103 research outputs found
Piperaceae do Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, Brasil
This work presents the Piperaceae species of Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, based on specimens deposited in BHCB, HUFU, R, RB, SP and SPF herbaria. There are 16 species in the region, with two new records for Minas Gerais, and one first record for Brazil. Descriptions, illustrations, keys to the genera and species, as well as comments on the geographical distribution and habitats are presented.O trabalho apresenta as espécies de Piperaceae que ocorrem no Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais baseado em espécimes depositados nos herbários BHCB, HUFU, R, RB, SP e SPF. Foram registradas 16 espécies, sendo duas novas ocorrências para o estado de Minas Gerais e uma nova espécie para o Brasil. São apresentadas descrições da famÃlia, dos gêneros e espécies, chaves de identificação, ilustrações e comentários sobre distribuição geográfica e habitat
Flora de musgos de OstrovGeologov (Isla de los Geologos), Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antártica
Located of the east coast of Fildes Peninsula, South of Ardley Island, at King George Island, Ostrov Geologov (Geologist Islands) is a small island with 0.25 miles long. It only had one plant record published so far. We have conducted extensive fieldwork on the site and provide here a comprehensive checklist and a key for the moss species occurring on the island. Despite its small size, theislandcontains about 35% of all theFildes Peninsula moss flora, six new records were found. The pristine state of the island due to its relative isolation, presence of avian nesting sites and a relatively rich moss flora are strong arguments in favor of protection status for the island.Flora de musgos de Ostrov Geologov (Isla de los Geologos), Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antártica. Ubicada en la costa este de la PenÃnsula Fildes, al sur de la isla Ardley en Isla 25 de Mayo, la isla del Geólogo es una pequeña isla con 0.5 Km de extensión. Hasta ahora, solo existe un registro de planta. Hemos realizado colecciones y presentamos una lista y una clave para las especies de musgos que ocurren en la isla. Aunque de pequeño tamaño, la isla posee cerca de 35% de todas las especies de musgos que ocurren en la penÃnsula Fildes y seis nuevos registros fueron encontrados. Su relativo aislamiento de los turistas es un factor que contribuye para su preservación
Novas cabras na ilha?
Trindade, uma ilha oceânica localizada a cerca de 1200 km da costa do Brasil, possui apenas 65% da sua cobertura vegetal original. A principal causa da devastação foi a presença de cabras por um longo perÃodo de tempo na ilha. Em 2005 as cabras foram eliminadas e a vegetação voltou a se recuperar, mas uma visita à ilha em 2012 revelou um novo perigo a vegetação: a presença de uma espécie de Leguminosae que está se espalhando e matando a parte da vegetação herbácea endêmica de Cyperus atlanticus.Trindade is an oceanic island located ca. 1200 km east of the Brazilian coast with only 65% of its original vegetation cover remaining. Devastation was mainly caused by the presence of goats for a long time. Since goats were eliminated in 2005 the island vegetation is going through a recovering process. However during a visit to the island in 2012 another threat to the vegetation was noted: a Leguminosae species is spreading and killing part of the endemic herbaceous vegetation of Cyperus atlanticus
The moss flora of Ostrov Geologov (Geologists Island), Maxwell Bay, KingGeorge Island, Antarctica
Located of the east coast of Fildes Peninsula, South of Ardley Island, at King George Island, Ostrov Geologov (Geologist Islands) is a small island with 0.25 miles long. It only had one plant record published so far. We have conducted extensive fieldwork on the site and provide here a comprehensive checklist and a key for the moss species occurring on the island. Despite its small size, theislandcontains about 35% of all theFildes Peninsula moss flora, six new records were found. The pristine state of the island due to its relative isolation, presence of avian nesting sites and a relatively rich moss flora are strong arguments in favor of protection status for the island.Flora de musgos de Ostrov Geologov (Isla de los Geologos), Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antártica. Ubicada en la costa este de la PenÃnsula Fildes, al sur de la isla Ardley en Isla 25 de Mayo, la isla del Geólogo es una pequeña isla con 0.5 Km de extensión. Hasta ahora, solo existe un registro de planta. Hemos realizado colecciones y presentamos una lista y una clave para las especies de musgos que ocurren en la isla. Aunque de pequeño tamaño, la isla posee cerca de 35% de todas las especies de musgos que ocurren en la penÃnsula Fildes y seis nuevos registros fueron encontrados. Su relativo aislamiento de los turistas es un factor que contribuye para su preservació
A catalog of Bryophyta types deposited at the National Museum of Brazil
While visiting the Herbarium of the Botany Department of the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (code, R), we located the types of 219 bryophyte names, most of which were published by Karl Müller (cited as Müller Hallensis), whose holotypes were lost during the bombing of the Berlin Herbarium in 1943. A total of 181 names (82%) are possible candidates for lectotypification and most likely not to be found elsewhere. We also found the complete collection of Müller's "Bryologia Serrae Itatiaiae", made by Ernst Ule
Un catálogo de typus de musgos depositados en el Instituto Botánico Komarov (LE) en St. Petersburgo, Rusia
The herbarium LE of the Komarov Botanical Institute in Saint Petersburg (former Leningrad), Russia holds one of the least known Brazilian moss collections in the world. In this paper we provide a list the Brazilian types of mosses deposited in the type collection of LE. Totaling types for 41 species names from Brazil are listed.Typii Petropolitanum brasiliensium —Un catálogo de typus de musgos depositados en el Instituto Botánico Komarov (LE) en St. Petersburgo, Rusia. EL Instituto Botánico Komarov (Herbario de Leningrado–LE) ubicado en San Petersburgo, Rusia, contiene una de las menos conocidas colecciones de musgos Brasileiros en el mundo. En este trabajo listamos los typus de musgos depositados en la colección de typus de LE, en un total de 41 nombres para Brasi
Typii Petropolitanum brasiliensium : un catálogo de typus de musgos depositados en el Instituto Botánico Komarov (LE) en St. Petersburgo, Rusia.
