230 research outputs found

    Electrochemically switchable platform for the micro-patterning and release of heterotypic cell sheets

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    This article describes a dynamic platform in which the biointerfacial properties of micro-patterned domains can be switched electrochemically through the spatio-temporally controlled dissolution and adsorption of polyelectrolyte coatings. Insulating SU-8 micro-patterns created on a transparent indium tin oxide electrode by photolithography allowed for the local control over the electrochemical dissolution of polyelectrolyte mono- and multilayers, with polyelectrolytes shielded from the electrochemical treatment by the underlying photoresist stencil. The platform allowed for the creation of micro-patterned cell co-cultures through the electrochemical removal of a non-fouling polyelectrolyte coating and the localized adsorption of a cell adhesive one after attachment of the first cell population. In addition, the use of weak adhesive polyelectrolyte coatings on the photoresist domains allowed for the detachment of a contiguous heterotypic cell sheet upon electrochemical trigger. Cells grown on the ITO domains peeled off upon electrochemical dissolution of the sacrificial polyelectrolyte substrate, whereas adjacent cell areas on the insulated weakly adhesive substrate easily detached through the contractile force generated by neighboring cells. This electrochemical strategy for the micro-patterning and detachment of heterotypic cell sheets combines simplicity, precision and versatility, and presents great prospects for the creation of cellular constructs which mimic the cellular complexity of native tissue

    Electrical microcurrent to prevent conditioning film and bacterial adhesion to urological stents

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    Long-term catheters remain a significant clinical problem in urology due to the high rate of bacterial colonization, infection, and encrustation. Minutes after insertion of a catheter, depositions of host urinary components onto the catheter surface form a conditioning film actively supporting the bacterial adhesion process. We investigated the possibility of reducing or avoiding the buildup of these naturally forming conditioning films and of preventing bacterial adhesion by applying different current densities to platinum electrodes as a possible catheter coating material. In this model we employed a defined environment using artificial urine and Proteus mirabilis. The film formation and desorption was analyzed by highly mass sensitive quartz crystal microbalance and surface sensitive atomic force microscopy. Further, we performed bacterial staining to assess adherence, growth, and survival on the electrodes with different current densities. By applying alternating microcurrent densities on platinum electrodes, we could produce a self regenerative surface which actively removed the conditioning film and significantly reduced bacterial adherence, growth, and survival. The results of this study could easily be adapted to a catheter design for clinical us

    Einfluss der vertikalen Auflösung der Eingangsprofile bei einem Schallstrahlenmodell

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    In der folgenden Ausarbeitung soll der Einfluss der vertikalen Auflösung der Eingangsprofile auf die Schallausbreitungsrechnungen eines Schallstrahlenmodells nĂ€her untersucht werden. Der Grund hierfĂŒr liegt in dem Auftreten eines „Schichtenproblems“ bei der Arbeit mit einem solchen Modell. Das bedeutet, dass je grĂ¶ĂŸer die vertikale Auflösung der Eingangsprofile ist, desto mehr weicht die mit dem Computermodell bestimmte Lösung von der analytischen ab. Im folgenden Beitrag werden verschiedene vertikale Auflösungen untersucht und es wird gezeigt, dass eine höhere Auflösung dieses Problem lösen kann. Die Berechnungen erfolgen mit dem Schallstrahlenmodell SMART. Dieses Modell basiert auf der Berechnung des Weges, den der Schall in einer geschichteten AtmosphĂ€re zurĂŒcklegt. Die Berechnungsgrundlage fĂŒr das Strahlenmodell bilden dabei aus Radiosondendaten interpolierte, sowie klimatologisch klassifizierte Temperatur- und Windprofile. Diese Untersuchungen stellen eine notwendige Grundlage bei der Analyse und Interpretation der durch ein Strahlenmodell gewonnenen DĂ€mpfungsberechnungen dar.In the following article, effects of the vertical resolution of input data on numerical sound attenuation simulations are investigated. The reason for this lies in the occurrence of a „layer problem“ during work with such a model. That means, even larger the vertical resolution of the input profiles is, so much more the calculated answer deviates from the analytic. Therefore, different vertical resolutions are examined. The analyzed results show that a higher resolution can solve this problem. Calculations are carried out using the sound ray model SMART which considers the dependency of sound ray propagation on stratified atmosphere. As a basis for calculating the sound ray paths interpolated and climatologically classified profiles of temperature and wind obtained from radiosonde data are utilized. These investigations provide a basis for the analysis and interpretation of attenuation calculations derived from a sound ray model

