacientes embarazadas, provenientes del programa de la mujer del Centro de Diagnóstico Terapéutico (CDT), del Hospital Regional de Talca, utilizando la técnica de Screening de Anticuerpos Irregulares Ampliado (SAIA). La cual correspondía a un Screening de anticuerpos convencional más una tercera célula que incluía al antígeno Dia. Los resultados fueron concluyentes ya que el total de las muestras analizadas dieron un resultado negativo para la pesquisa de anticuerpo anti Dia

    Nowhere to Run; Nowhere to Hide: The Reality of Being a Law Library Director in Times of Great Opportunity and Significant Challenges

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    This is an edited version of remarks presented at \u27Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide\u27: The Reality of Being a Law Library Director in Times of Great Opportunity and Significant Challenges, January 5, 2015, at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C

    Directly interrogating single quantum dot labelled UvrA2 molecules on DNA tightropes using an optically trapped nanoprobe

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    AbstractIn this study we describe a new methodology to physically probe individual complexes formed between proteins and DNA. By combining nanoscale, high speed physical force measurement with sensitive fluorescence imaging we investigate the complex formed between the prokaryotic DNA repair protein UvrA2 and DNA. This approach uses a triangular, optically-trapped “nanoprobe” with a nanometer scale tip protruding from one vertex. By scanning this tip along a single DNA strand suspended between surface-bound micron-scale beads, quantum-dot tagged UvrA2 molecules bound to these ‘”DNA tightropes” can be mechanically interrogated. Encounters with UvrA2 led to deflections of the whole nanoprobe structure, which were converted to resistive force. A force histogram from all 144 detected interactions generated a bimodal distribution centered on 2.6 and 8.1 pN, possibly reflecting the asymmetry of UvrA2’s binding to DNA. These observations successfully demonstrate the use of a highly controllable purpose-designed and built synthetic nanoprobe combined with fluorescence imaging to study protein-DNA interactions at the single molecule level.</jats:p

    Vascular reactivity is altered in the placentas of fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    Introduction: Infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) often develop pulmonary hypertension but frequently fail to respond to vasodilator therapy, for instance because of an altered pulmonary vasoreactivity. Investigating such alterations in vivo is impossible. We hypothesised that these alterations are also present in fetoplacental vessels, since both vasculatures are exposed to the same circulating factors (e.g. endothelin-1) and respond similarly to certain stimuli (e.g. hypoxia). As proof-of-concept, we compared fetoplacental vasoreactivity between healthy and CDH-affected placentas. Methods: Fetoplacental vascular function of healthy and antenatally diagnosed left-sided CDH fetuses was assessed by wire myography. Placental expression of enzymes and receptors involved in the altered vasoreactive pathways was measured using quantitative PCR. Results: CDH arteries (n = 6) constricted more strongly to thromboxane A2 agonist U46619 (p &lt; 0.001) and dilated less to bradykinin (p = 0.01) and nitric oxide (NO)-donor sodium nitroprusside (p = 0.04) than healthy arteries (n = 8). Vasodilation to prostacyclin analogue iloprost and adenylate cyclase stimulator forskolin, and vasoconstriction to endothelin-1 were not different between both groups. Angiotensin II did not induce vasoconstriction. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors sildenafil and milrinone did not affect responses to sodium nitroprusside, forskolin, or U46619. The mRNA expression of guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1 (p = 0.003) and protein kinase cyclic guanine monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent 1 (p = 0.02) were reduced in CDH versus healthy placentas. Discussion: The identified changes in the thromboxane and NO-cGMP pathways in the fetoplacental vasculature correspond with currently described alterations in the pulmonary vasculature in CDH. Therefore, fetoplacental arteries may provide an opportunity to predict pulmonary therapeutic responses in infants with CDH.</p

    Engineering tyrosine electron transfer pathways decreases oxidative toxicity in hemoglobin: implications for blood substitute design

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    Hemoglobin (Hb)-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) have been engineered to replace or augment the oxygen-carrying capacity of erythrocytes. However, clinical results have generally been disappointing due to adverse side effects linked to intrinsic heme-mediated oxidative toxicity and nitric oxide (NO) scavenging. Redox-active tyrosine residues can facilitate electron transfer between endogenous antioxidants and oxidative ferryl heme species. A suitable residue is present in the α-subunit (Y42) of Hb, but absent from the homologous position in the β-subunit (F41). We therefore replaced this residue with a tyrosine (βF41Y, Hb Mequon). The βF41Y mutation had no effect on the intrinsic rate of lipid peroxidation as measured by conjugated diene and singlet oxygen formation following the addition of ferric(met) Hb to liposomes. However, βF41Y significantly decreased these rates in the presence of physiological levels of ascorbate. Additionally, heme damage in the β-subunit following the addition of the lipid peroxide hydroperoxyoctadecadieoic acid was five-fold slower in βF41Y. NO bioavailability was enhanced in βF41Y by a combination of a 20% decrease in NO dioxygenase activity and a doubling of the rate of nitrite reductase activity. The intrinsic rate of heme loss from methemoglobin was doubled in the β-subunit, but unchanged in the α-subunit. We conclude that the addition of a redox-active tyrosine mutation in Hb able to transfer electrons from plasma antioxidants decreases heme-mediated oxidative reactivity and enhances NO bioavailability. This class of mutations has the potential to decrease adverse side effects as one component of a HBOC product.</jats:p

