25 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry versus Gauge Symmetry on the Heterotic Landscape

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    One of the goals of the landscape program in string theory is to extract information about the space of string vacua in the form of statistical correlations between phenomenological features that are otherwise uncorrelated in field theory. Such correlations would thus represent predictions of string theory that hold independently of a vacuum-selection principle. In this paper, we study statistical correlations between two features which are likely to be central to any potential description of nature at high energy scales: gauge symmetries and spacetime supersymmetry. We analyze correlations between these two kinds of symmetry within the context of perturbative heterotic string vacua, and find a number of striking features. We find, for example, that the degree of spacetime supersymmetry is strongly correlated with the probabilities of realizing certain gauge groups, with unbroken supersymmetry at the string scale tending to favor gauge-group factors with larger rank. We also find that nearly half of the heterotic landscape is non-supersymmetric and yet tachyon-free at tree level; indeed, less than a quarter of the tree-level heterotic landscape exhibits any supersymmetry at all at the string scale.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, 7 table

    Correlation Classes on the Landscape: To What Extent is String Theory Predictive?

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    In light of recent discussions of the string landscape, it is essential to understand the degree to which string theory is predictive. We argue that it is unlikely that the landscape as a whole will exhibit unique correlations amongst low-energy observables, but rather that different regions of the landscape will exhibit different overlapping sets of correlations. We then provide a statistical method for quantifying this degree of predictivity, and for extracting statistical information concerning the relative sizes and overlaps of the regions corresponding to these different correlation classes. Our method is robust and requires no prior knowledge of landscape properties, and can be applied to the landscape as a whole as well as to any relevant subset.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 5 figure

    Adventures in Thermal Duality (II): Towards a Duality-Covariant String Thermodynamics

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    In a recent companion paper, we observed that the rules of ordinary thermodynamics generally fail to respect thermal duality, a symmetry of string theory under which the physics at temperature T is related to the physics at the inverse temperature 1/T. Even when the free energy and internal energy exhibit the thermal duality symmetry, the entropy and specific heat are defined in such a way that this symmetry is destroyed. In this paper, we propose a modification of the traditional definitions of these quantities, yielding a manifestly duality-covariant thermodynamics. At low temperatures, these modifications produce "corrections" to the standard definitions of entropy and specific heat which are suppressed by powers of the string scale. These corrections may nevertheless be important for the full development of a consistent string thermodynamics. We find, for example, that the string-corrected entropy can be smaller than the usual entropy at high temperatures, suggesting a possible connection with the holographic principle. We also discuss some outstanding theoretical issues prompted by our approach.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, 1 conversatio

    Free Fermion Orientifolds

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    We investigate a class of orientifold models based on tensor products of 18 Ising models. Using the same search criteria as for the comparable case of Gepner model orientifolds we find that there are no three-family standard model configurations with tadpole cancellation. Even if we do not impose the latter requirement, we only find one such configuration in the special case of complex free fermions. In order to allow a comparison with other approaches we enumerate the Hodge numbers of the type-IIB theories we obtain. We provide indications that there are fermionic IIB vacua that are not Z2Ă—Z2Z_2\times Z_2 orbifolds.Comment: 18 pages + Appendix; references adde