14 research outputs found

    The inflammatory response in transgastric surgery: gastric content leak leads to localized inflammatory response and higher adhesive disease

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    Risk of gastric spillage during transgastric surgery is a potential complication of NOTES procedures. The aim of this study was to determine risk outcomes from gastric spillage in a rat survival model by measuring local and systemic inflammatory markers, adhesive disease, and morbidity. We performed a minilaparotomy with needle aspiration of 2 ml of gastric contents mixed with 2 ml of sterile saline (study group, SG) or 4 ml of sterile saline (control group, CG) injected into the peritoneal cavity of 60 male rats. Inflammatory markers (TNFα, IL-6, and IL-10) were analyzed at 1, 3, 6, and 24 h postoperatively by obtaining plasma levels and peritoneal washings. At necropsy, the peritoneal cavity was examined grossly for adhesions. Adhesions were seen more frequently in the SG versus the CG (100% vs. 33.3%, p < 0.014). There was a significant difference in the peritoneal TNFα levels in the SG compared with the CG, which peaked 1 h after surgery (p < 0.02). Both peritoneal IL-6 and IL-10 levels were higher in the SG versus the CG, which peaked 3 h after surgery (p < 0.005 and p < 0.001, respectively). All peritoneal inflammatory markers returned to undetectable levels at 24 h for both groups. Plasma cytokines were undetectable at all time intervals. The inflammatory response was found to be a localized and not systemic event, with plasma cytokine levels remaining normal while peritoneal washings revealed a brisk, short-lived localized inflammatory response. There was a significantly higher rate of adhesive disease in the SG compared with the CG; this, however did not translate into a difference in apparent clinical outcome. We conclude that gastric leakage in this NOTES rodent model induces a localized inflammatory response, followed by mild to moderate adhesive disease. This may be important in human NOTES

    Natural orifice surgery: initial clinical experience

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    Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) has moved quickly from preclinical investigation to clinical implementation. However, several major technical problems limit clinical NOTES including safe access, retraction and dissection of the gallbladder, and clipping of key structures. This study aimed to identify challenges and develop solutions for NOTES during the initial clinical experience. Under an Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved protocol, patients consented to a natural orifice operation for removal of either the gallbladder or the appendix via either the vagina or the stomach using a single umbilical trocar for safety and assistance. Nine transvaginal cholecystectomies, one transgastric appendectomy, and one transvaginal appendectomy have been completed to date. All but one patient were discharged on postoperative day 1 as per protocol. No complications occurred. The limited initial evidence from this study demonstrates that NOTES is feasible and safe. The addition of an umbilical trocar is a bridge allowing safe performance of NOTES procedures until better instruments become available. The addition of a flexible long grasper through the vagina and a flexible operating platform through the stomach has enabled the performance of NOTES in a safe and easily reproducible manner. The use of a uterine manipulator has facilitated visualization of the cul de sac in women with a uterus to allow for safe transvaginal access

    Three‐port transoral robotic thyroidectomy without axillary incision: A preliminary report of 20 cases in China

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    Abstract Objective Transoral scarless thyroid surgery has proven to be a popular alternative to traditional approaches. Transoral robotic thyroidectomy (TORT) has been reported using ports on the lower lip and axilla. Avoiding axillary incision can further reduce scars on the armpit. Here, we present our preliminary data from the initial 20 consecutive patients to explore the feasibility of three‐port TORT without axillary incision. Methods From September 2017 to June 2019, we performed TORT at Beijing United Family Hospital using three intraoral ports without axillary incision via the da Vinci Si system with three robotic arms. The outcomes of the procedure were retrospectively reviewed. Results Among 20 patients (mean age 30 ± 7 years; mean tumor size 1.64 ± 0.96 cm), 16 patients underwent unilateral thyroid lobectomy and four had total thyroidectomy with or without central neck dissection. Eighteen patients had papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC), one had a follicular thyroid carcinoma, and one had a thyroid adenoma. The mean surgical time was 221 ± 68 min. The mean number of retrieved central lymph nodes in the PTC patients was 5.6 ± 5. There was no permanent vocal cord palsy or hypocalcemia postoperatively. One patient had transient vocal cord palsy, which resolved within 1 week. Paresthesia of the lower lip and the chin was observed in nine patients, and one patient had a first‐degree burn of the skin flap due to the lens. Conclusion Three‐port TORT without axillary incision is feasible for selected patients and would be a potential alternative for remote‐access thyroid surgery to avoid leaving scars on the neck or the armpit

    Adiponectin secretion and response to pioglitazone is depot dependent in cultured human adipose tissue

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    The subcutaneous (S) and visceral (V) adipose tissue (AT) depots are increasingly recognized as distinct. To test the hypothesis that depot differences exist for adiponectin, fresh and cultured human VAT and SAT from obese type 2 diabetic (T2D) and obese nondiabetic (ND) subjects was examined to determine whether differences in adiponectin content and secretion occurred as a function of depot studied, diabetic status, and response to thiazolidinedione treatment. VAT and SAT were obtained by biopsy and AT explants cultured in defined media for 7 days. Protein expression was assessed by Western blot. Adiponectin content of conditioned medium was determined by radioimmunoassay. Diabetic status had no effect on adiponectin secretion over days 0–2 of culture. In ND SAT, secretion fell over days 2–4 but was sustained at greater levels vs. T2D SAT. In both ND and T2D VAT, adiponectin secretion was low, similar to T2D SAT. Over the 7-day culture period, cellular adiponectin increased in ND SAT and VAT; it remained unchanged in T2D SAT and VAT. Pioglitazone increased adiponectin secretion and content in all SAT. Pioglitazone failed to increase adiponectin secretion from either ND or T2D VAT and increased cellular content only in ND VAT. AT depot differences exist in the secretion of adiponectin and responsiveness to thiazolidinedione treatment. These data suggest that SAT, not VAT, appears to be the major contributor to increased circulating adipopnectin levels in response to pioglitazone treatment