48 research outputs found

    Nutrition status and quantification of blood minerals by TXRF spectroscopy in vegetarian and non-vegetarian university students.

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    This study investigated whether university students following a vegetarian diet differed from non-vegetarian students in nutrient intake, biochemical, hematological and blood mineral profile of nutritionally relevant elements. In total, 107 students from a university, following either a non-vegetarian or a vegetarian diet for at least 1 year prior to the study, were recruited in two stages, setting up two experiments. Nutrient intake (experiment 1, n = 58), and biochemical and hematological parameters (experiment 2, n = 49) were evaluated. TXRF spectroscopy was used for determination of trace elements in whole blood. Vegetarians showed differences in nutrient intake, mainly higher consumption of unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. No significant differences in the biochemical and hematological parameters were found. The prevalence of abnormal parameters in a considerable number of vegetarians and non-vegetarians were found, mainly regarding high density lipoprotein (HDL-c) and total cholesterol (TC). TXRF spectroscopy proved to be a simple tool for determining nutrition-relevant elements (K, Fe, Cu and Zn) in blood samples. The high incidence of abnormal parameters, regardless of the dietary pattern, raises concern about the high prevalence of bad eating habits among young university students. Particularly for the vegetarian students, these results may partly counteract the beneficial lifestyle of a vegetarian diet evidenced by previous studies. It is important for students to be aware of its potential nutritional limitations. In this context, food and nutrition education programs in the academic context could contribute to set up autonomous and healthy subjects, regardless of the diet chosen

    Características físicas e químicas de tomates secos em conserva

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    Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar as características físicas e químicas de tomates secos em conserva, adquiridos no comércio varejista da cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG). Foram avaliados oito produtos diferentes, tendo sido determinados: a massa das fatias, a composição centesimal e o teor de minerais. A umidade dos produtos variou de 39,2 % a 66,6 %. Metade dos tomates secos apresentou valor de pH superior a 4,5 e apenas o produto C mostrou relação SS/AT inferior a 10. Os tomates secos apresentaram alto teor de energia, carboidratos, lipídios e fibras, magnésio, cobre, ferro e potássio. Com exceção do produto A, os tomates secos revelaram excessivo teor de sódio, variando de 620,1 a 1956,8 mg.100 g-1. De modo geral, os tomates secos são produtos com alto valor nutricional, porém com o aspecto negativo de serem ricos em sódio e em energia

    Studies of chemical and enzymatic characteristics of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) and its flours

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    Due to the importance of studies on yacon related to health, its in natura pulp, in natura peel, pulp flour, and peel flour were chemically analyzed in terms of its centesimal composition, specific minerals, total dietary fiber and fractions, pH, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity, tannins, oxalic acid, and nitrate. The polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase enzymatic activities were evaluated for in natura pulp and peel only. Yacon pulp and peel flour presented average yield of 7.94% and 10.86%, respectively. The in natura pulp presented a higher moisture and carboydrate content and lower lipid, protein, total dietary fiber, and ash than those of the peel flour. The same pattern was observed for pulp flour when compared to peel flour. The highest tannin, nitrate, and oxalic acid levels were found in the peel flour, 15,304.5 mg.kg-1, 1,578.3 mg.kg-1, and 7,925.0 mg.kg-1 (wet weight), respectively. The polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase enzymes presented higher enzymatic activity in the yacon peel. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that the yacon and its derivatives are important dietary carbohydrate and mineral sources and contain antinutritional substance contents lower than those harmful to health