105 research outputs found

    Kerge biliaarse pankreatiidi nĂŒĂŒdisaegne kĂ€sitlus

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    Äge pankreatiit on sage seedetraktihaigus, mida esineb 13–45 juhtu 100 000 inimese kohta aastas. Üheks peamiseks pĂ”hjuseks on sapikivid, millest pĂ”hjustatud pankreatiiti nimetatakse Ă€gedaks biliaarseks pankreatiidiks (ÄBP). Enamasti on biliaarne pankreatiit kerge kuluga ning tĂ€napĂ€eval soovitatakse raviks varast laparoskoopilist koletsĂŒstektoomiat. Vaatamata ravisoovituste ja tĂ”enduspĂ”hise info olemasolule tehakse nende haigete ravis alusetute kartuste tĂ”ttu sageli soovitusi eiravaid valikuid. Artiklis on antud ĂŒlevaade ÄBP tĂ”enduspĂ”hisest ravitaktikast tĂ€napĂ€eval. Eesti Arst 2018; 97(7):361–36

    Kerge biliaarse pankreatiidi nĂŒĂŒdisaegne kĂ€sitlus

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    Äge pankreatiit on sage seedetraktihaigus, mida esineb 13–45 juhtu 100 000 inimese kohta aastas. Üheks peamiseks pĂ”hjuseks on sapikivid, millest pĂ”hjustatud pankreatiiti nimetatakse Ă€gedaks biliaarseks pankreatiidiks (ÄBP). Enamasti on biliaarne pankreatiit kerge kuluga ning tĂ€napĂ€eval soovitatakse raviks varast laparoskoopilist koletsĂŒstektoomiat. Vaatamata ravisoovituste ja tĂ”enduspĂ”hise info olemasolule tehakse nende haigete ravis alusetute kartuste tĂ”ttu sageli soovitusi eiravaid valikuid. Artiklis on antud ĂŒlevaade ÄBP tĂ”enduspĂ”hisest ravitaktikast tĂ€napĂ€eval. Eesti Arst 2018; 97(7):361–36

    Being accountable to Aceh: gender-related lessons learned by New Zealand NGOs from the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004

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    The Indian Ocean Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 prompted a level of international disaster response that was unprecedented. In Aceh, Indonesia, the worst hit region, thousands of international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), including some New Zealand based NGOs, arrived in the area to carry out relief and reconstruction work. A common criticism of the international response is that it has resulted in the marginalisation of Acehnese women. The criticism comes despite at least fifteen years of gender mainstreaming into the policies and practices of development organisations and the widespread acceptance that attention to gender issues is essential for sustainable and equitable development. It also comes at a time when there is ever-increasing demand for NGO accountability to donors and beneficiaries and a recognition that NGOs should continuously be learning to improve future practice and ensure they are meeting their stated goals. Post-tsunami Aceh posed a number of context-specific challenges to the implementation of gender policies, including the enormous extent of the devastation, the history of violent conflict and the rule of Sharia law. This research investigates the particular challenges and experiences workers of NZ-based NGOs faced in implementing their gender policies in the aftermath of the tsunami in Aceh, and how those NGOs responded to the challenges and experiences to ensure lessons have been learned. It also investigates whether any obstacles to learning lessons exist within those organisations. Qualitative research is used including gathering primary data from semi-structured interviews with individuals from five NZ NGOs that worked in Aceh and with representatives of NGOs willing to comment on their organisational responses. Additional comments on the issues are also obtained from two NZAID (New Zealand Agency for International Development) staff. The findings show that while participants faced numerous gender-related challenges in their work in Aceh, approximately three years after the tsunami none were able to point to any specific gender-related lessons learned. The findings also reveal that participating NGOs tend to draw learning from their international affiliates and from the NZ NGO community rather than having structured learning systems within their own organisations. A number of barriers to learning within organisations are also identified. These results, while not necessarily representative of the wider NZ NGO community, reveal the difficulties of trying to implement gender policies in a particular emergency context and contribute to an understanding of how NZ NGOs are involved in a process of continuous learning to incorporate their own experiences to ensure lessons are learned and improve their accountability

