1 research outputs found
Conocimientos sobre la tuberculosis en usuarios del transporte masivo en Santiago de Cali, Colombia
Knowledge about Tuberculosis (TB) is limited among the general population of Cali, the second city in Colombia with the highest burden of TB. Here, we sought to determine the level of knowledge about TB among users of the public transportation system of the city. We conducted a cross-sectional study using a structured questionnaire to collect information in 12 main stations of the transport system. Data were collected in a working day of March 2017. Out of 193 interviewed users, 80% answered to have limited knowledge about TB. However, most of the participants identified coughing as a symptom of TB (74.6%) and recognized that TB is a contagious disease (75.1%) that could be transmitted by the air (61.7%). Seventy percent of participants knew that TB is a curable disease. On the other hand, there were misconceptions regarding TB transmission and the identification of other classical symptoms of TB was limited. Understanding the level of knowledge about TB among the general population is key to design communicative and educational strategies to control and prevent this disease.Poco se conoce sobre los conocimientos sobre tuberculosis (TB) en Cali, segunda ciudad colombiana con mayor carga de la enfermedad. Esta investigaci贸n busc贸 determinar el grado de conocimientos sobre TB en usuarios del transporte masivo. Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal aplicando un cuestionario a usuarios de 12 estaciones principales del sistema de transporte p煤blico en un d铆a laboral de marzo de 2017. De 193 encuestados, el 80% manifest贸 conocer poco o nada sobre TB. La mayor铆a identific贸 la tos como s铆ntoma (74,6%) y refiri贸 que es una enfermedad contagiosa (75,1%), transmitida por aire (61,7%) y curable (70,5%). No es tan frecuente la identificaci贸n de otros s铆ntomas y hay concepciones err贸neas sobre la transmisi贸n. Identificar los conocimientos de la poblaci贸n acerca de la enfermedad permite orientar estrategias comunicativas y educativas para prevenir y controlar la TB, dirigidas al p煤blico que converge en el sistema de transporte masivo.