726 research outputs found

    Indirect Cost Recovery Rates: Why Do They Differ?

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    This paper reviews the history of the federal government's indirect cost recovery system and empirically examines the determinants of IRC rates. We find that, ceteris paribas schools in the Northeast have higher ICR rates, as do schools with high administrative expenses, a disproportionate number of graduate students, and larger expenditures on physical plant. Private research universities have higher ICR rates than do public research universities, but other factors turn out to explain most of this difference. Institutional characteristics relating to the mix of operations, financial characteristics, and location all play an important role in the determination of this rate, implying that there are good economic reasons for much of the observed variation in ICR rates both between and within sectors.

    Phage display selected magnetite interacting Adhirons for shape controlled nanoparticle synthesis

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    Adhirons are robust, well expressing, peptide display scaffold proteins, developed as an effective alternative to traditional antibody binding proteins for highly specific molecular recognition applications. This paper reports for the first time the use of these versatile proteins for material binding, and as tools for controlling material synthesis on the nanoscale. A phage library of Adhirons, each displaying two variable binding loops, was screened to identify specific proteins able to interact with [100] faces of cubic magnetite nanoparticles. The selected variable regions display a strong preference for basic residues such as lysine. Molecular dynamics simulations of amino acid adsorption onto a [100] magnetite surface provides a rationale for these interactions, with the lowest adsorption energy observed with lysine. These proteins direct the shape of the forming nanoparticles towards a cubic morphology in room temperature magnetite precipitation reactions, in stark contrast to the high temperature, harsh reaction conditions currently used to produce cubic nanoparticles. These effects demonstrate the utility of the selected Adhirons as novel magnetite mineralization control agents using ambient aqueous conditions. The approach we outline with artificial protein scaffolds has the potential to develop into a toolkit of novel additives for wider nanomaterial fabrication

    Acute Effects of Aerosolized S-Nitrosoglutathione in Cystic Fibrosis

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/ajrccm.165.7.2105032#.VJCPDXs4d41.S-Nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), a naturally occurring constituent of airway lining fluid, enhances ciliary motility, relaxes airway smooth muscle, inhibits airway epithelial amiloride-sensitive sodium transport, and prevents pathogen replication. Remarkably, airway levels of GSNO are low in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). We hypothesized that replacement of airway GSNO would improve gas exchange in CF. In a double-blind, placebo controlled study, we administered 0.05 ml/kg of 10 mM GSNO or phosphate buffered saline by aerosol to patients with CF and followed oxygen saturation, spirometry, respiratory rate, blood pressure, heart rate, and expired nitric oxide (NO). Nine patients received GSNO and 11 placebo. GSNO inhalation was associated with a modest but sustained increase in oxygen saturation at all time points. Expired NO increased in the low ppb range with GSNO treatment, peaking at 5 minutes but remaining above baseline at 30 minutes. There were no adverse effects. We conclude that GSNO is well tolerated in patients with CF and improves oxygenation through a mechanism that may be independent of free NO. Further, GSNO breakdown increases expired NO. We suggest that therapy aimed at restoring endogenous GSNO levels in the CF airway may merit study

    Transcription Factor Competition Allows Embryonic Stem Cells to Distinguish Authentic Signals from Noise

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    Stem cells occupy variable environments where they must distinguish stochastic fluctuations from developmental cues. Here, we use optogenetics to investigate how the pluripotency network in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) achieves a robust response to differentiation cues but not to gene expression fluctuations. We engineered mouse ESCs to allow quantitative control over the endogenous mechanism of neural differentiation through a light-inducible Brn2 transgene and monitored differentiation status through a genome-integrated Nanog-GFP reporter. By exposing cells to pulses of Brn2, we find that the pluripotency network rejects Brn2 inputs that are below specific magnitude or duration thresholds, but allows rapid differentiation when both thresholds are satisfied. The filtering properties of the network arise through its positive feedback architecture and the intrinsic half-life of Nanog, which determines the duration threshold in the network. Together our results suggest that the dynamic properties of positive feedback networks might determine how inputs are classified as signal or noise by stem cells

    Two-Fermion Production in Electron-Positron Collisions

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    This report summarizes the results of the two-fermion working group of the LEP2-MC workshop, held at CERN from 1999 to 2000. Recent developments in the theoretical calculations of the two fermion production process in the electron-positron collision at LEP2 center of the mass energies are reported. The Bhabha process and the production of muon, tau, neutrino and quark pairs is covered. On the basis of comparison of various calculations, theoretical uncertainties are estimated and compared with those needed for the final LEP2 data analysis. The subjects for the further studies are identified.Comment: 2-fermion working group report of the LEP2 Monte Carlo Workshop 1999/2000, 113 pages, 24 figures, 35 table

