729 research outputs found

    Multifractal characteristics of external anal sphincter based on sEMG signals

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    This work presents the application of Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis for the surface electromyography signals obtained from the patients suffering from rectal cancer. The electrical activity of an external anal sphincter at different levels of medical treatment is considered. The results from standard MFDFA and the EMD--based MFDFA method are compared. Two distinct scaling regions were identified. Within the region of short time scales the calculated spectra exhibit the shift towards higher values of the singularity exponent for both methods. In addition obtained spectra are shifted towards the lower values of singularity exponent for the EMD--based MFDFA.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    The distribution of information for sEMG signals in the rectal cancer treatment process

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    The electrical activity of external anal sphincter can be registered with surface electromyography. This signals are known to be highly complex and nonlinear. This work aims in characterisation of the information carried in the signals by harvesting the concept of information entropy. We will focus of two classical measures of the complexity. Firstly the Shannon entropy is addressed. It is related to the probability spectrum of the possible states. Secondly the Spectral entropy is described, as a simple frequency-domain analog of the time-domain Shannon characteristics. We discuss the power spectra for separate time scales and present the characteristics which can represent the dynamics of electrical activity of this specific muscle group. We find that the rest and maximum contraction states represent rather different spectral characteristic of entropy, with close-to-normal contraction and negatively skewed rest state.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Comparative analysis of information usefulness evaluation methods on business internet services

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    Purpose: The article presents the usefulness issues of presented information on information and business internet services. The article presents a comparative analysis and an applicability analysis of information usefulness evaluation methods for textual and graphic forms of content presentation on the example of business internet services. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study describes the basic methodological assumptions, the research evaluation procedure of information usefulness and various forms of informational content presentation, and also the results of data analysis from the study conducted on a group of respondents. In order to determine the factors, that have the greatest impact on information usefulness evaluation of various forms of content presentation, the data obtained from the study using various methods such as online questionnaire, usability testing and heuristic analysis were compared and subjected using multi-criteria SAW method. Findings: Results of research presented in the article can be useful in creating assumptions for ways of content presentation and visualization on websites and continuous improvement of their functional quality and also consequently on the perception by customers, sellers and owners of these websites.peer-reviewe

    Can You Fool AI by Doing a 180? \unicode{x2013} A Case Study on Authorship Analysis of Texts by Arata Osada

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    This paper is our attempt at answering a twofold question covering the areas of ethics and authorship analysis. Firstly, since the methods used for performing authorship analysis imply that an author can be recognized by the content he or she creates, we were interested in finding out whether it would be possible for an author identification system to correctly attribute works to authors if in the course of years they have undergone a major psychological transition. Secondly, and from the point of view of the evolution of an author's ethical values, we checked what it would mean if the authorship attribution system encounters difficulties in detecting single authorship. We set out to answer those questions through performing a binary authorship analysis task using a text classifier based on a pre-trained transformer model and a baseline method relying on conventional similarity metrics. For the test set, we chose works of Arata Osada, a Japanese educator and specialist in the history of education, with half of them being books written before the World War II and another half in the 1950s, in between which he underwent a transformation in terms of political opinions. As a result, we were able to confirm that in the case of texts authored by Arata Osada in a time span of more than 10 years, while the classification accuracy drops by a large margin and is substantially lower than for texts by other non-fiction writers, confidence scores of the predictions remain at a similar level as in the case of a shorter time span, indicating that the classifier was in many instances tricked into deciding that texts written over a time span of multiple years were actually written by two different people, which in turn leads us to believe that such a change can affect authorship analysis, and that historical events have great impact on a person's ethical outlook as expressed in their writings

    Accreditation of professional skills: Spanish experiences

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    The article refers to the Spanish experience in the field of accreditation of skills acquired through informal education. It also shows the role of counselor in this process and describes the procedure of evaluation for certification of professional competenc

    Recovery And Migration Of Application Logic From Legacy Systems

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    Future Internet technologies necessitate dramatic changes in system design, deliveryand usage patterns. For many legacy applications it means that their furtherdevelopment and transition to the Internet becomes problematic or evenimpossible due to the obsolescence of technologies they use. Replacement ofthe old system with the new one, built from scratch, is usually economicallyunacceptable. Therefore, there is a call for methods and tools supportingthe automated migration of legacy systems into a new paradigm. This paperproposes a tool supported method for recovery and migration of applicationlogic information from legacy systems. The information extracted from a legacyapplication is stored in the form of precise requirement-level models enablingautomated transformation into a new system structure in a model-driven way.Evaluation of the approach is based on a case study legacy system

    Improving Polish to English Neural Machine Translation with Transfer Learning: Effects of Data Volume and Language Similarity

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    This paper investigates the impact of data volume and the use of similar languages on transfer learning in a machine translation task. We find out that having more data generally leads to better performance, as it allows the model to learn more patterns and generalizations from the data. However, related languages can also be particularly effective when there is limited data available for a specific language pair, as the model can leverage the similarities between the languages to improve performance. To demonstrate, we fine-tune mBART model for a Polish-English translation task using the OPUS-100 dataset. We evaluate the performance of the model under various transfer learning configurations, including different transfer source languages and different shot levels for Polish, and report the results. Our experiments show that a combination of related languages and larger amounts of data outperforms the model trained on related languages or larger amounts of data alone. Additionally, we show the importance of related languages in zero-shot and few-shot configurations