6 research outputs found

    In-Orbit Performance of the GRACE Follow-on Laser Ranging Interferometer

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    The Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI) instrument on the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Follow-On mission has provided the first laser interferometric range measurements between remote spacecraft, separated by approximately 220 km. Autonomous controls that lock the laser frequency to a cavity reference and establish the 5 degrees of freedom two-way laser link between remote spacecraft succeeded on the first attempt. Active beam pointing based on differential wave front sensing compensates spacecraft attitude fluctuations. The LRI has operated continuously without breaks in phase tracking for more than 50 days, and has shown biased range measurements similar to the primary ranging instrument based on microwaves, but with much less noise at a level of 1 nm/Hz at Fourier frequencies above 100 mHz. © 2019 authors. Published by the American Physical Society

    Lipid Panel Reference Intervals for Amazon Parrots ( Amazona

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    The lipoprotein panel is a useful diagnostic tool that allows clinicians to evaluate blood lipoprotein fractions. It is a standard diagnostic test in human medicine but is poorly understood in avian medicine. Amazon parrots (Amazona species) are popular pets that frequently lead a sedentary lifestyle and are customarily fed high-fat diets. Similar to people with comparable diets and lifestyles, Amazon parrots are prone to obesity and atherosclerosis. In human medicine, these conditions are typically correlated with abnormalities in the lipoprotein panel. To establish reference intervals for the lipoprotein panel in Amazon parrots, plasma samples from 31 captive Amazon parrots were analyzed for concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). The data were also grouped according to sex, diet, body condition score, and age. Aside from HDL levels, which were significantly different between male and female parrots, no intergroup differences were found for any of the lipoprotein fractions

    Quantitation of Acute Phase Proteins and Protein Electrophoresis Fractions in Ferrets

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of acute phase protein assays for C-reactive protein, haptoglobin, and serum amyloid A, as well as protein electrophoresis, in ferrets. Samples from 41 clinically normal and 52 clinically abnormal pet ferrets were submitted from veterinary clinics within the United States. Reference intervals were calculated for all analytes from the clinically normal group using the robust method. The clinically abnormal group demonstrated significant elevations in the concentrations of the following analytes (P < 0.05): total protein, alpha 2 globulins, beta globulins, gamma globulins, serum amyloid A, and haptoglobin. The preliminary results of this research investigation support a potential role for these acute phase protein assays to be used as adjunct tests for monitoring inflammation and disease in ferrets