397 research outputs found

    Equilibration through local information exchange in networks

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    We study the equilibrium states of energy functions involving a large set of real variables, defined on the links of sparsely connected networks, and interacting at the network nodes, using the cavity and replica methods. When applied to the representative problem of network resource allocation, an efficient distributed algorithm is devised, with simulations showing full agreement with theory. Scaling properties with the network connectivity and the resource availability are found.Comment: v1: 7 pages, 1 figure, v2: 4 pages, 2 figures, simplified analysis and more organized results, v3: minor change

    Promising Findings that the Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators’ Program (CHIME) Strengthens Early Childhood Teachers’ Emotional Resources: An Iterative Study

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    Findings suggest that an eight-week mindfulness compassion-based program, Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators (CHIME), is a feasible professional development intervention for early childhood (EC) teachers to support their emotion regulation and psychological and workplace well-being. We offer preliminary evidence that learning about mindfulness, self-compassion, and social-emotional learning supports EC teachers in strengthening their knowledge and application of practices to be more mindful and less emotionally reactive and emotionally exhausted at work. In analyzing both EC teacher feedback and survey data from two pilot studies, there was promising evidence that participating in CHIME enhanced awareness of emotions and the development of strategies to manage emotions. As CHIME is further developed and refined it will be integral to have collaborative engagement and participation from EC teachers and programs to ensure that learning these practices are relevant, helpful, meaningful, and sustainable

    Optimal Location of Sources in Transportation Networks

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    We consider the problem of optimizing the locations of source nodes in transportation networks. A reduction of the fraction of surplus nodes induces a glassy transition. In contrast to most constraint satisfaction problems involving discrete variables, our problem involves continuous variables which lead to cavity fields in the form of functions. The one-step replica symmetry breaking (1RSB) solution involves solving a stable distribution of functionals, which is in general infeasible. In this paper, we obtain small closed sets of functional cavity fields and demonstrate how functional recursions are converted to simple recursions of probabilities, which make the 1RSB solution feasible. The physical results in the replica symmetric (RS) and the 1RSB frameworks are thus derived and the stability of the RS and 1RSB solutions are examined.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figure

    Fermions and Loops on Graphs. I. Loop Calculus for Determinant

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    This paper is the first in the series devoted to evaluation of the partition function in statistical models on graphs with loops in terms of the Berezin/fermion integrals. The paper focuses on a representation of the determinant of a square matrix in terms of a finite series, where each term corresponds to a loop on the graph. The representation is based on a fermion version of the Loop Calculus, previously introduced by the authors for graphical models with finite alphabets. Our construction contains two levels. First, we represent the determinant in terms of an integral over anti-commuting Grassman variables, with some reparametrization/gauge freedom hidden in the formulation. Second, we show that a special choice of the gauge, called BP (Bethe-Peierls or Belief Propagation) gauge, yields the desired loop representation. The set of gauge-fixing BP conditions is equivalent to the Gaussian BP equations, discussed in the past as efficient (linear scaling) heuristics for estimating the covariance of a sparse positive matrix.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; misprints correcte

    Loop series for discrete statistical models on graphs

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    In this paper we present derivation details, logic, and motivation for the loop calculus introduced in \cite{06CCa}. Generating functions for three inter-related discrete statistical models are each expressed in terms of a finite series. The first term in the series corresponds to the Bethe-Peierls (Belief Propagation)-BP contribution, the other terms are labeled by loops on the factor graph. All loop contributions are simple rational functions of spin correlation functions calculated within the BP approach. We discuss two alternative derivations of the loop series. One approach implements a set of local auxiliary integrations over continuous fields with the BP contribution corresponding to an integrand saddle-point value. The integrals are replaced by sums in the complimentary approach, briefly explained in \cite{06CCa}. A local gauge symmetry transformation that clarifies an important invariant feature of the BP solution, is revealed in both approaches. The partition function remains invariant while individual terms change under the gauge transformation. The requirement for all individual terms to be non-zero only for closed loops in the factor graph (as opposed to paths with loose ends) is equivalent to fixing the first term in the series to be exactly equal to the BP contribution. Further applications of the loop calculus to problems in statistical physics, computer and information sciences are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Nucleation and Growth of the Superconducting Phase in the Presence of a Current

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    We study the localized stationary solutions of the one-dimensional time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations in the presence of a current. These threshold perturbations separate undercritical perturbations which return to the normal phase from overcritical perturbations which lead to the superconducting phase. Careful numerical work in the small-current limit shows that the amplitude of these solutions is exponentially small in the current; we provide an approximate analysis which captures this behavior. As the current is increased toward the stall current J*, the width of these solutions diverges resulting in widely separated normal-superconducting interfaces. We map out numerically the dependence of J* on u (a parameter characterizing the material) and use asymptotic analysis to derive the behaviors for large u (J* ~ u^-1/4) and small u (J -> J_c, the critical deparing current), which agree with the numerical work in these regimes. For currents other than J* the interface moves, and in this case we study the interface velocity as a function of u and J. We find that the velocities are bounded both as J -> 0 and as J -> J_c, contrary to previous claims.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, Revte

    Message Passing for Optimization and Control of Power Grid: Model of Distribution System with Redundancy

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    We use a power grid model with MM generators and NN consumption units to optimize the grid and its control. Each consumer demand is drawn from a predefined finite-size-support distribution, thus simulating the instantaneous load fluctuations. Each generator has a maximum power capability. A generator is not overloaded if the sum of the loads of consumers connected to a generator does not exceed its maximum production. In the standard grid each consumer is connected only to its designated generator, while we consider a more general organization of the grid allowing each consumer to select one generator depending on the load from a pre-defined consumer-dependent and sufficiently small set of generators which can all serve the load. The model grid is interconnected in a graph with loops, drawn from an ensemble of random bipartite graphs, while each allowed configuration of loaded links represent a set of graph covering trees. Losses, the reactive character of the grid and the transmission-level connections between generators (and many other details relevant to realistic power grid) are ignored in this proof-of-principles study. We focus on the asymptotic limit and we show that the interconnects allow significant expansion of the parameter domains for which the probability of a generator overload is asymptotically zero. Our construction explores the formal relation between the problem of grid optimization and the modern theory of sparse graphical models. We also design heuristic algorithms that achieve the asymptotically optimal selection of loaded links. We conclude discussing the ability of this approach to include other effects, such as a more realistic modeling of the power grid and related optimization and control algorithms.Comment: 10 page