17 research outputs found

    Invalidez por dor nas costas entre segurados da Previdência Social do Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Describir las jubilaciones por invalidez producto del dolor en la espalda. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo con datos del Sistema Único de Informaciones de Beneficios y de los Anuarios Estadísticos del Seguro Social en 2007. La tasa de incidencia de dolor en la espalda como causa de jubilaciones por invalidez fue calculada según las variables edad y sexo, por Unidades Federativas de Brasil. Los días de trabajo perdidos por invalidez producto del dolor en la espalda fueron calculados según actividad profesional. RESULTADOS: El dolor idiopático en la espalda fue la primera causa de invalidez entre las jubilaciones sociales y accidentales. La mayoría de los beneficiarios residía en área urbana y trabajaba en el comercio. La tasa de incidencia de dolor en la espalda como causa de las jubilaciones por invalidez en Brasil fue de 29,96 por 100.000 contribuyentes. Este valor fue más elevado entre los hombres y entre las personas más viejas. Rondonia (Norte de Brasil) exhibió una tasa mayor de cuatro veces lo esperado (RT=4,05) y la segunda mayor tasa, referente a Bahia (Noreste), fue de aproximadamente dos veces lo esperado (RT=2,07). Los trabajadores del comercio fueron responsables de 96,9% de los días perdidos por invalidez. CONCLUSIONES: El dolor de espalda fue una causa importante de invalidez en 2007, sobretodo entre los trabajadores del comercio, con grandes diferencias entre los estados.OBJECTIVE: To describe disability pension from back pain. METHODS: Descriptive study based on data from the Brazilian Social Security Beneficiary Database and the Social Security Statistics Annual Report in 2007. The incidence rate of disability pension from back pain was estimated according to gender and age by Brazilian states. There were also estimated working days lost due to back pain disability by occupation. RESULTS: Idiopathic back pain was the most common cause of disability among social security pension and accidental retirement. Most pensioners were living in urban areas and were commercial workers. The rate of disability pension from back pain in Brazil was 29.96 per 100,000 beneficiaries. A higher rate was seen among males and older individuals. Rondônia showed the highest rate, four times as high as expected (RR= 4.05) followed by Bahia with a rate about twice as high as expected (RR=2.07). Commercial workers accounted for 96.9% of working days lost due to disability. CONCLUSIONS: Back pain was a major cause of disability in 2007 mostly among commercial workers showing great differences between the Brazilian states.OBJETIVO: Descrever as aposentadorias por invalidez decorrente de dor nas costas. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema Único de Informações de Benefícios e dos Anuários Estatísticos da Previdência Social em 2007. A taxa de incidência de dor nas costas como causa das aposentadorias por invalidez foi calculada segundo as variáveis idade e sexo, nos estados. Os dias de trabalho perdidos por invalidez decorrente de dor nas costas foram calculados segundo atividade profissional. RESULTADOS: A dor nas costas idiopática foi a primeira causa de invalidez entre as aposentadorias previdenciárias e acidentárias. A maioria dos beneficiários residia em área urbana e era comerciário. A taxa de incidência de dor nas costas como causa das aposentadorias por invalidez no Brasil foi de 29,96 por 100.000 contribuintes. Esse valor foi mais elevado entre os homens e entre as pessoas mais velhas. Rondônia exibiu taxa quatro vezes superior ao esperado (RT = 4,05) e a segunda maior taxa, referente à Bahia, foi de aproximadamente duas vezes o esperado (RT = 2,07). Os comerciários foram responsáveis por 96,9% dos dias perdidos por invalidez. CONCLUSÕES: A dor nas costas foi uma importante causa de invalidez em 2007, sobretudo entre comerciários, com grandes diferenças entre os estados

    Knowledge and attitudes of entry-level and final-level physical therapy students about evidence-based practice - A cross-sectional study

