523 research outputs found

    Numerical Calculations of Acoustic Emission

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    A computer program [1] which solves the partial differential equations for sound propagation numerically is applied to the study of problems in acoustic emission. The program uses finite difference techniques to calculate sound fields due to distributions of sources in complex geometries in two dimensions. The potential to handle more complex geometries and to model more realistic sources is the main advantage of this type of calculation over the analytic calculations. The main disadvantage of the numerical technique is the cost of obtaining results since a large main frame computer or supercomputer is required

    Numerical Calculations of Acoustic Emission

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    Multidimensional cluster states using a single spin-photon interface coupled strongly to an intrinsic nuclear register

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    Photonic cluster states are a powerful resource for measurement-based quantum computing and loss-tolerant quantum communication. Proposals to generate multi-dimensional lattice cluster states have identified coupled spin-photon interfaces, spin-ancilla systems, and optical feedback mechanisms as potential schemes. Following these, we propose the generation of multi-dimensional lattice cluster states using a single, efficient spin-photon interface coupled strongly to a nuclear register. Our scheme makes use of the contact hyperfine interaction to enable universal quantum gates between the interface spin and a local nuclear register and funnels the resulting entanglement to photons via the spin-photon interface. Among several quantum emitters, we identify the silicon-29 vacancy centre in diamond, coupled to a nanophotonic structure, as possessing the right combination of optical quality and spin coherence for this scheme. We show numerically that using this system a 2x5-sized cluster state with a lower-bound fidelity of 0.5 and repetition rate of 65 kHz is achievable under currently realised experimental performances and with feasible technical overhead. Realistic gate improvements put 100-photon cluster states within experimental reach

    Cost-Effective Use of Silver Dressings for the Treatment of Hard-to-Heal Chronic Venous Leg Ulcers

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    Aim To estimate the cost-effectiveness of silver dressings using a health economic model based on time-to-wound-healing in hard-to-heal chronic venous leg ulcers (VLUs). Background Chronic venous ulceration affects 1–3% of the adult population and typically has a protracted course of healing, resulting in considerable costs to the healthcare system. The pathogenesis of VLUs includes excessive and prolonged inflammation which is often related to critical colonisation and early infection. The use of silver dressings to control this bioburden and improve wound healing rates remains controversial. Methods A decision tree was constructed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of treatment with silver compared with non-silver dressings for four weeks in a primary care setting. The outcomes: ‘Healed ulcer’, ‘Healing ulcer’ or ‘No improvement’ were developed, reflecting the relative reduction in ulcer area from baseline to four weeks of treatment. A data set from a recent meta-analysis, based on four RCTs, was applied to the model. Results Treatment with silver dressings for an initial four weeks was found to give a total cost saving (£141.57) compared with treatment with non-silver dressings. In addition, patients treated with silver dressings had a faster wound closure compared with those who had been treated with non-silver dressings. Conclusion The use of silver dressings improves healing time and can lead to overall cost savings. These results can be used to guide healthcare decision makers in evaluating the economic aspects of treatment with silver dressings in hard-to-heal chronic VLUs

    Endoscopists attitudes on the publication of "quality" data for endoscopic procedures: a cross-sectional survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Whilst the public now have access to mortality & morbidity data for cardiothoracic surgeons, such "quality" data for endoscopy are not generally available. We studied endoscopists' attitudes to and the practicality of this data being published.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We sent a questionnaire to all consultant gastrointestinal (GI) surgeons, physicians and medical GI specialist registrars in the Northern region who currently perform GI endoscopic procedures (n = 132). We recorded endoscopist demographics, experience and current data collection practice. We also assessed the acceptability and utility of nine items describing endoscopic "quality" (e.g. mortality, complication & completion rates).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>103 (78%) doctors responded of whom 79 were consultants (77%). 61 (59%) respondents were physicians. 77 (75%) collect any "quality" data. The most frequently collected item was colonoscopic completion rate. Data were most commonly collected for appraisal, audit or clinical governance. The majority of doctors (54%) kept these data only available to themselves, and just one allowed the public to access this. The most acceptable data item was annual number of endoscopies and the least was crude upper GI bleeding mortality. Surgeons rated information less acceptable and less useful than physicians. Acceptability and utility scores were not related to gender, length of experience or current activity levels. Only two respondents thought all items totally unacceptable and useless.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The majority of endoscopists currently collect "quality" data for their practice although these are not widely available. The endoscopists in this study consider the publication of their outcome data to be "fairly unacceptable/not very useful" to "neutral" (score 2–3). If these data were made available to patients, consideration must be given to both its value and its acceptability.</p