    Emergence of good conduct, scaling and Zipf laws in human behavioral sequences in an online world

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    We study behavioral action sequences of players in a massive multiplayer online game. In their virtual life players use eight basic actions which allow them to interact with each other. These actions are communication, trade, establishing or breaking friendships and enmities, attack, and punishment. We measure the probabilities for these actions conditional on previous taken and received actions and find a dramatic increase of negative behavior immediately after receiving negative actions. Similarly, positive behavior is intensified by receiving positive actions. We observe a tendency towards anti-persistence in communication sequences. Classifying actions as positive (good) and negative (bad) allows us to define binary 'world lines' of lives of individuals. Positive and negative actions are persistent and occur in clusters, indicated by large scaling exponents alpha~0.87 of the mean square displacement of the world lines. For all eight action types we find strong signs for high levels of repetitiveness, especially for negative actions. We partition behavioral sequences into segments of length n (behavioral `words' and 'motifs') and study their statistical properties. We find two approximate power laws in the word ranking distribution, one with an exponent of kappa-1 for the ranks up to 100, and another with a lower exponent for higher ranks. The Shannon n-tuple redundancy yields large values and increases in terms of word length, further underscoring the non-trivial statistical properties of behavioral sequences. On the collective, societal level the timeseries of particular actions per day can be understood by a simple mean-reverting log-normal model.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Taxonomy Working Group Final Report

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    The purpose of the Taxonomy Working Group was to develop a proposal for a common taxonomy to be used by all NASA projects in the classifying of nonconformances, anomalies, and problems. Specifically, the group developed a recommended list of data elements along with general suggestions for the development of a problem reporting system to better serve NASA's need for managing, reporting, and trending project aberrant events. The Group's recommendations are reported in this document

    Individualization as driving force of clustering phenomena in humans

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    One of the most intriguing dynamics in biological systems is the emergence of clustering, the self-organization into separated agglomerations of individuals. Several theories have been developed to explain clustering in, for instance, multi-cellular organisms, ant colonies, bee hives, flocks of birds, schools of fish, and animal herds. A persistent puzzle, however, is clustering of opinions in human populations. The puzzle is particularly pressing if opinions vary continuously, such as the degree to which citizens are in favor of or against a vaccination program. Existing opinion formation models suggest that "monoculture" is unavoidable in the long run, unless subsets of the population are perfectly separated from each other. Yet, social diversity is a robust empirical phenomenon, although perfect separation is hardly possible in an increasingly connected world. Considering randomness did not overcome the theoretical shortcomings so far. Small perturbations of individual opinions trigger social influence cascades that inevitably lead to monoculture, while larger noise disrupts opinion clusters and results in rampant individualism without any social structure. Our solution of the puzzle builds on recent empirical research, combining the integrative tendencies of social influence with the disintegrative effects of individualization. A key element of the new computational model is an adaptive kind of noise. We conduct simulation experiments to demonstrate that with this kind of noise, a third phase besides individualism and monoculture becomes possible, characterized by the formation of metastable clusters with diversity between and consensus within clusters. When clusters are small, individualization tendencies are too weak to prohibit a fusion of clusters. When clusters grow too large, however, individualization increases in strength, which promotes their splitting.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    β-cell metabolic alterations under chronic nutrient overload in rat and human islets

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    The aim of this study was to assess multifactorial β-cell responses to metabolic perturbations in primary rat and human islets. Treatment of dispersed rat islet cells with elevated glucose and free fatty acids (FFAs, oleate:palmitate = 1:1 v/v) resulted in increases in the size and the number of lipid droplets in β-cells in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Glucose and FFAs synergistically stimulated the nutrient sensor mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). A potent mTORC1 inhibitor, rapamycin (25 nM), significantly reduced triglyceride accumulation in rat islets. Importantly, lipid droplets accumulated only in β-cells but not in α-cells in an mTORC1-dependent manner. Nutrient activation of mTORC1 upregulated the expression of adipose differentiation related protein (ADRP), known to stabilize lipid droplets. Rat islet size and new DNA synthesis also increased under nutrient overload. Insulin secretion into the culture medium increased steadily over a 4-day period without any significant difference between glucose (10 mM) alone and the combination of glucose (10 mM) and FFAs (240 μM). Insulin content and insulin biosynthesis, however, were significantly reduced under the combination of nutrients compared with glucose alone. Elevated nutrients also stimulated lipid droplet formation in human islets in an mTORC1-dependent manner. Unlike rat islets, however, human islets did not increase in size under nutrient overload despite a normal response to nutrients in releasing insulin. The different responses of islet cell growth under nutrient overload appear to impact insulin biosynthesis and storage differently in rat and human islets
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