12 research outputs found

    Avulzija zuba

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    Avulzija zuba (exarticulatio) definira se kao potpuno izbijanje zuba iz pripadajuće alveolarne čaÅ”ice. Od svih traumatskih ozljeda zuba avulzija zuba je razmjerno rijetka, od 0.5% - 16% u trajnoj, te od 7% - 13 % u mliječnoj denticiji. NajčeŔća komplikacija nakon replantacije je resorpcija korijena replantiranog zuba. HistoloÅ”ka istraživanja pokazuju razvoj tri vrste resorpcijskih procesa na korijenu replantiranih zuba: povrÅ”nu, zamjensku ( ankiloza ) i upalnu resorpciju. Brojni su čimbenici koji utječu na prognozu replantiranog zuba. Klinička su istraživanja pokazala da su to u prvom redu dužina ekstraalveolarnog razdoblja, medij u kojem je pohranjen avulzirani zub te faza razvoja zubnog korijena. Replantaciju zuba je potrebno učiniti bez obzira kada se pacijent javi. Time se ulijeva povjerenje pacijenta da je učinjeno sve da terapija uspije, iako mogućnost komplikacija raste sa dužim vremenom proteklim od avulzije do početka terapije. Replantacija izbijenog zuba u djeteta nije važna samo s funkcijskog stajaliÅ”ta, već ima ogroman psiholoÅ”ki, emocionalni i socijalni značaj za dijete i čitavu obitelj.Tooth avulsion is the complete displacement of tooth from its socket in alveolar bone. Of all traumatic injuries tooth avulsion is relatively rare, 0.5% - 16 % in the permanent dentition and 7% - 13% in the primary dentition. Most replanted teeth after a certain time develop root resorption. Human histological studies show that there are three types of tooth root resoption: superficial, replacement (ankylosis) and inflammatory resorption. There are many factors that affect on replanted tooth prognosis. Clinical studies have shown these are firstly the length of extra alveolar period, the medium in which avulsed tooth is stored and development phase of the dental root. Tooth replantation has to be done regardless of the time patient had come. This reassures patient that the dentist did everything so therapy does not fail, even though possibility of complications increases with time between avulsion and therapy. Replantation of childā€™s avulsed tooth is not only important from the functional point of view, but has also huge psychological and social significance for the child and the whole family

    Avulzija zuba

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    Avulzija zuba (exarticulatio) definira se kao potpuno izbijanje zuba iz pripadajuće alveolarne čaÅ”ice. Od svih traumatskih ozljeda zuba avulzija zuba je razmjerno rijetka, od 0.5% - 16% u trajnoj, te od 7% - 13 % u mliječnoj denticiji. NajčeŔća komplikacija nakon replantacije je resorpcija korijena replantiranog zuba. HistoloÅ”ka istraživanja pokazuju razvoj tri vrste resorpcijskih procesa na korijenu replantiranih zuba: povrÅ”nu, zamjensku ( ankiloza ) i upalnu resorpciju. Brojni su čimbenici koji utječu na prognozu replantiranog zuba. Klinička su istraživanja pokazala da su to u prvom redu dužina ekstraalveolarnog razdoblja, medij u kojem je pohranjen avulzirani zub te faza razvoja zubnog korijena. Replantaciju zuba je potrebno učiniti bez obzira kada se pacijent javi. Time se ulijeva povjerenje pacijenta da je učinjeno sve da terapija uspije, iako mogućnost komplikacija raste sa dužim vremenom proteklim od avulzije do početka terapije. Replantacija izbijenog zuba u djeteta nije važna samo s funkcijskog stajaliÅ”ta, već ima ogroman psiholoÅ”ki, emocionalni i socijalni značaj za dijete i čitavu obitelj.Tooth avulsion is the complete displacement of tooth from its socket in alveolar bone. Of all traumatic injuries tooth avulsion is relatively rare, 0.5% - 16 % in the permanent dentition and 7% - 13% in the primary dentition. Most replanted teeth after a certain time develop root resorption. Human histological studies show that there are three types of tooth root resoption: superficial, replacement (ankylosis) and inflammatory resorption. There are many factors that affect on replanted tooth prognosis. Clinical studies have shown these are firstly the length of extra alveolar period, the medium in which avulsed tooth is stored and development phase of the dental root. Tooth replantation has to be done regardless of the time patient had come. This reassures patient that the dentist did everything so therapy does not fail, even though possibility of complications increases with time between avulsion and therapy. Replantation of childā€™s avulsed tooth is not only important from the functional point of view, but has also huge psychological and social significance for the child and the whole family

    The Influence of Olive Pomace on the Environment

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    Komina masline kao ostatna materija u prehrambenoj industriji ne ubraja se u opasni otpad ili otpad općenito. To je potencijalni problem zbog njezinih određenih komponenata koje negativno utječu na ekosustav, a osobito na vodene organizme i biljke. Uslijed neadekvatnog odlaganja, spojevi komine bivaju isprani i procjeđivanjem dospijevaju u tla i podzemne vode gdje uzrokuju onečiŔćenja. Tema privlači dodatan interes zbog potencijala iskoriÅ”tavanja komine masline u raznorazne svrhe, te je predmet mnogih znanstvenih istraživanja danaÅ”njice. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Olive pomace is a residue substance in the food industry. It is not considered a hazardous waste or even a waste in general. This is potentially problematic because olive pomace contains certain compounds that can have a negative impact on the ecosystem, especially on aquatic organisms and plants. In case of inappropriate disposal, these toxic compounds may be leached into the soil and groundwater. This topic attracts additional interest due to the potential of olive pomace. Nowadays, olive pomace can be used for various purposes, which are a frequent subject of a lot of scientific research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Sculptural clay expression