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    Evidence-based practice (EBP) has gained widespread acceptance in the health profession. Little is known about the attitudes, knowledge, and behavior about EBP of physical therapy students at different levels in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: To compare the EBP-related knowledge, practice, attitudes between the entry-level and final-level physical therapy students. METHODS: A cross-sectional study including 60 physical therapy students was conducted. The participants completed a questionnaire to determine their attitudes, knowledge, practice skills and barriers regarding EBP. The survey consisted of 38 items about EBP (relevance, terminology and practice skills) and 7 items related as barriers to adopt the EBP during physical therapy graduation. Total scores were calculated. For each of the three sections scores of a 5-point Likert scale were considered. RESULTS: The sample was composed of 40 students in the entry-level and 20 in the final-level. The mean age of the sample was 23.3 (SD=7.6). The mean score of the sample in the EBP survey was 83.5 (SD=20.8). We did not find difference between final-level group (mean=101.6; SD=17.8) and entry-level students (mean=74.5; SD= 15.8) (p=.45). Students of the final-level group presented higher scores in all EBP sections (relevance, terminology, practice skills). A higher mean difference was observed in terminology (-17.8) section. The most common barriers reported by the students of both groups were “lack of knowledge of statistics” (19.3%), “lack of time” (17.7%) and “language” (16%). CONCLUSION: The difference in all sections about evidence based knowledge and attitudes where not expressive between the final-level and the entry-level students. Regarding practice skills, students were not confident about their abilities in the EBP steps

    Invalidez por dor nas costas entre os contribuintes da Previdência Social, Brasil, 2007

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorO presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a magnitude e a distribuição das aposentadorias por invalidez por dor nas costas no Brasil em 2007. Trata-se de estudo descritivo utilizando registros do Sistema Único de Informações de Benefícios e dos Anuários Estatísticos da Previdência Social de 2007. Foram concedidos 10.839 benefícios de aposentadoria por invalidez referentes a dor nas costas. As variáveis idade, sexo, estados e grandes regiões foram utilizadas para o cálculo das taxas de incidência de dor nas costas em aposentadorias por invalidez enquanto as variáveis faixa salarial, ramo de atividade, clientela e tipo de filiação, foram utilizadas para o cálculo das proporções. Para o cálculo das dez primeiras causas de aposentadoria por invalidez foram utilizados os dados de todas as causas deste benefício. Foram analisados ainda, os dias de trabalho perdidos por invalidez por atividade profissional. A dor nas costas idiopática foi a primeira causa de invalidez em 2007. A maioria dos beneficiários residia em área urbana, era composta por comerciários e recebia até três salários mínimos. A taxa de incidência de dor nas costas em aposentadorias por invalidez foi de 29,96 por 100.000 contribuintes. Este valor foi mais elevado no sexo masculino e apresentou crescimento à medida que se eleva a faixa etária. A taxa de Rondônia, estado com a maior proporção de trabalhadores rurais foi mais de quatro vezes o esperado (RT=4,05) enquanto a segunda maior taxa foi aproximadamente duas vezes o esperado (RT=2,07). A dor nas costas foi uma importante causa de invalidez em 2007. As diferenças observadas entre as incidências por estado apontam para a necessidade de melhor compreender os fatores associados a este importante problema de morbidade para a população trabalhadora brasileira.The aim of the present work was to analyze the magnitude and the distribuition of the back pain disability retirements in Brazil, 2007. It is a descriptive study utilizing data from the Unique System of Benefits Information of the National Institute of Social Secure and from the Statistical Annual of Social Security. There were 10.839 benefits of back pain disability retirements (B32 and B92). The variables: age, gender, state and great regions were used to calculate the incidence rate of back pain in disability retirements while the variables, salary level, branch of activity, clientele, type of filiation were used to calculate the proportions. The data of all causes of disability retirement were used to calculate the ten first causes. The working days lost from disability retirement for each branch of activity were calculated. The idiopatic back pain was the first cause of disability retirement in 2007. The majority of the beneficiaries lived in urban area, was commerce workers and earned up to three minimum salaries. The back pain incidence rate in disability retirements was 29,96 per 100.000 contributors. The incidence was more elevated in males and presented a growing tendence with age. The incidence rate in Rondonia, state of greater proportion of rural workers, was four times the expected value (RR= 4,05) while the second greater incidence was only twice as expected (RR=2,07). The back pain was an important reason of disability retirement in 2007. The observed differences in the states incidences indicate to a necessary better comprehension of the associated factors of this important morbidity problem for the Brazilian working population