    Electronic Health Literacy Across the Lifespan: Measurement Invariance Study

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    Background: Electronic health (eHealth) information is ingrained in the healthcare experience to engage patients across the lifespan. Both eHealth accessibility and optimization are influenced by lifespan development, as older adults experience greater challenges accessing and using eHealth tools as compared to their younger counterparts. The eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) is the most popular measure used to assess patient confidence locating, understanding, evaluating, and acting upon online health information. Currently, however, the factor structure of the eHEALS across discrete age groups is not well understood, which limits its usefulness as a measure of eHealth literacy across the lifespan. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the structure of eHEALS scores and the degree of measurement invariance among US adults representing the following generations: Millennials (18-35-year-olds), Generation X (36-51-year-olds), Baby Boomers (52-70-year-olds), and the Silent Generation (71-84-year-olds). Methods: Millennials (N=281, mean 26.64 years, SD 5.14), Generation X (N=164, mean 42.97 years, SD 5.01), and Baby Boomers/Silent Generation (N=384, mean 62.80 years, SD 6.66) members completed the eHEALS. The 3-factor (root mean square error of approximation, RMSEA=.06, comparative fit index, CFI=.99, Tucker-Lewis index, TLI=.98) and 4-factor (RMSEA=.06, CFI=.99, TLI=.98) models showed the best global fit, as compared to the 1- and 2-factor models. However, the 4-factor model did not have statistically significant factor loadings on the 4th factor, which led to the acceptance of the 3-factor eHEALS model. The 3-factor model included eHealth Information Awareness, Search, and Engagement. Pattern invariance for this 3-factor structure was supported with acceptable model fit (RMSEA=.07, Δχ2=P>.05, ΔCFI=0). Compared to Millennials and members of Generation X, those in the Baby Boomer and Silent Generations reported less confidence in their awareness of eHealth resources (P<.001), information seeking skills (P=.003), and ability to evaluate and act on health information found on the Internet (P<.001). Results: Young (18-48-year olds, N=411) and old (49-84-year olds, N=419) adults completed the survey. A 3-factor model had the best fit (RMSEA=.06, CFI=.99, TLI=.98), as compared to the 1-factor, 2-factor, and 4-factor models. These 3-factors included eHealth Information Awareness (2 items), Information Seeking (2 items), and Information and Evaluation (4 items). Pattern invariance was supported with the acceptable model fit (RMSEA=.06, Δχ2=P>.05, ΔCFI=0). Compared with younger adults, older adults had less confidence in eHealth resource awareness (P<.001), information seeking skills (P<.01), and ability to evaluate and act upon online health information (P<.001). Conclusions: The eHEALS can be used to assess, monitor uniquely, and evaluate Internet users’ awareness of eHealth resources, information seeking skills, and engagement abilities. Configural and pattern invariance was observed across all generation groups in the 3-factor eHEALS model. To meet gold the standards for factor interpretation (ie, 3 items or indicators per factor), future research is needed to create and assess additional eHEALS items. Future research is also necessary to identify and test items for a fourth factor, one that captures the social nature of eHealth

    The Seroepidemiology of Haemophilus influenzae Type B Prior to Introduction of an Immunization Programme in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is now recognized as an important pathogen in Asia. To evaluate disease susceptibility, and as a marker of Hib transmission before routine immunization was introduced in Kathmandu, 71 participants aged 7 months-77 years were recruited and 15 cord blood samples were collected for analysis of anti-polyribosylribitol phosphate antibody levels by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Only 20% of children under 5 years old had levels considered protective (>0.15 µg/ml), rising to 83% of 15-54 year-olds. Prior to introduction of Hib vaccine in Kathmandu, the majority of young children were susceptible to disease

    Outcomes of aortic aneurysm surgery in England : a nationwide cohort study using hospital admissions data from 2002 to 2015

