149 research outputs found

    Mid and long-term ecological impacts of ski run construction on alpine ecosystems

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    The proliferation of ski run construction is a worldwide trend. The machine-grading of slopes involved during ski run construction changes the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, having significant long-term ecological impact on the environment. Establishing and developing plant communities in these affected areas is crucial in rehabilitating the biotic and abiotic soil environment, while also improving slope stability and reducing the risk of natural hazards. This study evaluates changes in plant-soil properties and the long-term effects of machine-grading and subsequent restoration of ski runs so as to contribute to formulating the best practices in future ski run constructions. Study plots were established in 2000 and re-surveyed in 2017 on ski runs, which had been machine-graded and hydroseeded in the 1990s. Vegetation, root trait and soil surveys were carried out on ski run plots and compared to paired, undisturbed control sites off the ski runs. Plant cover remained unchanged on the ski-runs over time but plant richness and diversity considerably increased, reaching similar levels to undisturbed vegetation. Plant composition moved towards more semi-natural stages, showing a reduction in seeded plants with a comparable increase in the cover of colonizing native species. Root trait results were site-specific showing great variations between the mid and long-term after-effects of machine-grading and revegetation when compared to undisturbed sites. Under long-term management, the soil pH was still higher and the organic C content still lower in the ski runs than in the undisturbed sites, as the aggregate stability. The standard actions applied (machine-grading, storage and re-use of topsoil, hydroseeding of commercial seed mixtures, application of manure soon after seeding and low-intensity grazing) allowed the ecosystem to partially recover in three decades, and even if the soil has still a lower chemical and physical fertility than the undisturbed sites, the plant species composition reveals a satisfactory degree of renaturalization

    Photoluminescence dispersion as a probe of structural inhomogeneity in silica

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    We report time-resolved photoluminescence spectra of point defects in amorphous silicon dioxide (silica), in particular the decay kinetics of the emission signals of extrinsic Oxygen Deficient Centres of the second type from singlet and directly-excited triplet states are measured and used as a probe of structural inhomogeneity. Luminescence activity in sapphire (α\alpha-Al2_2O3_3) is studied as well and used as a model system to compare the optical properties of defects in silica with those of defects embedded in a crystalline matrix. Only for defects in silica, we observe a variation of the decay lifetimes with emission energy and a time dependence of the first moment of the emission bands. These features are analyzed within a theoretical model with explicit hypothesis about the effect introduced by the disorder of vitreous systems. Separate estimations of the homogenous and inhomogeneous contributions to the measured emission linewidth are obtained: it is found that inhomogeneous effects strongly condition both the triplet and singlet luminescence activities of oxygen deficient centres in silica, although the degree of inhomogeneity of the triplet emission turns out to be lower than that of the singlet emission. Inhomogeneous effects appear to be negligible in sapphire

    The Role of Soil Type in Triggering Shallow Landslides in the Alps (Lombardy, Northern Italy)

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    Shallow landslides due to the soil saturation induced by intense rainfall events are very common in northern Italy, particularly in the Alps and Prealps. They are usually triggered during heavy rainstorms, causing severe damage to property, and sometimes causing casualties. A historical study and analysis of shallow landslides and mud-debris flows triggered by rainfall events in Lombardy was carried out for the period of 1911–2010, over an area of 14,019 km2. In this study, intensity–duration rainfall thresholds have been defined using the frequentist approach, considering some pedological characteristics available in regional soil-related databases, such as the soil region, the textural class, and the dominant soil typological units (STU). The soil-based empirical rainfall thresholds obtained considering the soil regions of the study area were significantly different, with a lower threshold for landslide occurrence in the soil region M1 (Alps), where soils developed over siliceous parent material, with respect to the whole study area and the soil region M2 (Prealps), where soils developed over calcareous bedrocks. Furthermore, by considering textural classes, the curves were differentiated, with coarse-textured soils found more likely to triggerlandslides than fine soils. Finally, considering both texture and main soil groups, given the same rainfall duration, the rainfall amount and intensity needed to initiate a landslide increased in the following order: “coarse-skeletal” Cambisols < Umbrisols < Podzols < “fine” Cambisols. The results of this study highlighted the relevant role of pedological conditioning factors in differentiating the activation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in a definite region. The information on soils can be used to define more precise rainfall–pedological thresholds than empirical thresholds based solely on meteorological conditions, even when they are locally defined. This knowledge is crucial for forecasting and preventing geo-hydrological processes and in developing better warning strategies to mitigate risks and to reduce socio-economic damage

    ADC Benchmark Range for Correct Diagnosis of Primary and Recurrent Middle Ear Cholesteatoma