    RĂ€umliche Orientierung. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Relevanz des Kompetenzbereichs aus der Perspektive der Gesellschaft und der Experten

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    The national standards for education in geography include six areas of competence. One of these areas is spatial orientation. This particular field includes topographical knowledge, categories of spatial imagination, the ability to orient one's self in real space, and the use of maps and patterns of spatial perception. There is no discussion on the meaning of spatial orientation in general, but it is still not determined which elements within the whole of geographical knowledge and abilities must be mastered by German students. This survey aims to feed this discussion. 172 prominent members of society and 110 experts on geography have been asked how they ranked certain topographical knowledges and abilities

    Kalkutta liegt am Ganges, Paris liegt an der Seine
 Welches Topographische Orientierungswissen benötigt ein BundesbĂŒrger aus der Perspektive der Gesellschaft und der Geographieexperten?

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    Within the didactical discussion is no final agreement on a canon that represents the minimum of necessary topographical knowledge. Several authors have made suggestions based on hermeneutics or experience. This article completes these attempts through an empirical approach. 172 prominent members of society and 110 experts in geography have been asked to mark those elements on maps of Germany, Europe and the world that they consider important. The results show a broad consensus among the participants and are helpful in setting standards for topographical knowledge

    Differential Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy and Clinical Outcomes According to QRS Morphology and QRS Duration

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    ObjectivesThe goal of this study was to examine the relative impact of QRS morphology and duration in echocardiographic responses to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and clinical outcomes.BackgroundAt least one-third of all patients treated with CRT fail to derive benefit. Patients without left bundle branch block (LBBB) or patients with smaller QRS duration (QRSd) respond less or not at all to CRT.MethodsWe retrospectively assessed baseline characteristics, clinical and echocardiographic response, and outcomes of all patients who received CRT at our institution between December 2003 and July 2007. Patients were stratified into 4 groups according to their baseline QRS morphology and QRSd.ResultsA total of 496 patients were included in the study; 216 (43.5%) had LBBB and a QRSd ≄150 ms, 85 (17.1%) had LBBB and QRSd <150 ms, 92 (18.5%) had non-LBBB and a QRSd ≄150 ms, and 103 (20.8%) had non-LBBB and QRSd <150 ms. Echocardiographic response (change in ejection fraction) was better in patients with LBBB and QRSd ≄150 ms (12 ± 12%) than in those with LBBB and QRSd <150 ms (8 ± 10%), non-LBBB and QRSd ≄150 ms (5 ± 9%), and non-LBBB and QRSd <150 ms (3 ± 11%) (p < 0.0001). In a multivariate stepwise model with change in ejection fraction as the dependent variable, the presented classification was the most important independent variable (p = 0.0003). Long-term survival was better in LBBB patients with QRSd ≄150 ms (p = 0.02), but this difference was not significant after adjustment for other baseline characteristics (p = 0.15).ConclusionsQRS morphology is a more important baseline electrocardiographic determinant of CRT response than QRSd

    Yield quantitative trait loci from wild tomato are predominately expressed by the shoot

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    Plant yield is the integrated outcome of processes taking place above and below ground. To explore genetic, environmental and developmental aspects of fruit yield in tomato, we phenotyped an introgression line (IL) population derived from a cross between the cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and a wild species (Solanum pennellii). Both homozygous and heterozygous ILs were grown in irrigated and non-irrigated fields and evaluated for six yield components. Thirteen lines displayed transgressive segregation that increased agronomic yield consistently over 2 years and defined at least 11 independent yield-improving QTL. To determine if these QTL were expressed in the shoots or the roots of the plants, we conducted field trials of reciprocally grafted ILs; out of 13 lines with an effect on yield, 10 QTL were active in the shoot and only IL8-3 showed a consistent root effect. To further examine this unusual case, we evaluated the metabolic profiles of fruits from both the homo- and heterozygous lines for IL8-3 and compared these to those obtained from the fruit of their equivalent genotypes in the root effect population. We observed that several of these metabolic QTL, like the yield QTL, were root determined; however, further studies will be required to delineate the exact mechanism mediating this effect in this specific line. The results presented here suggest that genetic variation for root traits, in comparison to that present in the shoot, represents only a minor component in the determination of tomato fruit yield. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00122-010-1456-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
