381 research outputs found
âTimeâ in tourism: âindividual timeâ and âsocial timeâ
The author does a review of the research into tourist activity and concludes that the particular character of tourist behaviour is reflected best in the study of time budgets. He proposes Max Weber's ideal-type method to be used in the analysis. In the conclusions to the article the author presents typical examples of qualitative time (recreation, holidays, tourism)
âCzasâ w turystyce: âczas indywidualnyâ i âczas spoĆecznyâ
Autor dokonuje przeglÄ
du badaĆ nad aktywnoĆciÄ
c do wniosku, ĆŒe najlepiej specyfikÄ zachowaĆ turystycznych
badania budĆŒetowe czasu. Proponuje do tych analiz wykorzystaÄ metodÄ Maxa Webera tzw. typu idealnego. W zakoĆczeniu
artykuĆu przedstawiono charakterystyczne przykĆady czasu jakoĆciowego (wypoczynku, wakacji, szeroko pojÄtej turystyki)
KsztaĆcenie wyĆŒsze z turyzmu i hotelarstwa na Uniwersytecie w Angers
Uniwersytet w Angers, poczÄ
wszy od 1972 r. prowadzi wiele kierunkĂłw wyĆŒszego szczebla nauczania, ktĂłre koĆczÄ
siÄ dyplomem na poziomie krajowym (licence, mairise, MST, DESS). W 1982 Đł. w uczelni tej utworzono wyĆŒszy cykl ksztaĆcenia
w zakresie turyzmu na poziomie "licence" i "maĂźtrise". KsztaĆcenie to ukierunkowane jest gĆĂłwnie na zagospodarowanie turystyczne, rozwĂłj lokalny i promocjÄ terenu. W 1986 r. Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej utworzyĆo kolejny cykl ksztaĆcenia 3-letnie studia magisterskie przeznaczone dla osĂłb po pierwszym cyklu ksztaĆcenia (Deng lub ĐTS). Studia te sÄ
bardziej zorientowane na zarzÄ
dzanie i menadĆŒerstwo przedsiÄbiorstw hotelowych, kongresy i turyzm handlowy. W artykule autor zamieszcza programy pedagogiczne dla 3 stopni ksztaĆcenia
(licence, maĂźtrise, 3-letnie studia magisterskie), obowiÄ
ce w roku akademickim 1987/1988
Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review
High levels of androstenone and skatole in fat tissues are considered the primary causes of boar taint, an unpleasant odour and flavour of the meat from non-castrated male pigs. The aim of this article is to review our current knowledge of the biology and genetic control of the accumulation of androstenone and skatole in fat tissue. Two QTL mapping studies have shown the complexity of the genetic control of these traits. During the last ten years, several authors have taken a more physiological approach to investigate the involvement of genes controlling the metabolism of androstenone and skatole. Although some authors have claimed the identification of candidate genes, it is more appropriate to talk about target genes. This suggests that genes affecting androstenone and skatole levels will have to be sought for among specific or non-specific transcription factors interacting with these target gene
Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review (Open Access publication)
High levels of androstenone and skatole in fat tissues are considered the primary causes of boar taint, an unpleasant odour and flavour of the meat from non-castrated male pigs. The aim of this article is to review our current knowledge of the biology and genetic control of the accumulation of androstenone and skatole in fat tissue. Two QTL mapping studies have shown the complexity of the genetic control of these traits. During the last ten years, several authors have taken a more physiological approach to investigate the involvement of genes controlling the metabolism of androstenone and skatole. Although some authors have claimed the identification of candidate genes, it is more appropriate to talk about target genes. This suggests that genes affecting androstenone and skatole levels will have to be sought for among specific or non-specific transcription factors interacting with these target genes
Hugues Seraphin, Lâenseignement du tourisme en France et au Royaume-Uni. Histoire, comparaisons, analyses et perspectives
Lâouvrage, organisĂ© en deux grandes parties, est illustrĂ© de nombreux schĂ©mas trĂšs clairs rĂ©alisĂ©s par lâauteur. La premiĂšre partie (253 pages), historique, traite de lâhistoire du tourisme, du dĂ©veloppement des formations touristiques et de la formation professionnelle dans les deux pays. La seconde partie (183 pages) est un Ă©tat des lieux de lâenseignement du tourisme dans le monde contemporain. La bibliographie est classĂ©e entre ouvrages, articles de pĂ©riodiques, thĂšses, mĂ©moires, HDR, con..
Les alternatives à la castration chirurgicale chez le porcelet: Les implications pour le vétérinaire
Les alternatives à la castration chirurgicale chez le porcelet. Les implications pour le vétérinair
Human pregnancy complicated by Chlamydia psittaci acquired from goat, a new zaonotic infection ?
Nous rapportons le cas dâune femme dont la grossesse sâest spontanĂ© ment interrompue Ă 32 semaines dâamĂ©norrhĂ©e en raison dâune infection trĂšs sĂ©vĂšre par Chlamydia psittaci. Cette infection est secondaire Ă un contact avec un troupeau de chĂšvres. Neuf cas dâinfection materno-fĆtale par Chlamydia psittaci dâorigine animale sont dĂ©crits dans la littĂ©rature, il sâagit toujours dâune contamination par les brebis atteintes de chlamydiose abortive. La chĂšvre peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre infectĂ©e par ce germe, mais la trans mission Ă la femme enceinte de la chlamydiose abortive caprine nâa pas Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crit jusquâĂ prĂ©sent.A case of chlamydial infection in pregnant woman is described. This infection was contracted from goat. The woman, who had contact with caprine abortion, spontaneously delivered a stillborn infant in the 32nd week of pregnancy. She developed dessiminated intravascular coagulation post partum with acute renal failure and pulmonary oedema. Nine cases of chlamydial infections in pregnant women have been reported in literature, in all cases, the infection was contracted from ewes suffering from enzootic abortion. Such an infection acquired from goat have not been previously described
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