21 research outputs found
Reading films for establishing intertextual links : the students’ solution for unacknowledged remakes and premakes
PURPOSE: The paper presents a fragment of the author and his seminar students’ recent
research on multimodal film texts called film remakes, regularly defined as new versions of
the existing films and on their multimodal filmic source texts called premakes. In this article,
the reading in the sense explained below concerns these two multimodal film texts, with a
view to establishing the intertextual relationship between them.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research reported in the present paper is part of the
large-scale, on-going inquiry into the intra- and intermedial adaptation and translation. As
such, this research belongs to the broader fields of media linguistics and multimodal
translation. To read a film means to understand the story progressing on the screen. The
spectators acquire this competence by recognizing the combined semantic entities consisting
of both the filmic devices and non-filmic, cognitive means of storytelling. The idea that the
reading of films amounts to the understanding of films’ stories is also consistent with the
firmly-established conceptual metaphors of ‘understanding is seeing’ and ‘to see is to know’.FINDINGS: Usually the remake status of the film remains acknowledged. The required degree
of similarity and a tolerated degree of difference, revealed through comparing two
multimodal film texts, provide the basis for such objectives. The reported research has
offered a framework for the intermedial comparison and examination of the similarities and
differences, and – on this basis – it has prompted a solution to the problem of identification
and justification of premakes of unacknowledged remakes.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The outlined framework proved useful and effective in the author’s
and the students’ numerous analyses of multimodal film texts. The author’s current research
on intermediality shows that the same framework can also be used for the evaluation of the
quality of film adaptations and film novelizations.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The participants of the author’s film project aimed to work out their own
student-friendly explications of the concepts of ‘film text’ and ‘multimodal film text analysis’.
From their attempt the original concept of narrative-compositional structure and several
other related concept emerged.peer-reviewe
BOKASUN: a fast and precise numerical program to calculate the Master Integrals of the two-loop sunrise diagrams
We present the program BOKASUN for fast and precise evaluation of the Master
Integrals of the two-loop self-mass sunrise diagram for arbitrary values of the
internal masses and the external four-momentum. We use a combination of two
methods: a Bernoulli accelerated series expansion and a Runge-Kutta numerical
solution of a system of linear differential equations
Retrobulbar blood flow and visual organ function disturbance in the course of giant cell arteritis coexisting with optic disc drusen – a case report
The review presented ophthalmologic syndrome connected with visual organ function disorder
in giant cell arteritis patient concomitant with optic nerve disc drusen. Diagnostic
difficulties were shown in relation to incidence of both similar ophthalmic symptoms as
well as interpretation of specialists examinations results (pattern visual evoked potential
test, scanning laser polarimetry, and perimetric tests – kinetic and static). Apart from
ophthalmic investigations, significant role of radiological examinations was considered,
especially color Doppler ultrasonography of retrobulbar circulation – optic artery, central
retinal artery, long posterior ciliary arteries. Adequate interpretation of results seems to
be crucial to establish scheme and timing of treatment in case of co-occurrence of the
abovementioned disorders. In the presented case early implementation of steroid therapy
resulted in improvement of blood flow parameters and the regression of ophthalmological
complaints. Visual field deficiency in kinetic perimetry, reduced wave amplitude p100
in visual evoked potential test as well as decrease in number of optic nerve fibers in optic
nerve disc region in scanning laser polarimetry exam can be diagnostic features in diagnosis
of visual impairment in the course of giant cell arteritis and optic nerve disc drusen.
Evaluation of blood flow velocity parameters in retrobulbar arteries in color Doppler
ultrasonography is the most valuable screening in monitoring ophthalmic dysregulation
in presented disorders.W pracy przedstawiono zespół objawów okulistycznych związanych z zaburzeniem
funkcji układu wzrokowego u 80-letniej pacjentki z olbrzymiokomórkowym zapaleniem
tętnic współistniejącym z druzami tarczy nerwu wzrokowego. Omówiono trudności diagnostyczne
związane z występowaniem podobnych objawów okulistycznych, a także
właściwą interpretacją wyników badań specjalistycznych (badania perymetryczne – statyczne
i kinetyczne, wzrokowe potencjały wywołane wzorcem, skaningowa polarymetria
laserowa). Obok badań okulistycznych uwzględniono również istotną rolę badań radiologicznych,
ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ultrasonografii dopplerowskiej kodowanej
kolorem w ocenie krążenia pozagałkowego – tętnicy ocznej, tętnicy środkowej siatkówki,
tętnic rzęskowych tylnych długich. Właściwa interpretacja wyników otrzymanych badań
wydaje się kluczowa dla ustalenia trybu i czasu postępowania leczniczego. U prezentowanej
pacjentki wczesne wdrożenie glikokortykosteroidoterapii skutkowało poprawą
parametrów przepływu naczyń pozagałkowych oraz ustąpieniem dolegliwości okulistycznych.
