94 research outputs found

    Theory of K\"ahler Gravity

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    In this paper we discuss the connection on a space of N=2N=2 TCFT's that appears in the context of background (in)dependence. We formulate a family of {\it target space field theories} with a similar connection on it. Each theory is a gauge theory (with the gauge group being SDiff{\cal SD}iff in the case of 33-fold). It describes deformations of K\"ahler structures much like Kodaira Spencer theory describes deformations of the complex structures. It is manifestly background independent. It appears to be a target space field theory for supersymmetric quantum mechanics

    Large N limit of orbifold field theories

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    We consider certain orbifoldization of the N=4{\cal N}=4 field theories that leads to N=2,1,0{\cal N}=2,1,0 field theories in 4 dimensions. These theories were recently analyzed using the string theory perturbation technique. It was found that in the large NN limit all correlation functions of the orbifold theories coincide with those of N=4{\cal N}=4, modulo the rescaling of the gauge coupling constant. In this paper we repeat the same analysis using the field theoretical language.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, harvmac. Minor change

    Small Instantons, del Pezzo Surfaces and Type I' theory

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    Small instantons of exceptional groups arise geometrically by a collapsing del Pezzo surface in a CY. We use this to explain the physics of a 4-brane probe in Type I' compactification to 9 dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, minor change

    On Four-Dimensional Compactifications of F-Theory

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    Branches of moduli space of F-theory in four dimensions are investigated. The transition between two branches is described as a 3-brane-instanton transition on a 7-brane. A dual heterotic picture of the transition is presented and the F-theory - heterotic theory map is given. The F-theory data - complex structure of the Calabi-Yau fourfold and the instanton bundle on the 7-brane is mapped to the heterotic bundle on the elliptic Calabi-Yau threefold CY_3. The full moduli space has a web structure which is also found in the moduli space of semi-stable bundles on CY3CY_3. Matter content of the four-dimensional theory is discussed in both F-theory and heterotic theory descriptions.Comment: 40 pages, TeX, references added, minor changes in Section

    A Unifying Topological Action for Heterotic and Type II Superstring Theories

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    The heterotic and type II superstring actions are identified in different anomaly-free decompositions of a single topological sigma-model action depending on bosonic and fermionic coordinates, XμX^\mu and \r^A respectively, and of their topological ghosts. This model results from gauge-fixing the topological gauge symmetry δXμ=ϵμ(z,zˉ)\delta X^\mu = \epsilon^\mu (z,\bar z) (μ=1,2,,10\mu =1,2,\dots, 10) and \delta \r^\alpha= \epsilon^\alpha (z,\bar z). (α=1,2.,16\alpha=1,2.\dots, 16). From another viewpoint the heterotic and type II superstring actions emerge as two different gauge-fixings of the same closed two-form. Comments are also made concerning the possibility of relating ρα\rho^\alpha to a Majorana-Weyl space-time spinor superpartner of XμX^\mu.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    String Expansion as Large N Expansion of Gauge Theories

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    We consider string perturbative expansion in the presence of D-branes imbedded in orbifolded space-time. In the regime where the string coupling is weak and α0\alpha'\to 0, the string perturbative expansion coincides with `t Hooft's large N expansion. We specifically concentrate on theories with d=4 and N=0,1,2,4{\cal N}=0,1,2,4, and use world-sheet orbifold techniques to prove vanishing theorems for the field theory beta functions to all orders in perturbation theory in the large N limit. This is in accord with recent predictions.Comment: 18 pages, harvmac, minor corrections and additional reference