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    Objectives. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and in particular diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) have been broadly proven to be the reference imaging method to discriminate between cholesteatoma and noncholesteatomatous middle ear lesions, especially when high tissue specificity is required. The aim of this study is to define a range of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values within which the diagnosis of cholesteatoma is almost certain. Methods. The study was retrospectively conducted on a cohort of 124 patients. All patients underwent first- or second-look surgery because primary or secondary acquired cholesteatoma was clinically suspected; they all had preoperative MRI examination 15 days before surgery, including DWI from which the ADC maps were calculated. Results. Average ADC value for cholesteatomas was 859,4 × 10−6 mm2/s (range 1545 × 10−6 mm2/s; IQR = 362 × 10−6 mm2/s; σ = 276,3 × 10−6 mm2/s), while for noncholesteatomatous inflammatory lesions, it was 2216,3 × 10−6 mm2/s (range 1015 × 10−6 mm2/s; IQR = 372,75 × 10−6 mm2/s; σ = 225,6 × 10−6 mm2/s). Interobserver agreement with Fleiss’ Kappa statistics was 0,96. No overlap between two groups’ range of values was found and the difference was statistically significant for p<0.0001. Conclusions. We propose an interval of ADC values that should represent an appropriate benchmark range for a correct differentiation between cholesteatoma and granulation tissue or fibrosis of noncholesteatomatous inflammatory lesions

    Activation of the Calcium Sensing Receptor Decreases Secretagogue-Induced Fluid Secretion in the Rat Small Intestine

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    BackgroundThe calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) has been localized and characterized in numerous tissues throughout the body. In the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, the CaSR is known to act as a nutrient sensor and has recently been found to play a role in intestinal fluid and electrolyte balance. This study aims to demonstrate the functionality of the CaSR as a modulator of fluid secretion and absorption along the small intestine.MethodsSmall intestine regions (proximal, middle, and distal) were isolated from Sprague Dawley rats and loaded into an ex vivo intestinal perfusion device that provides independent intraluminal and extraluminal (serosa/basolateral) perfusion. The regions were perfused with 5 and 7 mM of Ca2+, both in the presence and absence of forskolin (FSK), a potent secretagogue. Control experiments were conducted with intraluminal perfusate containing standard Ringer-HEPES buffer with a physiological concentration of Ca2+ (1 mM). A second set of comparison experiments was performed with intraluminal perfusates containing AC-265347, a CaSR activator and agonist, in the presence of FSK. In all experimental conditions, the intraluminal perfusate contained fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-inulin, a nonabsorbable fluorescent marker of secretion and/or absorption. Intraluminal fluorescence signal was utilized as a measure of water movement at the start of the experiment and every 15 min for 90 min.ResultsUnder physiological conditions, increasing the concentration of Ca2+ in the luminal perfusate reduced intestinal fluid secretion in all regions. At a Ca2+ concentration of 7 mM, net fluid absorption was observed in all regions. In the presence of FSK, 5 mM Ca2+ significantly decreased fluid secretion and 7 mM Ca2+ abolished FSK-induced fluid secretion. Intraluminal perfusion with 5 mM Ca2+ was as effective as AC-265347, in reducing secretagogue-induced fluid hypersecretion in the proximal and middle regions.ConclusionThis study concludes that apical CaSR is active along the small intestine. Its activation by Ca2+ and/or calcimimetics reduces fluid secretion in a dose-dependent manner, with higher Ca2+ concentrations, or application of a calcimimetic, leading to fluid absorption. We furthermore show that, in the presence of FSK, receptor activation abates FSK secretagogue-induced fluid secretion. This presents a new therapeutic target to address secretory diarrheal illnesses

    Why Use Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Tendinopathic Patients: A Systematic Review

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    The aim of the present systematic review was to provide a clear overview of the clinical current research progress in the use of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) as an effective therapeutic option for the management of tendinopathies, pathologies clinically characterized by persistent mechanical pain and structural alteration of the tendons. The review was carried out using three databases (Scopus, ISI Web of Science and PubMed) and analyzed records from 2013 to 2021. Only English-language papers describing the isolation and manipulation of adipose tissue as source of ASCs and presenting ASCs as treatment for clinical tendinopathies were included. Overall, seven clinical studies met the inclusion criteria and met the minimum quality inclusion threshold. Data extraction and quality assessment were performed by groups of three reviewers. The available evidence showed the efficacy and safety of ASCs treatment for tendinopathies, although it lacked a clear description of the biomolecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial properties of ASCs

    The Melanocortin MC5R as a New Target for Treatment of High Glucose-Induced Hypertrophy of the Cardiac H9c2 Cells

