2,588 research outputs found

    Is South Korea's green job policy sustainable?

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    South Korea’s green job policy was implemented in February 2008 as a part of low-carbon green growth policy, but has been discontinued at the present. The country’s actual energy and environmental consumption has continuously increased, and South Korean society has grown increasingly distant from sustainable development. The study constructs a theoretical framework centering on sustainable development and analyzes the process and contents of South Korea’s green job policy. We suggest four findings: First, in terms of ideology, the nation’s green job policy was based on green growth. Implemented as a strategy typical of developing countries, South Korea’s green growth was pursued as weak ecological modernization, relatively stressing economic growth and excluding citizens’ participation. Second, in terms of governance, the nation’s green job policy was led by the central government, thus nearly completely destroying existing legal and institutional infrastructures related to sustainable development. Third, South Korea’s green job policy was defined on the basis of a growth orientation and concentrated on the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project and the NPP project, both of which betrayed considerable problems from the perspective of sustainable development. Fourth, green jobs were created in traditional environmental protection and pollution reduction and therefore limited

    La notion de culture dans les manuels de traduction : Domaines allemand, anglais, coréen et français

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    Reconnaître que la traduction est une activité de médiation culturelle engage à intégrer l’interculturalité à la formation des traducteurs. On étudie depuis longtemps l’interdépendance des langues et des cultures et son incidence sur la traduction: les approches varient selon l’idée qu’on se fait de la culture et de la traduction, et selon les disciplines mobilisées. En examinant comment la notion de culture est abordée dans des manuels de traduction qui ont marqué la formation des traducteurs dans les dernières décennies, on relève que la culture est principalement envisagée comme un obstacle qui se matérialise dans des problèmes d’ordre surtout linguistique. Sans négliger le rôle des interlocuteurs et du contexte, les approches didactiques privilégient les aspects lexico-syntaxiques, sans beaucoup d’égards pour les dimensions discursives de la textualité proprement dite. Même si le fonctionnalisme a ouvert la formation aux aspects pragmatiques de la traduction, ceux-ci restent subordonnés à une conception logico-grammaticale du texte et ils touchent principalement le rapport implicite/explicite. On note l’absence notoire d’une définition de la culture partout où l’on reconnaît pourtant qu’elle détermine de façon plus englobante la production et l’interprétation du sens. La culture est abordée le plus souvent de façon programmatique. Sur ce point, la didactique de la traduction apparaît donc en net retrait par rapport à la critique traductologique marquée par le tournant culturel des années 1990.Recognizing that translation is an act of cultural mediation means integrating this intercultural perspective into translator training. The study of the interdependence of language and culture, as well as the implications for translation, is nothing new to the discipline of Translation Studies: Approaches vary according to the notion of culture, the notion of translation and according to the disciplines brought into play. By examining how the notion of culture is approached in translation manuals that have marked translator training in recent decades, we are able to show that culture is seen, above all, as an obstacle confronted primarily in linguistic problems. Without neglecting the role of interlocutors or of context, didactic approaches have privileged lexico-syntactic aspects with little regard for the discursive dimensions of textuality. Even if functionalism did indeed open translator training to the pragmatic aspects of translation, they remain subordinate to a logico-grammatical conception of text and deal primarily with the implicit/explicit relationship. We have noted that although the role played by culture in the production and interpretation of meaning is acknowledged, culture is rarely defined. The role played by culture, then, remains theoretical and is not dealt with practically.Within the field of Translation Studies pedagogy appears to lag behind criticism which is marked by the cultural turn of the 1990s.번역이 문화적 매개 행위라는 것을 인정한다면 번역 교육에도 당연히 번역에 내포된 문화간 상호 소통적 측면을 반영해야 할 것이다. 번역학에서는 이미 오래 전부터 언어와 문화의 상호 연관성, 그리고 이것이 번역에 끼치는 영향에 대한 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 하지만 문화와 번역에 대한 인식, 그리고 연구에 응용되는 학문 영역에 따라 접근 방식은 차이를 보이고 있다. 지난 수십년간 번역 교육에 영향을 끼친 번역 교재들 속에서 문화라는 개념이 어떻게 다루어지고 있는지 살펴보면서 우리는 문화가 주로 언어적 차원의 문제로 현실화되어 나타나는, 장애물의 관점에서 인식되고 있음을 발견하게 된다. 번역 교육에서는 발화 상대자나 문맥이 차지하는 역할을 인정하는 한편, 주로 어휘-통사적 차원의 문제에 관심의 초점을 맞추었다. 반면 텍스트성을 형성하는 담론적 측면들은 상대적으로 도외시해왔다. 기능주의의 영향으로 번역 교육이 번역의 화용론적 측면에 눈을 뜨기는 했지만 이 접근 방식도 여전히 텍스트에 대한 논리-문법적 인식에서 벗어나지 못한 채 주로 내포/외연 관계를 다루고 있음을 알 수 있다. 문화가 포괄적으로 의미의 생산과 해석에 영향을 끼친다는 사실에 대한 인식은 있으되 문화에 대한 정의를 찾아보기는 어렵다. 문화에 대한 인식이 구체적인 차원으로 전환되지 못하고 여전히 이론적 수준에 머물러있다. 이런 측면에서 90년대에 문화적 전환을 맞은 번역 비평 분야에 비하면 번역 교육은 아직 뒤처져있다

    Period and toroidal knot mosaics

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    Knot mosaic theory was introduced by Lomonaco and Kauffman in the paper on `Quantum knots and mosaics' to give a precise and workable definition of quantum knots, intended to represent an actual physical quantum system. A knot (m,n)-mosaic is an m ⁣× ⁣nm \! \times \! n matrix whose entries are eleven mosaic tiles, representing a knot or a link by adjoining properly. In this paper we introduce two variants of knot mosaics: period knot mosaics and toroidal knot mosaics, which are common features in physics and mathematics. We present an algorithm producing the exact enumeration of period knot (m,n)-mosaics for any positive integers m and n, toroidal knot (m,n)-mosaics for co-prime integers m and n, and furthermore toroidal knot (p,p)-mosaics for a prime number p. We also analyze the asymptotics of the growth rates of their cardinality

    A Study of how well Korea's ODA procurement system is advanced

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2012masterpublishedLee, Mi-Yeon

    Problem-Based Learning in K–8 Mathematics and Science Education: A Literature Review

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    This systematic literature review was conducted to explore the effectiveness of problem-based and project-based learning (PBL) implemented with students in early elementary to grade 8 (ages 3–14) in mathematics and science classrooms. Nine studies met the following inclusion criteria: (a) focus on PBL, (b) experimental study, (c) kindergarten to grade 8 level, and (d) focus on mathematics or science content. For these studies, we examined: the definitions of PBL used, the components of PBL explicitly identified as salient to student learning, and the effectiveness of PBL. This review found that although there is no consistent definition of PBL, PBL is an effective method for improving K–8 students’ science academic achievement, including knowledge retention, conceptual development, and attitudes. Implications and limitations are discussed