59 research outputs found

    3D Finite Element Simulations of strip lines of a YBCO/Au Fault Current Limiter

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    Geometrical aspects of the design of fault current limiters (FCL) have a great impact on their performance. Recently, the University of Geneva have presented optimized geometries obtained by splitting the FCL into many small dissipative lengths in order to distribute the power along the device. We have performed 3D finite element method (FEM) simulations for studying the behavior of strip lines of a YBCO/Au FCL in AC nominal use (sinusoidal current at industrial frequency) up to 3 Ic. Particular attention has been paid to the mesh, due to the very large involved aspect ratios. The numerical results show a concentration of the electric field in the sharp corners. This results in very large power dissipation, which has been experimentally confirmed by wafer cracks during over-Ic tests. A new geometry, taking into account the length of the connecting path and the corner optimization, has been proposed. Finally, simulations coupling electromagnetic and thermal equations show the behavior of the device when a default occurs on the electrical network. This work is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation through the National Center of Competence in Research “Materials with Novel Electronic Properties – MaNEP

    Quench propagation in coated conductors for fault current limiters

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    A fundamental understanding of the quench phenomenon is crucial in the future design and operation of high temperature superconductors based fault current limiters. The key parameter that quantifies the quenching process in superconductors is the normal zone propagation (NZP) velocity, which is defined as the speed at which the normal zone expands into the superconducting volume. In the present paper, we used numerical models developed in our group recently to investigate the quench propagation in coated conductors. With our models, we have shown that the NZP in these tapes depends strongly on the substrate properties

    Artificial floristic diversity of private gardens in the natural regional park of Luberon: the case of Lauris village

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    L’urbanisation croissante des communes rurales dans les trente derniĂšres annĂ©es a conduit Ă  un essor des zones rĂ©sidentielles autour des noyaux villageois. Les jardins privatifs de ces zones constituent des lieux d’introduction d’espĂšces horticoles exotiques et locales qui contribuent fortement Ă  la richesse floristique des zones urbanisĂ©es. Nous nous sommes attachĂ©s Ă  dĂ©crire cette flore au niveau des jardins de la commune de Lauris (Vaucluse, France) selon un gradient d’urbanisation. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent la forte richesse floristique de ces espaces puisque 573 taxa horticoles ont Ă©tĂ© inventoriĂ©s sur 21,5 ha de surface de jardin. La plupart des taxa introduits sont originaires d’Asie, d’AmĂ©rique et d’Europe. Les taxa du Bassin mĂ©diterranĂ©en sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s Ă  la hauteur de 12% et les plus frĂ©quents sont Nerium oleander, Olea europea, Cupressus sempervirens, Lavandula angustifolia, Rosmarinus officinalis et Viburnum tinus. Vingt et un taxa introduits dans les jardins sont actuellement signalĂ©s comme invasifs avĂ©rĂ©s ou potentiels en rĂ©gion mĂ©diterranĂ©enne, augmentant le risque d’invasions biologiques. Des variations de la composition floristique sont Ă©galement observĂ©es le long du gradient d’urbanisation et s’expriment par des patrons floristiques diffĂ©rents selon le type d’urbanisation. Les jardins de la zone de forte densitĂ© de bĂąti prĂ©sentent en effet une strate chamĂ©phytique dĂ©veloppĂ©e (28%), une forte proportion de thĂ©rophytes (11%) et un grand nombre d’espĂšces sud-africaines. Les zones de moyenne et de faible densitĂ© de bĂąti regroupent des jardins avec une strate arborĂ©e haute comprise entre 2 et 30 m. On observe ainsi une fermeture du milieu en zone agricole et une substitution de Pinus halepensis par des espĂšces arborĂ©es horticoles en zone forestiĂšre. Les facteurs structuraux du jardin, les pratiques horticoles et les Ă©lĂ©ments paysagers apparaissent dĂ©terminants dans l’explication de ces variations et mĂ©ritent donc un intĂ©rĂȘt tout particulier pour la comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes de rĂ©partition des patrons floristiques existants.Increasing urbanisation during the last thirty three years in rural area lead to rapid developpement of residential zones around village units. The introduction of a new set of horticultural species in private gardens contributes to urban floristic richness. We described this flora in private gardens of Lauris village (Vaucluse, South-eastern France). Our results showed the great floristic richness of these spaces with 573 horticultural taxa collected on 21,5 ha. Flora is mainly made up of asiatic, american and european taxa. Twelve per cent are mediterranean basin taxa, the most frequent being Nerium oleander, Olea europea, Cupressus sempervirens, Lavandula angustifolia, Rosmarinus officinalis and Viburnum tinus.Twenty one introduced taxa in gardens are signalled like invasive in the Mediterranean region, increasing biological invasion risks. Some variations in floristic composition were observed along the rural –urban gradient and different floristic patterns were according to habitations density. Urban gardens presented a developped chamephyte stratum and a great proportion of therophytes and South Africa’s species. Gardens with a high wooded stratum (2<H<30 m) were found in both urban sprawl and periurban areas. The opened agricultural area is being invaded by trees and horticultural tree species replace Pinus halepensis in periurban forests. Garden structure, gardening pratices and landscape components seem to be important to explain these variations and must be taken into account to understand distribution mecanisms these floristic patterns

    Implementation of a Retina Model Extended to Mesopic Vision

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    Mesopic lighting conditions can be physiologically defined as the light levels where both cones and rods of the retina participate in visual perception. At night, the luminance of artificially lighted outdoor environments falls typically within that range. This calls for a photometric model that describes the mesopic spectral sensitivity of the eye at various adaptation levels. However, mesopic issues are not limited to spectral sensitivity changes. The interactions of signals from cones and rods lead to other variations in the characteristics of vision that a computational model of the retina can describe. We develop such a model in order to analyse mesopic visual scenes and simulate the signals transmitted by the retina to the brai

    Développement d'un modÚle computationnel de rétine destiné à l'étude des conditions mésopiques

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    Les luminances gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es en Ă©clairage extĂ©rieur se situent principalement en conditions mĂ©sopiques. A ces niveaux lumineux, la sensibilitĂ© spectrale de l'Ɠil varie suite Ă  l'activation simultanĂ©e des deux types de photorĂ©cepteurs rĂ©tiniens que sont les cĂŽnes et les bĂątonnets. La photomĂ©trie classique ne considĂšrant pas cette variation de sensibilitĂ© spectrale, la CIE a rĂ©cemment publiĂ© deux modĂšles correctifs, l'un basĂ© sur les performances visuelles, l'autre sur la perception de la brillance. En parallĂšle, nous dĂ©veloppons un modĂšle computationnel de vision reposant sur une Ă©tude de la physiologie mĂȘme de la rĂ©tine. Notre modĂšle simule les traitements rĂ©alisĂ©s par les cellules rĂ©tiniennes grĂące Ă  des filtres spatio-temporels appliquĂ©s sur une image de scĂšne nocturne. L'entiĂšretĂ© du champ visuel et les Ă©lĂ©ments qui le constituent (sources et matĂ©riaux) sont Ă©tudiĂ©s, ce qui permet d'analyser non seulement la sensibilitĂ© spectrale mais aussi la perception des contrastes spatiaux et temporels