    VastsĂŒndinu insult – haigestumus Eestis

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    Insult vastsĂŒndinueas on raske tĂŒsistus, mis on senini olnud aladiagnoositud, kuid tĂ€nu radioloogiliste uurimismeetodite tĂ€iustumisele on selle diagnoosimine kĂ”ikjal sagenenud. Neonataalse insuldi kliinilisele pildile on iseloomulik fokaalsete krampide, apnoehoogude ja teadvushĂ€irete esinemine, hiljem avalduvad lastel hemiparees, epilepsia ning kognitiivsete funktsioonide hĂ€ired. Eestis tehtud epidemioloogilise uuringu senised tulemused nĂ€itavad, et vastsĂŒndinuea isheemilise insuldi esmashaigestumus oli aastatel 1998–2002 ĂŒks juht 2000 ja 2003. aastal 1 juht 1200 elussĂŒnni kohta. Artiklis on kĂ€sitletud neonataalse insuldi epidemioloogiat, tekkepĂ”hjusi, riskitegureid ja diagnoosimist. Eesti Arst 2004; 83 (5): 296–30

    Muutused aju ja siseelundite verevoolu kiiruses asfĂŒksias sĂŒndinud vastsĂŒndinutel

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    Raskes asfĂŒksias sĂŒndinud lastel teki­vad pĂ€rast sĂŒndi lisaks neuroloogiliste­le probleemidele mitmete elundite ve­revarustuse hĂ€ired. Elundikahjustuse ulatust aitab hinnata verevoolukiiruste uurimine aju ja vistseraalsete organite arterites. Raske hĂŒpoksilis-isheemilise entsefalopaatia (HIE) korral kujuneb esimesel elunĂ€dalal vasoparalĂŒĂŒsi tĂ”ttu oluline aju verevoolu kiiruse suurene­mine. Ülemises mesenteriaalarteris ja truncus coeliacus’es esineb kerge ning mÔÔduka HIE korral esimestel tundidel asfĂŒksia jĂ€rel verevoolukiiruse kompen­satoorne suurenemine, raske HIE korral verevoolukiiruse vĂ€henemine neeruar­teris ja mesenteriaalarteris. Ühe kuu va­nuses verevoolukiirused vistseraalsetes arterites normaliseeruvad, raske HIEga lastel kujuneb vĂ€ike pea ĂŒmbermÔÔt ja vĂ€ike verevoolukiirus ajuarterites. Eesti Arst 2 008; 87(10):755−76

    Development and evaluation of a gentamicin pharmacokinetic model that facilitates opportunistic gentamicin therapeutic drug monitoring in neonates and infants.

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    Trough gentamicin therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is time-consuming, disruptive to neonatal clinical care and a patient safety issue. Bayesian models could allow TDM to be performed opportunistically at the time of routine blood tests. This study aimed to develop and prospectively evaluate a new gentamicin model and a novel Bayesian computer tool (neoGent) for TDM use in neonatal intensive care. We also evaluated model performance for predicting peak concentrations and AUC(0-t). A pharmacokinetic meta-analysis was performed on pooled data from three studies (1325 concentrations from 205 patients). A 3-compartment model was used with covariates being: allometric weight scaling, postmenstrual and postnatal age, and serum creatinine. Final parameter estimates (standard error) were: clearance: 6.2 (0.3) L/h/70kg; central volume (V) 26.5 (0.6) L/70kg; inter-compartmental disposition: Q=2.2 (0.3) L/h/70kg, V2=21.2 (1.5) L/70kg, Q2=0.3 (0.05) L/h/70kg, V3=148 (52.0) L/70kg. The model's ability to predict trough concentrations from an opportunistic sample was evaluated in a prospective observational cohort study that included data from 163 patients with 483 concentrations collected in five hospitals. Unbiased trough predictions were obtained: median (95% confidence interval (CI)) prediction error was 0.0004 (-1.07, 0.84) mg/L. Results also showed peaks and AUC(0-t) could be predicted (from one randomly selected sample) with little bias but relative imprecision with median (95% CI) prediction error being 0.16 (-4.76, 5.01) mg/L and 10.8 (-24.9, 62.2) mg h/L, respectively. NeoGent was implemented in R/NONMEM, and in the freely available TDMx software

