265 research outputs found

    Natural dynamics of European Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karts.) in French Pyrenees

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    L’épicĂ©a (Picea abies) a Ă©tĂ© introduit par l’homme dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es entre 1880 et 1910 puis entre 1950 et 1985. Ses plantations occupent aujourd’hui 8300 ha soit 1,53 % des forĂȘts pyrĂ©nĂ©ennes. Les rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rations naturelles de l’épicĂ©a s’installent dans de nombreux sylvo-faciĂšs et il se retrouve ainsi dans 8400 autres hectares de forĂȘts. Dans la vallĂ©e de Luchon, forĂȘts et landes comprises, l’épicĂ©a reprĂ©sente 23 % des semis forestiers dans le cadre d’une vaste dynamique post-culturale et sous la pression des cervidĂ©s qui le favorisent. Dans le Capcir (PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Orientales), essentiellement subalpin, oĂč les plantations d’épicĂ©a furent petites, peu nombreuses et ont Ă©tĂ© progressivement coupĂ©es, 8 % des surfaces des forĂȘts de pin Ă  crochets (Pinus uncinata) portent au moins 1 semis d’épicĂ©a. Cette essence se comporte bien comme une espĂšce invasive de l’espace pyrĂ©nĂ©en.Between 1880 and 1910, then 1950 and 1985, European spruce (Picea abies) was introduced into Pyrenees. Plantations cover 8,300 ha, 1.53 % of Pyrenean forests. In addition, natural regenerations move into 8,400 ha of very various sylvo-facies. In forests or open lands of the Pique valley (central Pyrenees), young spruces represent 23 % of total seedlings. In Capcir (PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Orientales), in the subalpine belt, a first generation of few, very small plantations, now harvested, 8 % of the mountain pine (Pinus uncinata) stands contain at least one young spruce. This tree behaves really as an invasive species in the Pyrenean space

    DĂ©bardage et sylviculture.

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    Évaluation de l’incertitude associĂ©e Ă  l’interpolation de maillage dans un calcul couplĂ© partitionnĂ©

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    Cette Ă©tude s’intĂ©resse Ă  la reprĂ©sentation et Ă  la propagation des incertitudes d’interpolation dans un calcul couplĂ© de type ïŹ‚uide-structure partitionnĂ©. Nous proposons d’utiliser l’interpolation par krigeage pour transfĂ©rer les informations d’un maillage Ă  un autre. De plus, l’incertitude associĂ©e Ă  la prĂ©diction par krigeage est utilisĂ©e de façon originale aïŹn de quantiïŹer l’alĂ©a introduit par l’étape d’interpolation sur la rĂ©ponse du calcul couplĂ©

    Une forĂȘt exemplaire : le bois de Gabor (Tarn), ses avatars du XIIIe au XXIe siĂšcle

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    The tiny ancient royal forest (30 ha) of Gabor, still intact since the 17 th century, has an extraordinary history. It belonged to the Counts of Toulouse since 1221, then became the property of the King in 1271 and in 1541 was subjected to the reformation. It was almost completely cleared for the purpose of growing woad, for which there was a flourishing market at the time. What remained of the forest was subjected to the coppicewith- reserves system but ruined by the officers in charge of tending to it. In 1666, Louis de Froidour notes that the oldest tree it contained was only 7 years old. Not wanting to use either the simple coppice or the high forest system on such a small surface area, he designed a long term plan for selecting standards, thus inventing the coppice-with-standards system. It was recorded in 1724 that his instructions were followed to the letter. The forest was sold as national property in 1796 and to this day has maintained many traces of its prestigious but little known past.Intacte depuis le XVIIe siĂšcle sur la commune de Lavaur (Tarn), la toute petite (30 ha) ancienne forĂȘt royale de Gabor a une histoire Ă©tonnante. Aux comtes de Toulouse depuis 1221, royale en 1271, elle fait l’objet d’une rĂ©formation en 1541. Elle a Ă©tĂ© presque totalement dĂ©frichĂ©e au profit de la culture du pastel, alors florissante. Le solde, cultivĂ© en taillis sous baliveaux, est ruinĂ© par les officiers chargĂ©s de sa garde. En 1666, Louis de Froidour y constate que l’arbre le plus ĂągĂ© n’a que 7 ans. Ne voulant ni la cultiver en taillis simple ni faire une futaie sur une si petite surface, il conçoit un plan de balivage Ă  long terme inventant lĂ  le taillissous- futaie. En 1724, il est constatĂ© que ses prescriptions ont Ă©tĂ© parfaitement suivies. Vendue comme bien national en 1796, la forĂȘt conserve toujours de nombreuses traces de son passĂ© prestigieux mais inconnu