Zgodnie ze spostrzeżeniami autorów ubytki pola widzenia w perymetrii kinetycznej
i statycznej, zredukowana amplituda fali p100 w badaniu wzrokowych potencjałów
wywołanych wzorcem, a także zmniejszenie liczby włókien nerwowych w okolicy tarczy
nerwu wzrokowego w badaniu skaningowej polarymetrii laserowej mogą być kryteriami
diagnostycznymi w rozpoznawaniu zaburzeń widzenia zarówno w przebiegu olbrzymiokomórkowego
zapalenia tętnic, jak i druz tarczy nerwu wzrokowego. Ocena parametrów
prędkości przepływu krwi w tętnicach pozagałkowych w badaniu ultrasonograficznym
kodowanym kolorem wydaje się najbardziej wartościowym badaniem w diagnostyce różnicowej
i monitorowaniu zaburzeń okulistycznych w prezentowanych schorzeniach
Oculomotor nerve palsy secondary to internal carotid artery aneurysm – a case report
Autorzy prezentują przypadek 48-letniej kobiety, u której wystąpiły niespecyficzne bóle głowy z następczym opadnięciem powieki, ograniczeniem ruchomości, poszerzeniem źrenicy w prawym oku oraz dwojeniem obrazu. Pacjentka dotychczas nie chorowała. W wywiadzie rodzinnym odnotowano śmierć ojca i siostry w młodym wieku z nieznanej przyczyny. W badaniu neurologicznym i okulistycznym ujawniono porażenie nerwu okoruchowego prawego. Badania tomografii komputerowej oraz angiografii rezonansu magnetycznego potwierdziły obecność tętniaka tętnicy szyjnej wewnętrznej prawej. U pacjentki w trybie pilnym przeprowadzono zabieg endowaskularny – embolizację tętniaka z użyciem coili. Autorzy dokonują przeglądu literatury w zakresie porażenia nerwu okoruchowego oraz tętniaków wewnątrzczaszkowych.The authors present a case of a 48-year-old woman with nonspecific headaches followed by right eye ptosis, motility limitation, enlarged pupil and diplopia. The patient presented no other systemic diseases. In the family history, death of father and sister at an early age was stated for an unknown reason. In the neurological and ophthalmological examination, the right oculomotor nerve palsy was revealed. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance angiography confirmed the presence of the aneurysm of the right internal carotid artery. The patient underwent an endovascular procedure – aneurysm coiling. The authors review literature in the subject of oculomotor nerve palsy and intracranial aneurysms
Serum selenium levels are associated with age-related cataract
The aim of the study is to analyse correlations between age-related cataract (ARC), serum selenium levels and glutathione peroxidase gene 1 and 4 (GPX-1 and GPX-4).
Material and methods
A total sample of 275 participants were enrolled into the study: group A, 94 subjects elligible for ARC surgery, and group B, 181 volunteers without ocular symptoms, gender-, age-, and smoking- status and volume-matched at 1:2 with subjects in group A. All participants (n=275) were divided according to the Lens Opacities Classification System III (LOCS III) into: 1) study group (subjects with clinically significant cataract; N≥3 or C≥3 or P≥2), 2) control group (controls with clinically non-significant cataract; N<3 and C<3 and P<2). The single nucleotide polymorphisms of GPX-1 and GPX-4 were assessed using Real Time PCR. Serum selenium levels were assayed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry.
Low selenium levels significantly predicted any age-related cataract (OR 7.969; p<.01), nuclear cataract (OR 12.823; p<.01) and cortical cataract (OR 3.31; p<.01). There was no significant effect of gender, age, SNP GPX-1 and SNP GPX-4 on the prevalence of age-related nuclear, cortical and posterior sub-capsular cataract. Serum selenium levels of 75–85 µg/L were associated with the lowest prevalence of ARC.
Due to a confirmed association between serum selenium levels and age-related cataract, low serum selenium levels may constitute a potential risk factor of age-related cataract