840 research outputs found

    L’État et les oulémas : enseignement religieux et construction nationale au pakistan

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    La colonisation britannique en Inde a provoqué un renouvellement du système éducatif des musulmans. L’École de Deoband a utilisé l’organisation et les méthodes d’enseignement britanniques, tout en basant son programme sur les sciences islamiques, alors que l’École d’Aligarh inscrivit dans son programme des matières occidentales. Ce clivage a subsisté après le départ des Britanniques en 1947. Au Pakistan, le système éducatif a subi une première phase de nationalisation en 1960, qui a cependant épargné les écoles religieuses (dînî madâris). Cette politique a pourtant provoqué le regroupement des spécialistes religieux, les oulémas, en associations formées en fonction des principales écoles de pensée. A partir de 1978, la seconde phase de nationalisation a été marquée par une islamisation étatique. Les oulémas sont alors devenus les interlocuteurs privilégiés du gouvernement pakistanais. La pression provoquée par l’islamisation a contraint les shiites ismaéliens de revoir leur programme d’éducation religieuse. Les hindous en revanche ont pu édifier un programme à leur guise.The colonisation of India by the British provoked a renewal of the Muslim education system. The Deoband School used the organisation and methods of British education, at the same time as it based its programme on the Islamic sciences, while the Aligarh School inserted Western subjects into its programme. This split continued after the departure of the British in 1947. In Pakistan, the education system underwent a first phase of nationalisation in 1960, which nevertheless spared the religious schools. However, this policy caused the religious specialists, the ulamas, to group together in associations formed according to the principal schools of thought. Beginning in 1978, the second phase of nationalisation was marked by state Islamisation. The ulamas then became the privileged interlocutors of the Pakistani government. Under the pressure of Islamisation the shiites ismaéliens were compelled to review their programme of religious education. The Hindus, on the other hand, have been able to develop a programme in line with their own wishes

    Le qalandar et le shāh

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    En contexte musulman, et contrairement à ce qui est fréquemment affirmé, certaines catégories de fakirs peuvent être assimilées à des moines en ce qu’ils pratiquent la vie conventuelle ou érémitique. À partir de là, l’auteur propose d’examiner et de questionner le rôle que les fakirs ont pu jouer dans la production littéraire, historique et théologique de leur société à des époques différentes. Il s’agit d’étudier comment leurs productions littéraires et culturelles ont participé à la construction et à l’évolution des croyances religieuses et comment elles ont influencé l’organisation de la vie religieuse. L’étude est basée sur deux études de cas: La‘l Shahbâz Qalandar (m. 1274) et Shâh Latîf (m. 1757), dont les mausolées sont situés dans la province du Sindh, dans le Sud Pakistan.In Muslim context, contrary to what is frequently asserted, some categories of fakirs can be assimilated to monks, since they are living in convents or as hermits. From this point, the author wishes to address the contribution provided by fakirs in the fields of literature, history and theology of their own society, and at different periods. He will therefore study by which processes they participated in the construction and evolution of religious knowledge, and how they were able to influence the organization of religious life. The study is based on two case studies: La‘l Shahbâz Qalandar (d. 1274) and Shâh Latîf (d. 1757), whose mausoleums are located in the province of Sindh, in South Pakistan.En el contexto musulmán, y contrariamente a lo que se afirmó frecuentemente, ciertas categorías de fakires pueden ser asimilados a monjes, en tanto practican la vida conventual o eremítica. El autor se propone examinar y cuestionar el rol que los fakires pudieron jugar en la producción literaria, histórica y teológica de su sociedad en épocas diferentes. Se trata de estudiar de qué maneras sus producciones literarias y culturales participaron de la construcción y de la evolución de las creencias religiosas, y cómo aquellas influenciaron la organización de la vida religiosa. El estudio está basado en dos estudios de caso, Lal Shahbâz Qalandar (fallecido en 1274) y Shâh Latîf (fallecido en 1757), cuyos mausoleos se sitúan en la provincia de Sindh en Pakistán del sur

    Jonah Blank, Mullahs on the Mainframe. Islam and Modernity among the Daudi Bohras

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    Il faut tout d’abord rappeler que peu d’études ont été consacrées aux Bohras depuis les deux livres publiés, l’un en 1980 par Asghar Ali Engineer, qui était largement consacré à la dissidence, l’autre en 1984 par Shibani Roy. Les Bohras, musulmans chiites ismaéliens originaires de l’État indien du Gujarat, sont les descendants d’Hindous convertis à l’islam et spécialisés dans différentes branches du commerce. Dans cet ouvrage, Jonah Blank entend montrer que les Bohras, communauté qui compte p..

    Discovering Sindh’s Past: Selections from the Journal of the Sindh Historical Society, 1934-1948. Introduction

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    International audienceThis introduction locates conceptually and historically the selection of articles from the Journal of the Sindh Historical Society reproduced in the book. We first counter the common notion that describes Sindhi identity as “syncretic” and highlight how religious identities acquired greater political salience in Sindh in the decades leading up to Partition in 1947. This context of heightened religious polarization was the one in which the members of the Sind Historical Society wrote the articles reproduced here. Collectively, these articles not only deepen knowledge about Sindh but also the history of Pakistan and the diversity of its people. Hence, they point toward how the histories of region and nation should be “intertwined” rather than exclusive

    Social comparison processes and academic achievement: the dependence of the development of self-evaluations on friends’ performance

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the role of social comparison processes in children's self-evaluations. Children's aptitudes to gauge their self-evaluations of their abilities in school activities (i.e., perceived academic competence) on the basis of their actual performance depended on how well their reciprocated friends performed academically. Self-evaluations of performance were not affected when the comparison was based on levels of nonreciprocated friends' achievement

    Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index from infancy to the onset of adulthood: an individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts participating in the COllaborative project of Development of Anthropometrical measures in Twins (CODATwins) study

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    Background: Both genetic and environmental factors are known to affect body mass index (BMI), but detailed understanding of how their effects differ during childhood and adolescence is lacking

    Predicting change in academic achievement : a model of peer experiences and self-system processes

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    The purpose of this study was to test a model of peer experiences and academic achievement among elementary school children. This model postulates that the quality of children's social relations (e.g., social preference) in the peer group can foster or inhibit feelings of connectedness (e.g., loneliness), which in turn affects children's perceptions of academic competence. Finally, perceptions of academic competence are hypothesized to predict change in academic achievement. Participants were 397 school children (206 girls, 191 boys; mean age = 108 months, range = 88–157 months). Results from structural equation modeling provided support for the proposed model. Discussion centers on the mediational role of self-system processes between children's social relations and change in academic achievement

    Developmental associations between victimization and body mass index from 3 to 10 years in a population sample

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    In the current prospective study, we investigated (1) whether high and low BMI in early childhood puts a child at risk of victimization by their peers, and (2) whether being victimised increases BMI over the short- and long-term, independent of the effect of BMI on victimization. We also examined whether gender moderated these prospective associations. Participants were 1344 children who were assessed yearly from ages 3 -10 years as part of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD). BMI predicted annual increases in victimization for girls aged 6 years and over; for boys aged 7 and 8 years of age, higher BMI reduced victimization over the school year. Further, victimization predicted annual increases in BMI for girls after age 6 years. When these short-term effects were held constant, victimization was also shown to have a three and five-year influence on annual BMI changes for girls from age 3 years. These short- and long-term cross-lagged effects were evident when the effects of family adversity were controlled. The findings support those from previous prospective research showing a link between higher BMI and victimization, but only for girls. Further, being victimised increased the likelihood that girls would put on weight over time, which then increased future victimization. The implications of these prospective findings for interventions are considered