    Surgical versus endovascular treatment of traumatic thoracic aortic rupture

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    ObjectivesBlunt traumatic thoracic aortic rupture is a life-threatening surgical emergency associated with high mortality and morbidity. The recent development of endovascular stent-graft prostheses offers a potentially less invasive alternative to open chest surgery, especially in patients with associated injuries. We sought to compare the results of conventional surgical repair and endovascular treatment of traumatic aortic rupture in a single center.MethodsFrom July 1998 to January 2004, 20 patients with acute blunt traumatic aortic rupture underwent treatment at our institution. All patients had a lesion limited to the isthmus, and associated injuries. Initial management included fluid resuscitation, treatment of other severe associated lesions, and strict monitoring of blood pressure. Eleven patients (9 men, 2 women; mean age, 32 years) underwent surgical repair, including direct suturing in 6 patients and graft interposition in 5 patients. Ten patients were operated on with cardiopulmonary support (left bypass with centrifugal pump, n = 2; extracorporeal circulation, n = 8). The delay between trauma and surgery was 2.6 days (range, 0-21 days). Nine patients (8 men, 1 woman; mean age, 32 years) underwent endovascular treatment with commercially available devices (Excluder, n = 2; Talent, n = 7). In all patients 1 stent graft was deployed. In 2 patients the left subclavian artery was intentionally covered with the device. The delay between trauma and endovascular treatment was 17.8 days (range, 1-68 days).ResultsOne patient in the surgical group (9.1%) died during the intervention. Three surgical complications occurred in 3 patients (27%), including left phrenic nerve palsy (n = 1), left-sided recurrent nerve palsy (n = 1), and hemopericardium 16 days after surgery that required a repeat intervention (n = 1). No patient in this group had paraplegia. In the endovascular group successful stent-graft deployment was achieved in all patients, with no conversion to open repair. No patient died, and no procedure-related complications, including paraplegia, occurred in this group. Control computed tomography scans obtained within 7 days after endovascular treatment showed exclusion of pseudoaneurysm in all cases. Length of follow-up for endovascular treatment ranged from 3 to 41 months (mean, 15.1 months). Computed tomography scans obtained 3 months after endovascular treatment showed complete disappearance of pseudoaneurysm in all patients.ConclusionIn the treatment of blunt traumatic thoracic aortic rupture, the immediate outcome in patients who receive endovascular stent grafts appears to be at least as good as observed after conventional surgical repair. Long-term follow-up is necessary to assess long-term effectiveness of such management

    HSAF-induced antifungal effects in Candida albicans through ROS-mediated apoptosis

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    Heat-stable antifungal factor (HSAF) belongs to polycyclic tetramate macrolactams (PTMs), which inhibits many fungal pathogens and is effective in inhibiting Candida albicans (C. albicans). In this study, we found that HSAF induced the apoptosis of C. albicans SC5314 through inducing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Nevertheless, we validated the efficacy of HSAF against candidiasis caused by C. albicans in a murine model in vivo,and HSAF significantly improved survival and reduced fungal burden compared to vehicles. A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was also investigated, revealing the theoretical binding mode of HSAF to the ÎČ-tubulin of C. albicans. This study first found PTMs-induced fungal apoptosis through ROS accumulation in C. albicans and its potential as a novel agent for fungicides

    Inventaire et Ă©valuation des vieilles forĂȘts des PyrĂ©nĂ©es de Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es

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    Les 11, 12 et 13 fĂ©vrier 2016, ce sont dĂ©roulĂ©es les 5e Rencontres Naturalistes de Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es dans le Gers, Ă  Auch. Tous les 3 ans, ce rendez-vous incontournable des amateurs et professionnels de la biodiversitĂ© de Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es et d’ailleurs, a rassemblĂ© plus de 600 participants sur les 3 jours. Le succĂšs de cet Ă©vĂ©nement n’aurait pas Ă©tĂ© aussi complet sans l’aide des bĂ©nĂ©voles et des associations partenaires. Les 5e Rencontres Naturalistes se sont ouvertes sur les discours de Nadia BaĂŻtiche-Moine, Adjointe au Maire d’Auch, de JĂ©rĂŽme Calas, PrĂ©sident de Nature Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es et de Ronny Guardia-Mazzoleni, Conseiller rĂ©gional Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es. Au cours de ces 3 jours, ce sont prĂšs de 35 communications sur la faune, la flore et les espaces naturels, agricoles et forestiers qui ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©es : une vĂ©ritable synthĂšse des diffĂ©rents travaux menĂ©s en Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es depuis 3 ans dans le domaine de la connaissance et de la prĂ©servation de notre riche patrimoine naturel rĂ©gional. Les nombreux participants d’horizons divers (associations, conservatoires, services de l’Etat, laboratoires de recherche, Ă©tablissements scolaires, PNR ou collectivitĂ©s) ont eu Ă©galement l’occasion de profiter des temps de pause pour Ă©changer autour d’une vingtaine de posters scientifiques et de diffĂ©rentes expositions