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    The study explored the anti-hypertrophic effect of the melanocortin MC5R stimulation in H9c2 cardiac myocytes exposed to high glucose. This has been done by using α-MSH and selective MC5R agonists and assessing the expression of GLUT4 and GLUT1 transporters, miR-133 and urotensin receptor levels as a marker of cardiac hypertrophy. The study shows for the first time an up-regulation of MC5R expression levels in H9c2 cardiomyocytes exposed to high glucose medium (33 mM D-glucose) for 48 h, compared to cells grown in normal glucose medium (5.5 mM D-glucose). Moreover, H9c2 cells exposed to high glucose showed a significant reduction in cell viability (-40%), a significant increase in total protein per cell number (+109%), and an increase of the urotensin receptor expression levels as an evidence of cells hypertrophy. The pharmacological stimulation of MC5R with α-MSH (90 pM)of the high glucose exposed H9c2 cells increased the cell survival (+50,8%) and reduced the total protein per cell number (-28,2%) with respect to high glucose alone, confirming a reduction of the hypertrophic state as per cell area measurement. Similarly, PG-901 (selective agonist, 10-10 M) significantly increased cell viability (+61,0 %) and reduced total protein per cell number (-40,2%), compared to cells exposed to high glucose alone. Interestingly, the MC5R agonist reduced the GLUT1/GLUT4 glucose transporters ratio on the cell membranes exhibited by the hypertrophic H9c2 cells and increased the intracellular PI3K activity, mediated by a decrease of the levels of the miRNA miR-133a. The beneficial effects of MC5R agonism on the cardiac hypertrophy caused by high glucose was also observed also by echocardiographic evaluations of rats made diabetics with streptozotocin (65 mg/kg i.p.). Therefore, the melanocortin MC5R could be a new target for the treatment of high glucose-induced hypertrophy of the cardiac H9c2 cells

    Resolvin D1 Modulates the Intracellular VEGF-Related miRNAs of Retinal Photoreceptors Challenged With High Glucose

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    Stimulation of retinal photoreceptors with elevated glucose concentration (30 mM) for 96 h, served as diabetic retinopathy in vitro model to study Resolvin D1 (50 nM) effects on neovascularization. VEGF and anti-angiogenic miR-20a-3p, miR-20a-5p, miR-106a- 5p, and miR-20b expression was assessed either in photoreceptors exposed to HG or in exosomes released by those cells. High glucose increased VEGF levels and concurrently decreased anti-angiogenic miRNAs content in photoreceptors and exosomes. RvD1 reverted the effects of glucose damage in photoreceptors and exosomal pro-angiogenic potential, tested with the HUVEC angiogenesis assay. By activating FPR2 receptor, RvD1 modulated both the expression of anti-angiogenic miRNA, which decrease VEGF, and the pro-angiogenic potential of exosomes released by primary retinal cells. HUVEC transfection with miR-20a-3p, miR-20a-5p, miR-106a-5p, and miR-20b antagomirs, followed by exposure to exosomes from photoreceptors, confirmed the VEGF-related miRNAs mechanism and the anti-angiogenic effects of RvD1

    Treatment With a Flavonoid-Rich Fraction of Bergamot Juice Improved Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Periodontitis in Rats

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    Objective: In this study, we investigated the effects of a flavonoid-rich fraction of Bergamot juice (BJe) in rats subjected to experimental periodontitis induced by a single intragingival injection of lipopolysaccharides (LPS).Main Methods: Periodontitis was induced by a single intragingival injection of 1 ÎŒl LPS (10 ÎŒg/ÎŒl) derived from Salmonella typhimurium in sterile saline solution. The injection was made in the mesolateral side at the interdental papilla between the first and the second molar. Fourteen days after LPS injection, we performed radiographic analyses and then we surgically removed the gingivomucosal tissue surrounding the mandibular first molar for histological, immunohistochemical and molecular analysis.Results: LPS significantly induced oedema, tissue damage and increased neutrophil infiltration. At molecular level, we found increased NF-ÎșB translocation as well as raised both TNF-α and IL-1ÎČ expression, other than modulation of apoptosis-associated proteins. Moreover, the increased myeloperoxidase activity was associated with up-regulation of adhesion molecules. Immunohistochemical analysis for nitrotyrosine and poly ADP-ribose displayed an intense staining in the gingivomucosal tissue. Oral administration of BJe for 14 consecutive days reduced tissue injury and several markers of gingival inflammation including nuclear NF-ÎșB translocation, cytokines expression, myeloperoxidase activity and the expression of some adhesion molecules such as ICAM and P-selectin. BJe also decreased both nitrosative stress and PARP positive staining. Moreover, it caused down-regulation of Bax and up-regulation of Bcl-2 expression.Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that BJe improves LPS-induced periodontitis in rats by reducing the typical markers of inflammation, thus suggesting its potential in the treatment of periodontal diseases