    Recruitment of UvrBC complexes to UV-induced damage in the absence of UvrA increases cell survival

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    Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is the primary mechanism for removal of ultraviolet light (UV)-induced DNA photoproducts and is mechanistically conserved across all kingdoms of life. Bacterial NER involves damage recognition by UvrA2 and UvrB, followed by UvrC-mediated incision either side of the lesion. Here, using a combination of in vitro and in vivo single-molecule studies we show that a UvrBC complex is capable of lesion identification in the absence of UvrA. Single-molecule analysis of eGFP-labelled UvrB and UvrC in living cells showed that UV damage caused these proteins to switch from cytoplasmic diffusion to stable complexes on DNA. Surprisingly, ectopic expression of UvrC in a uvrA deleted strain increased UV survival. These data provide evidence for a previously unrealized mechanism of survival that can occur through direct lesion recognition by a UvrBC complex

    Real-time single-molecule imaging reveals a direct interaction between UvrC and UvrB on DNA tightropes

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    Nucleotide excision DNA repair is mechanistically conserved across all kingdoms of life. In prokaryotes, this multi-enzyme process requires six proteins: UvrA?D, DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase. To examine how UvrC locates the UvrB? DNA pre-incision complex at a site of damage, we have labeled UvrB and UvrC with different colored quantum dots and quantitatively observed their interactions with DNA tightropes under a variety of solution conditions using oblique angle fluorescence imaging. Alone, UvrC predominantly interacts statically with DNA at low salt. Surprisingly, however, UvrC and UvrB together in solution bind to form the previously unseen UvrBC complex on duplex DNA. This UvrBC complex is highly motile and engages in unbiased one-dimensional diffusion. To test whether UvrB makes direct contact with the DNA in the UvrBC?DNA complex, we investigated three UvrB mutants: Y96A, a b-hairpin deletion and D338N. These mutants affected the motile properties of the UvrBC complex, indicating that UvrB is in intimate contact with the DNA when bound to UvrC. Given the in vivo excess of UvrB and the abundance of UvrBC in our experiments, this newly identified complex is likely to be the predominant form of UvrC in the cell. © 2013 The Author(s)

    NO-Donating Aspirin and Aspirin Partially Inhibit Age-Related Atherosclerosis but Not Radiation-Induced Atherosclerosis in ApoE Null Mice

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    BACKGROUND: We previously showed that irradiation to the carotid arteries of ApoE(-/-) mice accelerated the development of macrophage-rich, inflammatory atherosclerotic lesions, prone to intra-plaque hemorrhage. In this study we investigated the potential of anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant intervention strategies to inhibit age-related and radiation-induced atherosclerosis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: ApoE(-/-) mice were given 0 or 14 Gy to the neck and the carotid arteries and aortic arches were harvested at 4 or 30 weeks after irradiation. Nitric oxide releasing aspirin (NCX 4016, 60 mg/kg/day) or aspirin (ASA, 30 or 300 mg/kg/day) were given continuously in the chow. High dose ASA effectively blocked platelet aggregation, while the low dose ASA or NCX 4016 had no significant effect on platelet aggregation. High dose ASA, but not NCX 4016, inhibited endothelial cell expression of VCAM-1 and thrombomodulin in the carotid arteries at 4 weeks after irradiation; eNOS and ICAM-1 levels were unchanged. After 30 weeks of follow-up, NCX 4016 significantly reduced the total number of lesions and the number of initial macrophage-rich lesions in the carotid arteries of unirradiated mice, but these effects were not seen in the brachiocephalic artery of the aortic arch (BCA). In contrast, high dose ASA lead to a decrease in the number of initial lesions in the BCA, but not in the carotid artery. Both high dose ASA and NCX 4016 reduced the collagen content of advanced lesions and increased the total plaque burden in the BCA of unirradiated mice. At 30 weeks after irradiation, neither NCX 4016 nor ASA significantly influenced the number or distribution of lesions, but high dose ASA lead to formation of collagen-rich "stable" advanced lesions in carotid arteries. The total plaque area of the irradiated BCA was increased after ASA, but the plaque burden was very low compared with the carotid artery. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The development and characteristics of radiation-induced atherosclerosis varied between different arteries but could not be circumvented by anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant therapies. This implicates other underlying mechanistic pathways compared to age-related atherosclerosis