    Farmakokineetika alustalad arstilt arstile

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    Medikamentoossele ravile vĂ”ib lĂ€heneda kolmest vaatenurgast (vt joonis 1). 1.  Ravimi eesmĂ€rk on avaldada organismile efektiivset toimet, vĂ€ltides samal ajal toksilisust nii toimekohas kui ka kogu ĂŒlejÀÀnud organismis. Toimet, mida ravim organismile avaldab, kirjeldab farmakodĂŒnaamika. 2.  Organismi eesmĂ€rk on ravim kui sissetungija vĂ”imalikult kiiresti kahjutuks teha ning kehast kĂ”rvaldada. Toimet, mida organism ravimile avaldab, kirjeldab farmakokineetika. 3.  Arsti eesmĂ€rk on aidata ravimil n-ö vaenlase tagalasse tungida ehk arst peaks manustama ravimit viisil, mis tagaks paratamatutest farmakokineetilistest protsessidest hoolimata ravimi jĂ”udmise oma toimekohta (nt raku vĂ”i patogeeni retseptorile) just Ă”iges kontsentratsioonis. Osal komplitseeritud haiguskuluga patsientidel (nt enneaegsed vastsĂŒndinud, mitmete raskete kaasuvate haigustega patsiendid, intensiivravi-, onkoloogilised, pĂ”letushaiged jt) vĂ”ib farmakokineetika olulisel mÀÀral keskmisest erineda (s.t et inimeste vahel esineb suur varieeruvus) ja/vĂ”i sama patsiendi puhul ka ajas kiiresti muutuda. Ravimi kontsentratsiooni pisteline jĂ€lgimine annab olulist teavet individuaalse farmakokineetika kohta, kuid tulemuse tĂ”lgendamine ning selle alusel annuse kohandamine osutub ikkagi sageli keeruliseks. Et paremini mĂ”ista, mis patsiendi organismis ravimiga toimub ning millest see vĂ”iks tingitud olla, on artikli eesmĂ€rk Ă”pikute (1–4) toel pakkuda arstile lĂŒhikest vĂ€rskenduskursust farmakokineetika pĂ”hiprintsiipidest. Ravimimonitooringuga seotud nĂŒansid ning annuse individuaalse  kohandamise tĂ€napĂ€evased tehnoloogilised vĂ”imalused jÀÀvad ootama jĂ€tkuartiklit. Artikli kĂ€sitlusalast jÀÀvad seekord vĂ€lja ka farmakodĂŒnaamilised protsessid (nt pĂ€rilikud retseptori ja/vĂ”i signaaliraja iseĂ€rasused, tolerantsuse teke, ravimite koosmĂ”jud retseptoril jms)

    Clinical parameters predicting failure of empirical antibacterial therapy in early onset neonatal sepsis, identified by classification and regression tree analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>About 10-20% of neonates with suspected or proven early onset sepsis (EOS) fail on the empiric antibiotic regimen of ampicillin or penicillin and gentamicin. We aimed to identify clinical and laboratory markers associated with empiric antibiotic treatment failure in neonates with suspected EOS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Maternal and early neonatal characteristics predicting failure of empiric antibiotic treatment were identified by univariate logistic regression analysis from a prospective database of 283 neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care unit within 72 hours of life and requiring antibiotic therapy with penicillin or ampicillin and gentamicin. Variables, identified as significant by univariate analysis, were entered into stepwise multiple logistic regression (MLR) analysis and classification and regression tree (CRT) analysis to develop a decision algorithm for clinical application. In order to ensure the earliest possible timing separate analysis for 24 and 72 hours of age was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At 24 hours of age neonates with hypoglycaemia ≀ 2.55 mmol/L together with CRP values > 1.35 mg/L or those with BW ≀ 678 g had more than 30% likelihood of treatment failure. In normoglycaemic neonates with higher BW the best predictors of treatment failure at 24 hours were GA ≀ 27 weeks and among those, with higher GA, WBC ≀ 8.25 × 10<sup>9 </sup>L<sup>-1 </sup>together with platelet count ≀ 143 × 10<sup>9 </sup>L<sup>-1</sup>. The algorithm allowed capture of 75% of treatment failure cases with a specificity of 89%. By 72 hours of age minimum platelet count ≀ 94.5 × 10<sup>9 </sup>L<sup>-1 </sup>with need for vasoactive treatment or leukopaenia ≀ 3.5 × 10<sup>9 </sup>L<sup>-1 </sup>or leukocytosis > 39.8 × 10<sup>9 </sup>L<sup>-1 </sup>or blood glucose ≀ 1.65 mmol/L allowed capture of 81% of treatment failure cases with the specificity of 88%. The performance of MLR and CRT models was similar, except for higher specificity of the CRT at 72 h, compared to MLR analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is an identifiable group of neonates with high risk of EOS, likely to fail on conventional antibiotic therapy.</p

    Millal mĂ”elda raputatud lapse sĂŒndroomile: kirjanduse ĂŒlevaade ning haigusjuhu kirjeldus

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    Eesti andmetel on laste vÀÀrkohtlemine sage: 40,5 juhtu 100 000 alla aastase lapse kohta. Lapsi vÀÀrkoheldakse sageli korduvalt. Haigusjuhu kirjeldamise eesmĂ€rk on juhtida tĂ€helepanu Ă”igeaegse ja tĂ€pse diangoosi vajadusele, et Ă€ra hoida korduvat vÀÀrkohtlemist. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (6): 420–42