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    Background The United Kingdom aortic aneurysms (AA) services have undergone reconfiguration to improve outcomes. The National Health Service collects data on all hospital admissions in England. The complex administrative datasets generated have the potential to be used to monitor activity and outcomes, however, there are challenges in using these data as they are primarily collected for administrative purposes. The aim of this study was to develop standardised algorithms with the support of a clinical consensus group to identify all AA activity, classify the AA management into clinically meaningful case mix groups and define outcome measures that could be used to compare outcomes among AA service providers. \ud Methods In-patient data about aortic aneurysm (AA) admissions from the 2002/03 to 2014/15 were acquired. A stepwise approach, with input from a clinical consensus group, was used to identify relevant cases. The data is primarily coded into episodes, these were amalgamated to identify admissions; admissions were linked to understand patient pathways and index admissions. Cases were then divided into case-mix groups based upon examination of individually sampled and aggregate data. Consistent measures of outcome were developed, including length of stay, complications within the index admission, post-operative mortality and re-admission. Results Several issues were identified in the dataset including potential conflict in identifying emergency and elective cases and potential confusion if an inappropriate admission definition is used. Ninety six thousand seven hundred thirty-five patients were identified using the algorithms developed in this study to extract AA cases from Hospital episode statistics. From 2002 to 2015, 83,968 patients (87% of all cases identified) underwent repair for AA and 12,767 patients (13% of all cases identified) died in hospital without any AA repair. Six thousand three hundred twenty-nine patients (7.5%) had repair for complex AA and 77,639 (92.5%) had repair for infra-renal AA. Conclusion The proposed methods define homogeneous clinical groups and outcomes by combining administrative codes in the data. These methodologically robust methods can help examine outcomes associated with previous and current service provisions and aid future reconfiguration of aortic aneurysm surgery services

    Iron Deficiency Increases Growth and Nitrogen-Fixation Rates of Phosphorus-Deficient Marine Cyanobacteria

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    Marine dinitrogen (N2)-fixing cyanobacteria have large impacts on global biogeochemistry as they fix carbon dioxide (CO2) and fertilize oligotrophic ocean waters with new nitrogen. Iron (Fe) and phosphorus (P) are the two most important limiting nutrients for marine biological N2 fixation, and their availabilities vary between major ocean basins and regions. A long-standing question concerns the ability of two globally dominant N2-fixing cyanobacteria, unicellular Crocosphaera and filamentous Trichodesmium, to maintain relatively high N2-fixation rates in these regimes where both Fe and P are typically scarce. We show that under P-deficient conditions, cultures of these two cyanobacteria are able to grow and fix N2 faster when Fe deficient than when Fe replete. In addition, growth affinities relative to P increase while minimum concentrations of P that support growth decrease at low Fe concentrations. In Crocosphaera, this effect is accompanied by a reduction in cell sizes and elemental quotas. Relatively high growth rates of these two biogeochemically critical cyanobacteria in low-P, low-Fe environments such as those that characterize much of the oligotrophic ocean challenge the common assumption that low Fe levels can have only negative effects on marine primary producers. The closely interdependent influence of Fe and P on N2-fixing cyanobacteria suggests that even subtle shifts in their supply ratio in the past, present and future oceans could have large consequences for global carbon and nitrogen cycles

    FOXN1 forms higher-order nuclear condensates displaced by mutations causing immunodeficiency

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    The transcription factor FOXN1 is a master regulator of thymic epithelial cell (TEC) development and function. Here, we demonstrate that FOXN1 expression is differentially regulated during organogenesis and participates in multimolecular nuclear condensates essential for the factor’s transcriptional activity. FOXN1’s C-terminal sequence regulates the diffusion velocity within these aggregates and modulates the binding to proximal gene regulatory regions. These dynamics are altered in a patient with a mutant FOXN1 that is modified in its C-terminal sequence. This mutant is transcriptionally inactive and acts as a dominant negative factor displacing wild-type FOXN1 from condensates and causing athymia and severe lymphopenia in heterozygotes. Expression of the mutated mouse ortholog selectively impairs mouse TEC differentiation, revealing a gene dose dependency for individual TEC subtypes. We have therefore identified the cause for a primary immunodeficiency disease and determined the mechanism by which this FOXN1 gain-of-function mutant mediates its dominant negative effect