    Invalidez por dor nas costas entre segurados da Previdência Social do Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever as aposentadorias por invalidez decorrente de dor nas costas. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema Único de Informações de Benefícios e dos Anuários Estatísticos da Previdência Social em 2007. A taxa de incidência de dor nas costas como causa das aposentadorias por invalidez foi calculada segundo as variáveis idade e sexo, nos estados. Os dias de trabalho perdidos por invalidez decorrente de dor nas costas foram calculados segundo atividade profissional. RESULTADOS: A dor nas costas idiopática foi a primeira causa de invalidez entre as aposentadorias previdenciárias e acidentárias. A maioria dos beneficiários residia em área urbana e era comerciário. A taxa de incidência de dor nas costas como causa das aposentadorias por invalidez no Brasil foi de 29,96 por 100.000 contribuintes. Esse valor foi mais elevado entre os homens e entre as pessoas mais velhas. Rondônia exibiu taxa quatro vezes superior ao esperado (RT = 4,05) e a segunda maior taxa, referente à Bahia, foi de aproximadamente duas vezes o esperado (RT = 2,07). Os comerciários foram responsáveis por 96,9% dos dias perdidos por invalidez. CONCLUSÕES: A dor nas costas foi uma importante causa de invalidez em 2007, sobretudo entre comerciários, com grandes diferenças entre os estados

    Defining advice to stay active in acute low back pain and sciatica – A scoping review

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    The purpose of this research is to define advice to stay active in acute low back pain and sciatica through peerreviewed clinical trials. The databases will be Cochrane, PEDro, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. Search strategies will be informed by the recommendations of the Cochrane Back and Neck Group for “low back pain”, combined with search terms for sciatica and advice to stay active. The following data will be extracted: title, author, country, year of publication, study design, definition of the term, monitoring whether patients remained active and population and will be organized into texts, tables, and figures

    Pain Neuroscience Education Approaches for Children and Adolescents: A Scoping Review Protocol

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    This is a scoping review protocol that aims to identify contents and methods of delivery of PNE strategies developed for children and adolescent

    Education to keep the abdomen relaxed versus contracted during pilates in patients with chronic low back pain: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Low back pain is a very common symptom frequently characterized as a biopsychosocial problem. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of education to keep the abdomen relaxed versus contracted during Pilates exercises in patients with primary chronic low back pain. Methods Two-group randomised controlled trial with allocation of parallel groups and intention-to-treat-analysis. This study will be conducted in Lavras, MG, Brazil. A total of 152 participants will be randomised into two groups that will be treated with Pilates exercises for 12 weeks (twice a week for 60 minutes). Recruitment began in May 2022. The control group will receive guidance on the specific activation of the center of strength (the powerhouse), while the experimental group will receive guidance to perform the exercises in a relaxed and smooth way. Primary outcomes will be pain intensity (Numeric Pain Rating Scale) and disability (Rolland-Morris Questionnaire) 12 weeks post randomisation. Secondary outcomes will be global improvement (Perception of Global Effect Scale) and specific functionality (Patient-specific Functional Scale). The outcomes will be analyzed using repeated-measure linear mixed models. The assessors were not considered blinded because the participants were not blinded, and outcomes were self-reported. Discussion The findings of this study will help in clinical decision-making concerning the need to demand abdominal contraction during the exercises, understanding if it’s a fundamental component for the effectiveness of the Pilates method for this population. Trial registration This trial was prospectively registered in the Clinical Trials (NCT05336500) in April 2022