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    Diplomski rad obrađuje glinu kao materijal za likovno izražavanje te različite tehnike i načine oblikovanja. Zbog svoje plastičnosti glina je jednostavna za oblikovanje djeci i odraslim osobama te je jedan od prvih načina umjetničkog izražavanja ljudskog roda. Glina je, dakle, jedan od primarnih kiparskih materijala; tisućljećima su od gline izrađivani i razni umjetnički i uporabni predmeti, kao i predmeti primijenjene umjetnosti. Zbog lakoće oblikovanja i podatnosti osobito je pogodna kao način umjetničkog izražavanja djeci i učenicima, a posebice umjetna vrsta gline, odnosno, glinamol. U radu s glinamolom učenici razvijaju kreativnost, sposobnost trodimenzionalnog oblikovanja, kao i psihomotoričke sposobnosti, a u istraživanju provedenom sa učiteljima nižih razreda osnovne Å”kole dr. Jure Turića u Gospiću analizirali smo učestalost koriÅ”tenja glinamola u nastavi likovne kulture.The work explores clay as a material of artistic expression, its various technics and means of utilizations. Due to it is plasticity, clay is very convenient material for children and adults and is one of the first means of artistic expression of human kind. Therefore, the clay is one of the primary sculpting materials; for thousands of years various artistic or practical objects were made from clay, as well as a large variety of applied arts objects. Because of the simplicity of processing and its suppleness, the clay is particularly suitable for artistic expression of children and pupils, especially artificial types of clay. Working with clay pupils develop their creativity, capacity for three ā€“ dimensional object design, as well as psychomotor skills, and for this reason I conducted the research among primary school teachers in Gospić, analysing the frequency of using clay in visual arts subjects in primary education

    Sculptural clay expression

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    Diplomski rad obrađuje glinu kao materijal za likovno izražavanje te različite tehnike i načine oblikovanja. Zbog svoje plastičnosti glina je jednostavna za oblikovanje djeci i odraslim osobama te je jedan od prvih načina umjetničkog izražavanja ljudskog roda. Glina je, dakle, jedan od primarnih kiparskih materijala; tisućljećima su od gline izrađivani i razni umjetnički i uporabni predmeti, kao i predmeti primijenjene umjetnosti. Zbog lakoće oblikovanja i podatnosti osobito je pogodna kao način umjetničkog izražavanja djeci i učenicima, a posebice umjetna vrsta gline, odnosno, glinamol. U radu s glinamolom učenici razvijaju kreativnost, sposobnost trodimenzionalnog oblikovanja, kao i psihomotoričke sposobnosti, a u istraživanju provedenom sa učiteljima nižih razreda osnovne Å”kole dr. Jure Turića u Gospiću analizirali smo učestalost koriÅ”tenja glinamola u nastavi likovne kulture.The work explores clay as a material of artistic expression, its various technics and means of utilizations. Due to it is plasticity, clay is very convenient material for children and adults and is one of the first means of artistic expression of human kind. Therefore, the clay is one of the primary sculpting materials; for thousands of years various artistic or practical objects were made from clay, as well as a large variety of applied arts objects. Because of the simplicity of processing and its suppleness, the clay is particularly suitable for artistic expression of children and pupils, especially artificial types of clay. Working with clay pupils develop their creativity, capacity for three ā€“ dimensional object design, as well as psychomotor skills, and for this reason I conducted the research among primary school teachers in Gospić, analysing the frequency of using clay in visual arts subjects in primary education

    Diet Education as a Success Factor of Glycemia Regulation in Diabetes Patients: A Prospective Study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of dietary education on glycemic control in patients with any type of diabetes at four-week and two-year follow-ups. Methods: A two-year prospective study was conducted in three phases: before, four weeks after, and two years after an educational program. The participants were patients diagnosed with diabetes who were receiving insulin or oral hypoglycemics and who attended the Diabetes Clinic of the General County Hospital Našice, Croatia to receive their treatment. The questionnaire and educational program were created for the purpose of this study. Measurements were made (fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, body mass index, blood pressure, knowledge test) at baseline, four weeks and two years after education. Results: A total of 109 participants took part in the study, of which 56 (51.4%) were on insulin therapy and 53 (48.6%) were on oral therapy, after two years, 78 (72%) subjects were followed up with. There was no control group. At the two-year follow-up, participants with insulin therapy had significantly higher glycated hemoglobin (Mann–Whitney U test, p = 0.035). Significant differences were observed in fasted blood glucose (Friedman’s test, p = 0.001), diastolic pressure (Friedman’s test, P = 0.018), and glycated hemoglobin (Wilcoxon test, p < 0.001) between Phase 1 and Phase 3. Conclusions: Education has a positive effect on adherence to recommended diet and glycemia regulation in diabetes patients after four-week follow-ups. However, after two years, participants showed a decrease in adherence to recommended diet and increased glycemia