397 research outputs found

    Dendritic Protein Synthesis, Synaptic Plasticity, and Memory

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    Considerable evidence suggests that the formation of long-term memories requires a critical period of new protein synthesis. Recently, the notion that some of these newly synthesized proteins originate through local translation in neuronal dendrites has gained some traction. Here, we review the experimental support for this idea and highlight some of the key questions outstanding in this area

    Becoming Skilled in Doing What\u27s Appropriate: The Nonreflective Rationality of Ethical Expertise

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    An Interview with Hubert Dreyfus, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley

    Regulation of Dendritic Protein Synthesis by Miniature Synaptic Events

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    We examined dendritic protein synthesis after a prolonged blockade of action potentials alone and after a blockade of both action potentials and miniature excitatory synaptic events (minis). Relative to controls, dendrites exposed to a prolonged blockade of action potentials showed diminished protein synthesis. Dendrites in which both action potentials and minis were blocked showed enhanced protein synthesis, suggesting that minis inhibit dendritic translation. When minis were acutely blocked or stimulated, an immediate increase or decrease, respectively, in dendritic translation was observed. Taken together, these results reveal a role for miniature synaptic events in the acute regulation of dendritic protein synthesis in neurons


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    Considerable evidence suggests that the formation of long-term memories requires a critical period of new protein synthesis. Recently, the notion that some of these newly synthesized proteins originate through local translation in neuronal dendrites has gained some traction. Here, we review the experimental support for this idea and highlight some of the key questions outstanding in this area

    A novel synthesis of two decades of microsatellite studies on European beech reveals decreasing genetic diversity from glacial refugia

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    Genetic diversity influences the evolutionary potential of forest trees under changing environmental conditions, thus indirectly the ecosystem services that forests provide. European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is a dominant European forest tree species that increasingly suffers from climate change-related die-back. Here, we conducted a systematic literature review of neutral genetic diversity in European beech and created a meta-data set of expected heterozygosity (He) from all past studies providing nuclear microsatellite data. We propose a novel approach, based on population genetic theory and a min–max scaling to make past studies comparable. Using a new microsatellite data set with unprecedented geographic coverage and various re-sampling schemes to mimic common sampling biases, we show the potential and limitations of the scaling approach. The scaled meta-dataset reveals the expected trend of decreasing genetic diversity from glacial refugia across the species range and also supports the hypothesis that different lineages met and admixed north of the European mountain ranges. As a result, we present a map of genetic diversity across the range of European beech which could help to identify seed source populations harboring greater diversity and guide sampling strategies for future genome-wide and functional investigations of genetic variation. Our approach illustrates how to combine information from several nuclear microsatellite data sets to describe patterns of genetic diversity extending beyond the geographic scale or mean number of loci used in each individual study, and thus is a proof-of-concept for synthesizing knowledge from existing studies also in other species

    Effects of atmospheric, topographic, and BRDF correction on imaging spectroscopy-derived data products

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    Surface reflectance is an important data product in imaging spectroscopy for obtaining surface information. The complex retrieval of surface reflectance, however, critically relies on accurate knowledge of atmospheric absorption and scattering, and the compensation of these effects. Furthermore, illumination and observation geometry in combination with surface reflectance anisotropy determine dynamics in retrieved surface reflectance not related to surface absorption properties. To the best of authors’ knowledge, no comprehensive assessment of the impact of atmospheric, topographic, and anisotropy effects on derived surface information is available so far.This study systematically evaluates the impact of these effects on reflectance, albedo, and vegetation products. Using three well-established processing schemes (ATCOR F., ATCOR R., and BREFCOR), high-resolution APEX imaging spectroscopy data, covering a large gradient of illumination and observation angles, are brought to several processing states, varyingly affected by mentioned effects. Pixel-wise differences of surface reflectance, albedo, and spectral indices of neighboring flight lines are quantitatively analyzed in their respective overlapping area. We found that compensation of atmospheric effects reveals actual anisotropy-related dynamics in surface reflectance and derived albedo, related to an increase in pixel-wise relative reflectance and albedo differences of more than 40%. Subsequent anisotropy compensation allows us to successfully reduce apparent relative reflectance and albedo differences by up to 20%. In contrast, spectral indices are less affected by atmospheric and anisotropy effects, showing relative differences of 3% to 10% in overlapping regions of flight lines.We recommend to base decisions on the use of appropriate processing schemes on individual use cases considering envisioned data products

    Evaluating potential of leaf reflectance spectra to monitor plant genetic variation

