453 research outputs found

    An algebra of discrete event processes

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    This report deals with an algebraic framework for modeling and control of discrete event processes. The report consists of two parts. The first part is introductory, and consists of a tutorial survey of the theory of concurrency in the spirit of Hoare's CSP, and an examination of the suitability of such an algebraic framework for dealing with various aspects of discrete event control. To this end a new concurrency operator is introduced and it is shown how the resulting framework can be applied. It is further shown that a suitable theory that deals with the new concurrency operator must be developed. In the second part of the report the formal algebra of discrete event control is developed. At the present time the second part of the report is still an incomplete and occasionally tentative working paper

    Ω-Invariance in control systems with bounded controls

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    AbstractThe concepts of weakly Ω-invariant sets and strictly weakly Ω-invariant sets in control systems with bounded controls are defined and analyzed. Computable conditions for weak Ω-invariance are derived, and the question of existence of rest points and stationary points in weakly Ω-invariant sets is considered. For linear dynamics, properties of weakly Ω-invariant sets are studied, and questions of constrained reachability are investigated

    A note on minimal polynomials

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    Las crisis sanitarias y la migraciĂłn

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    Las respuestas individuales y colectivas a las crisis sanitarias se suman a una respuesta de la sanidad pĂşblica ordenada, que la mayorĂ­a de las veces se opone a la necesidad de desplazamientos a gran escala. Restringir los movimientos de poblaciĂłn es un modo muy ineficaz de detener la propagaciĂłn de una enfermedad y sin embargo los Gobiernos suelen recurrir a ello en los lugares donde se origina una crisis sanitaria

    Control Synthesis for a Class of Hybrid Systems Subject to Configuration-Based Safety Constraints

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    We examine a class of hybrid systems which we call Composite Hybrid Machines (CHM's) that consists of the concurrent (and partially synchronized) operation of Elementary Hybrid Machines (EHM's). Legal behavior, specified by a set of illegal configurations that the CHM may not enter, is to be achieved by the concurrent operation of the CHM with a suitably designed legal controller. In the present paper we focus on the problem of synthesizing a legal controller, whenever such a controller exists. More specifically, we address the problem of synthesizing the minimally restrictive legal controller. A controller is minimally restrictive if, when composed to operate concurrently with another legal controller, it will never interfere with the operation of the other controller and, therefore, can be composed to operate concurrently with any other controller that may be designed to achieve liveness specifications or optimality requirements without the need to reinvestigate or reverify legality of the composite controller. We confine our attention to a special class of CHM's where system dynamics is rate-limited and legal guards are conjunctions or disjunctions of atomic formulas in the dynamic variables (of the type x less than or equal to x(sub 0), or x greater than or equal to x(sub 0)). We present an algorithm for synthesis of the minimally restrictive legal controller. We demonstrate our approach by synthesizing a minimally restrictive controller for a steam boiler (the verification of which recently received a great deal of attention)

    Field Effect and Photoconduction in Au25 Nanoclusters Films

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    Quantum confined Au nanoclusters exhibit molecule-like properties, including atomic precision and discrete energy levels. The electrical conductivity of Au nanocluster films can vary by several orders of magnitude, and is determined by the strength of the electronic coupling between the individual nanoclusters in the film. Similar to quantum confined, semiconducting quantum dots, the electrical coupling in films is dependent on the size and structure of the Au core and the length and conjugation of the organic ligands surrounding it. Unlike quantum dots, however, semiconducting transport has not been reported in Au nanocluster films. We demonstrate that through a simple yet careful choice of cluster size and organic ligands, stable Au nanocluster films can electronically couple and become semiconducting, exhibiting electric field effect and photoconductivity. The molecule-like nature of the Au nanoclusters is evidenced by a hopping transport mechanism reminiscent of doped, disordered organic semiconductor films. These results demonstrate the potential of metal nanoclusters as a solution processed material for semiconducting devices
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