The herbarium LE of the Komarov Botanical Institute in Saint Petersburg (former Leningrad), Russia holds one of the least known Brazilian moss collections in the world. In this paper we provide a list the Brazilian types of mosses deposited in the type collection of LE. Totaling types for 41 species names from Brazil are listed.EL Instituto Botánico Komarov (Herbario de Leningrado–LE) ubicado en San Petersburgo, Rusia, contiene una de las menos conocidas colecciones de musgos Brasileiros en el mundo. En este trabajo listamos los typus de musgos depositados en la colección de typus de LE, en un total de 41 nombres para Brasil
Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Piperaceae
O estudo da famÃlia Piperaceae faz parte do projeto “Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais. A famÃlia está representada na Serra do Cipó pelos gêneros Peperomia e Piper com nove e 14 espécies respectivamente. Entre as espécies encontradas na área, Peperomia subrubricaulis é endêmica de Minas Gerais e Piper hispidum e P. scutifolium são citados pela primeira vez para o estado de Minas Gerais
Dynamic UCLA for single tilted implant in an aesthetic region
AbstractIntroductionThe aim of this paper was to present a rehabilitation of a patient with a dynamic universal castable long abutment (UCLA) for a single tilted implant in the anterior maxillary area.Presentation of caseA 57-year-old male patient attended the dentistry college clinic complaining of a vertical fracture of a residual root of the dental element 22. The tooth extraction was indicated for the implant installation. Due to the socket buccal wall thickness, the implant was installed with an inclination to the palate. It was done in a two-stage surgical protocol, and an external hexagon implant (3.75×11.5mm) was placed. After a six-month healing period to correct the implant position, a dynamic UCLA was set in place, rectifying the implant emergence profile at 20°. The ceramic structure fitting was performed and, after the patient’s consent, the prosthesis was finalized and installed.DiscussionAfter a follow-up period of twenty months, no complications were observed.ConclusionThe installation of tilted implants with a dynamic UCLA may be a viable option, faster and less invasive than bone grafts
Prevalência e fatores associados ao tabagismo em pessoas vivendo com HIV em tratamento
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência do tabagismo e avaliar os fatores a ele associados em pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVHIV). MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo transversal de uma coorte prospectiva concorrente com 462 indivÃduos em inÃcio de terapia antirretroviral atendidos em três serviços de assistência especializada ao HIV/aids em Belo Horizonte entre 2015 e 2017. Os status de tabagismo utilizados foram: fumante atual (FA), ex-fumante (EF) e não fumante (NF). Realizou-se regressão logÃstica multinomial, sendo NF a categoria de referência. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos participantes eram homens (81,4%), jovens (de até 34 anos; 57,2%) e não brancos (75,7%). Do total de indivÃduos, 27,7% eram FA, 22,9% EF, e 49,4% NF. A maioria dos tabagistas eram fumantes leves (65,1%), consumiam até 10 cigarros por dia e fumavam havia mais de 10 anos (63,3%), tendo começado em média aos 17,2 anos de idade (DP = 5,1). Na análise multivariada, maiores chances de ser FA se associaram a: ser do sexo feminino, ter até 9 anos de escolaridade, usar ou já ter usado álcool e drogas ilÃcitas (maconha, cocaÃna e crack) e apresentar sinais e/ou sintomas de ansiedade ou depressão. Maiores chances de ser EF se associaram a ter até 9 anos de escolaridade e usar ou já ter usado álcool e drogas e ilÃcitas (maconha e crack). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram que o tabagismo é altamente prevalente entre PVHIV, indicando a necessidade de os serviços de assistência especializada em HIV priorizarem intervenções a fim de cessá-lo, com abordagem sobre o uso de álcool e drogas ilÃcitas, especialmente voltadas para pessoas jovens, com baixa escolaridade e com sinais e/ou sintomas de ansiedade ou depressão.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of smoking and evaluate the factors associated with this outcome in people living with HIV (PLHIV). METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of a prospective concurrent cohort of 462 individuals initiating antiretroviral therapy at three HIV/AIDS specialized services in Belo Horizonte between 2015 and 2017. The following smoking status were used: current smoker (CS), former smoker (FS) and non-smoker (NS). Multinomial logistic regression was performed with NS as the reference category. RESULTS: Most participants were men (81.4%), young (up to 34 years old; 57.2%) and non-white (75.7%). Of the total number of individuals, 27.7% were CS, 22.9% FS, and 49.4% NS. Most smokers were light smokers (65.1%), consumed up to 10 cigarettes per day and had been smoking for more than 10 years (63.3%), starting on average at 17.2 years of age (SD = 5.1). In the multivariate analysis, higher chances of being CS were associated with: being female, having up to 9 years of schooling, current or prior use of alcohol and illicit drugs (marijuana, cocaine and crack) and presenting signs and/or symptoms of anxiety or depression. Higher chances of being FS were associated with having up to 9 years of schooling and current or prior use of alcohol and illicit drugs (marijuana and crack). CONCLUSIONS: The results show that smoking is highly prevalent among PLHIV, indicating the need for HIV specialized services to prioritize smoking cessation interventions. These interventions should consider the use of alcohol and illicit drugs and be targeted especially to young people, those with low schooling and with signs and/or symptoms of anxiety or depression
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