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    Remote sensing of vegetation by spectroscopy is increasingly used to characterize trait distributions in plant communities. How leaves interact with electromagnetic radiation is determined by their structure and contents of pigments, water, and abundant dry matter constituents like lignins, phenolics, and proteins. High-resolution ("hyperspectral") spectroscopy can characterize trait variation at finer scales, and may help to reveal underlying genetic variation-information important for assessing the potential of populations to adapt to global change. Here, we use a set of 360 inbred genotypes of the wild coyote tobacco Nicotiana attenuata: wild accessions, recombinant inbred lines (RILs), and transgenic lines (TLs) with targeted changes to gene expression, to dissect genetic versus non-genetic influences on variation in leaf spectra across three experiments. We calculated leaf reflectance from hand-held field spectroradiometer measurements covering visible to short-wave infrared wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation (400-2500 nm) using a standard radiation source and backgrounds, resulting in a small and quantifiable measurement uncertainty. Plants were grown in more controlled (glasshouse) or more natural (field) environments, and leaves were measured both on- and off-plant with the measurement set-up thus also in more to less controlled environmental conditions. Entire spectra varied across genotypes and environments. We found that the greatest variance in leaf reflectance was explained by between-experiment and non-genetic between-sample differences, with subtler and more specific variation distinguishing groups of genotypes. The visible spectral region was most variable, distinguishing experimental settings as well as groups of genotypes within experiments, whereas parts of the short-wave infrared may vary more specifically with genotype. Overall, more genetically variable plant populations also showed more varied leaf spectra. We highlight key considerations for the application of field spectroscopy to assess genetic variation in plant populations

    Individual tree-based vs pixel-based approaches to mapping forest functional traits and diversity by remote sensing

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    Plant ecology and biodiversity research have increasingly incorporated trait-based approaches and remote sensing. Compared with traditional field survey (which typically samples individual trees), remote sensing enables quantifying functional traits over large contiguous areas, but assigning trait values to biological units such as species and individuals is difficult with pixel-based approaches. We used a subtropical forest landscape in China to compare an approach based on airborne LiDAR-delineated individual tree crowns (ITCs) with a pixel-based approach for assessing functional traits from remote sensing data. We compared trait distributions, trait–trait relationships and functional diversity metrics obtained by the ITC- and pixel-based approaches at changing pixel size and extent. We found that morphological traits derived from airborne laser scanning showed more differences between ITC- and pixel-based approaches than physiological traits estimated by airborne Pushbroom Hyperspectral Imager-3 (PHI-3) hyperspectral data. Pixel sizes approximating average tree crowns yielded similar results as ITCs, but 95th quantile height and foliage height diversity tended to be overestimated and leaf area index underestimated relative to ITC-based values. With increasing pixel size, the differences to ITC-based trait values became larger and less trait variance was captured, indicating information loss. The consistency of ITC- and pixel-based functional richness also decreased with increasing pixel size, and changed with the observed extent for functional diversity monitoring. We conclude that whereas ITC-based approaches in principle allow partitioning of variation between individuals, genotypes and species, high-resolution pixel-based approaches come close to this and can be suitable for assessing ecosystem-scale trait variation by weighting individuals and species according to coverage

    Intracameral dexamethasone reduces inflammation on the first postoperative day after cataract surgery in eyes with and without glaucoma

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    Purpose: To evaluate whether dexamethasone injected intracamerally at the conclusion of surgery can safely and effectively reduce postoperative inflammation and improve surgical outcomes in eyes with and without glaucoma. Methods: Retrospective chart review of 176 consecutive eyes from 146 patients receiving uncomplicated phacoemulsification (PE) (n = 118 total, 82 with glaucoma), glaucoma drainage device (GDD) (n = 35), combined PE/GDD (n = 11) and combined PE/endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation (n = 12). Ninety-one eyes from 76 patients were injected with 0.4 mg dexamethasone intracamerally at the conclusion of surgery. All eyes received standard postoperative prednisolone and ketorolac eyedrops. Outcomes were measured for four to eight weeks by subjective complaints, visual acuity (VA), slit-lamp biomicroscopy, intraocular pressure (IOP) and postoperative complications. Results: Dexamethasone significantly reduced the odds of having an increased anterior chamber (AC) cell score after PE (p = 0.0013). Mean AC cell score ± SD in nonglaucomatous eyes was 1.3 ± 0.8 in control and 0.8 ± 0.7 with dexamethasone; scores in glaucomatous eyes were 1.3 ± 0.7 in control and 0.9 ± 0.8 with dexamethasone. Treated nonglaucomatous eyes had significantly fewer subjective complaints after PE (22.2% vs 64.7% in control; p = 0.0083). Dexamethasone had no significant effects on VA, corneal changes, IOP one day and one month after surgery, or long-term complications. Conclusions: Intracameral dexamethasone given at the end of cataract surgery significantly reduces postoperative AC cells in eyes with and without glaucoma, and improves subjective reports of recovery in nonglaucomatous eyes. There were no statistically significant risks of IOP elevation or other complications in glaucomatous eyes. © 2009 Chang et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd
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