146 research outputs found

    Drosophila DJ-1 Mutants Are Selectively Sensitive to Environmental Toxins Associated with Parkinson’s Disease

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    SummaryParkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder that displays both sporadic and inherited forms [1]. Exposure to several common environmental toxins acting through oxidative stress has been shown to be associated with PD [2]. One recently identified inherited PD gene, DJ-1, may have a role in protection from oxidative stress [3–10], thus potentially linking a genetic cause with critical environmental risk factors. To develop an animal model that would allow integrative study of genetic and environmental influences, we have generated Drosophila lacking DJ-1 function. Fly DJ-1 homologs exhibit differential expression: DJ-1β is ubiquitous, while DJ-1α is predominantly expressed in the male germline. DJ-1α and DJ-1β double knockout flies are viable, fertile, and have a normal lifespan; however, they display a striking selective sensitivity to those environmental agents, including paraquat and rotenone, linked to PD in humans. This sensitivity results primarily from loss of DJ-1β protein, which also becomes modified upon oxidative stress. These studies demonstrate that fly DJ-1 activity is selectively involved in protection from environmental oxidative insult in vivo and that the DJ-1β protein is biochemically responsive to oxidative stress. Study of these flies will provide insight into the critical interplay of genetics and environment in PD

    Regulation of neuronal development and function by ROS.

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have long been studied as destructive agents in the context of nervous system ageing, disease and degeneration. Their roles as signalling molecules under normal physiological conditions is less well understood. Recent studies have provided ample evidence of ROS-regulating neuronal development and function, from the establishment of neuronal polarity to growth cone pathfinding; from the regulation of connectivity and synaptic transmission to the tuning of neuronal networks. Appreciation of the varied processes that are subject to regulation by ROS might help us understand how changes in ROS metabolism and buffering could progressively impact on neuronal networks with age and disease

    parkin-induced defects in neurophysiology and locomotion are generated by metabolic dysfunction and not oxidative stress

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by movement disorders, including bradykinesia. Analysis of inherited, juvenile PD, identified several genes linked via a common pathway to mitochondrial dysfunction. In this study, we demonstrate that the larva of the Drosophila parkin mutant faithfully models the locomotory and metabolic defects of PD and is an excellent system for investigating their inter-relationship. parkin larvae displayed a marked bradykinesia that was caused by a reduction in both the frequency of peristalsis and speed of muscle contractions. Rescue experiments confirmed that this phenotype was due to a defect in the nervous system and not in the muscle. Furthermore, recordings of motoneuron activity in parkin larvae revealed reduced bursting and a striking reduction in evoked and miniature excitatory junction potentials, suggesting a neuronal deficit. This was supported by our observations in parkin larvae that the resting potential was depolarized, oxygen consumption and ATP concentration were drastically reduced while lactate was increased. These findings suggest that neuronal mitochondrial respiration is severely compromised and there is a compensatory switch to glycolysis for energy production

    Tumours and tremors: how PTEN regulation underlies both

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    Mutations of the tumour suppressor PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10) are seen in many human cancers. However, dysregulation of PTEN may be involved in other disease states such as Parkinson's disease. This minireview describes recent work examining PTEN regulation and its implications for the development of both cancer and neurodegenerative disease

    Increasing microtubule acetylation rescues axonal transport and locomotor deficits caused by LRRK2 Roc-COR domain mutations

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    ​Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (​LRRK2) mutations are the most common genetic cause of Parkinson’s disease. ​LRRK2 is a multifunctional protein affecting many cellular processes and has been described to bind microtubules. Defective microtubule-based axonal transport is hypothesized to contribute to Parkinson’s disease, but whether ​LRRK2 mutations affect this process to mediate pathogenesis is not known. Here we find that ​LRRK2 containing pathogenic Roc-COR domain mutations (R1441C, Y1699C) preferentially associates with deacetylated microtubules, and inhibits axonal transport in primary neurons and in Drosophila, causing locomotor deficits in vivo. In vitro, increasing microtubule acetylation using deacetylase inhibitors or the tubulin acetylase ​αTAT1 prevents association of mutant ​LRRK2 with microtubules, and the deacetylase inhibitor ​trichostatin A (​TSA) restores axonal transport. In vivo knockdown of the deacetylases ​HDAC6 and ​Sirt2, or administration of ​TSA rescues both axonal transport and locomotor behavior. Thus, this study reveals a pathogenic mechanism and a potential intervention for Parkinson’s disease

    A Plant DJ-1 Homolog Is Essential for Arabidopsis thaliana Chloroplast Development

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    Protein superfamilies can exhibit considerable diversification of function among their members in various organisms. The DJ-1 superfamily is composed of proteins that are principally involved in stress response and are widely distributed in all kingdoms of life. The model flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains three close homologs of animal DJ-1, all of which are tandem duplications of the DJ-1 domain. Consequently, the plant DJ-1 homologs are likely pseudo-dimeric proteins composed of a single polypeptide chain. We report that one A. thaliana DJ-1 homolog (AtDJ1C) is the first DJ-1 homolog in any organism that is required for viability. Homozygous disruption of the AtDJ1C gene results in non-viable, albino seedlings that can be complemented by expression of wild-type or epitope-tagged AtDJ1C. The plastids from these dj1c plants lack thylakoid membranes and granal stacks, indicating that AtDJ1C is required for proper chloroplast development. AtDJ1C is expressed early in leaf development when chloroplasts mature, but is downregulated in older tissue, consistent with a proposed role in plastid development. In addition to its plant-specific function, AtDJ1C is an atypical member of the DJ-1 superfamily that lacks a conserved cysteine residue that is required for the functions of most other superfamily members. The essential role for AtDJ1C in chloroplast maturation expands the known functional diversity of the DJ-1 superfamily and provides the first evidence of a role for specialized DJ-1-like proteins in eukaryotic development

    Assessing causal relationships in genomics: From Bradford-Hill criteria to complex gene-environment interactions and directed acyclic graphs

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    Observational studies of human health and disease (basic, clinical and epidemiological) are vulnerable to methodological problems -such as selection bias and confounding- that make causal inferences problematic. Gene-disease associations are no exception, as they are commonly investigated using observational designs. A rich body of knowledge exists in medicine and epidemiology on the assessment of causal relationships involving personal and environmental causes of disease; it includes seminal causal criteria developed by Austin Bradford Hill and more recently applied directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). However, such knowledge has seldom been applied to assess causal relationships in clinical genetics and genomics, even in studies aimed at making inferences relevant for human health. Conversely, incorporating genetic causal knowledge into clinical and epidemiological causal reasoning is still a largely unexplored area

    Drosophila melanogaster as a Model Organism of Brain Diseases

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    Drosophila melanogaster has been utilized to model human brain diseases. In most of these invertebrate transgenic models, some aspects of human disease are reproduced. Although investigation of rodent models has been of significant impact, invertebrate models offer a wide variety of experimental tools that can potentially address some of the outstanding questions underlying neurological disease. This review considers what has been gleaned from invertebrate models of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, metabolic diseases such as Leigh disease, Niemann-Pick disease and ceroid lipofuscinoses, tumor syndromes such as neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis, epilepsy as well as CNS injury. It is to be expected that genetic tools in Drosophila will reveal new pathways and interactions, which hopefully will result in molecular based therapy approaches