26 research outputs found

    Identification of a Serum-Induced Transcriptional Signature Associated With Type 1 Diabetes in the BioBreeding Rat

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    OBJECTIVE - Inflammatory mediators associated with type 1 diabetes are dilute and difficult to measure in the periphery, necessitating development of more sensitive and informative biomarkers for studying diabetogenic mechanisms, assessing preonset risk, and monitoring therapeutic interventions. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - We previously utilized a novel bioassay in which human type 1 diabetes sera were used to induce a disease-specific transcriptional signature in unrelated, healthy peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Here, we apply this strategy to investigate the inflammatory state associated with type 1 diabetes in biobreeding (BB) rats. RESULTS - Consistent with their common susceptibility, sera of both spontaneously diabetic BB DRlyp/lyp and diabetes inducible BB DR+/+ rats induced transcription of cytokines, immune receptors, and signaling molecules in PBMCs of healthy donor rats compared with control sera. Like the human type 1 diabetes signature, the DRlyp/lyp signature, which is associated with progression to diabetes, was differentiated from that of the DR+/+ by induction of many interleukin (IL)-1-regulated genes. Supplementing cultures with an IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) modulated the DRlyp/lyp signature (P < 10-6), while administration of IL-1Ra to DRlyp/lyp rats delayed onset (P = 0.007), and sera of treated animals did not induce the characteristic signature. Consistent with the presence of immunoregulatory cells in DR+/+ rats was induction of a signature possessing negative regulators of transcription and inflammation. CONCLUSIONS - Paralleling our human studies, serum signatures in BB rats reflect processes associated with progression to type 1 diabetes. Furthermore, these studies support the potential utility of this approach to detect changes in the inflammatory state during therapeutic intervention

    Thymectomy and Radiation-Induced Type 1 Diabetes in Nonlymphopenic BB Rats

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    Spontaneous type 1 diabetes in BB rats is dependent on the RT1(u) MHC haplotype and homozygosity for an allele at the Lyp locus, which is responsible for a peripheral T-lymphopenia. Genetic studies have shown that there are other, as yet unidentified, genetic loci contributing to diabetes susceptibility in this strain. BB rats carrying wild-type Lyp alleles are not lymphopenic and are resistant to spontaneous diabetes (DR). Here we show that thymectomy and exposure to one sublethal dose of gamma-irradiation (TX-R) at 4 weeks of age result in the rapid development of insulitis followed by diabetes in 100% of DR rats. Administration of CD4(+)45RC(-) T-cells from unmanipulated, syngeneic donors immediately after irradiation prevents the disease. Splenic T-cells from TX-R-induced diabetic animals adoptively transfer type 1 diabetes to T-deficient recipients. ACI, WF, WAG, BN, LEW, PVG, and PVG.RT1(u) strains are resistant to TX-R-induced insulitis/diabetes. Genetic analyses revealed linkage between regions on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 16, and TX-R-induced type 1 diabetes in a cohort of nonlymphopenic F(2) (Wistar Furth x BBDP) animals. This novel model of TX-R-induced diabetes in nonlymphopenic BB rats can be used to identify environmental and cellular factors that are responsible for the initiation of antipancreatic autoimmunity.

    Effect of helper and/or cytotoxic T-lymphocyte depletion on low-dose streptozocin-induced diabetes in C57BL/6J mice

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    The low-dose streptozocin (STZ) model of diabetes has been reported to involve direct STZ beta-cytotoxicity and/or immunologically mediated beta-cell destruction. Because the T-lymphocyte dependency of such a model is controversial, we further assessed the role of T-lymphocytes by determining the occurrence and magnitude of hyperglycemia as well as the pancreatic insulin contents in both STZ-injected nude C57BL/6J male mice and STZ-injected euthymic C57BL/6J male mice selectively depleted in helper and/or cytotoxic T-lymphocytes with monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs). The effectiveness of MoAb treatment was assessed in lymph node cells by flow-microfluorometry analysis and in spleen cells by concanavalin A stimulation, allospecific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activity, and T-lymphocyte lymphokine production. Sixteen days after the first STZ injection, hyperglycemia (plasma glucose greater than 200 mg/dl) occurred in significantly fewer helper T-lymphocyte-depleted mice (P less than.005) or helper and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-depleted mice (P less than.001) than in non-MoAb-treated mice. However, a progressive increase in the number of mice with hyperglycemia ensued in all MoAb-treated groups, and 2 mo after STZ was administered, the prevalence of hyperglycemia, mean plasma glucose levels, and pancreatic insulin contents did not differ significantly from the values obtained in the non-MoAb-treated animals. Similarly, STZ-injected C57BL/6J male nude mice developed hyperglycemia that was associated with a marked decrease in pancreatic insulin contents on a time course comparable with that of STZ-injected euthymic C57BL/6J male mice depleted in helper or in helper and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes by MoAbs

    Interleukin-1 antagonism moderates the inflammatory state associated with Type 1 diabetes during clinical trials conducted at disease onset

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    It was hypothesized that IL-1 antagonism would preserve β-cell function in new onset Type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, the Anti-Interleukin-1 in Diabetes Action (AIDA) and TrialNet Canakinumab (TN-14) trials failed to show efficacy of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) or canakinumab, as measured by stimulated C-peptide response. Additional measures are needed to define immune state changes associated with therapeutic responses. Here, we studied these trial participants with plasma-induced transcriptional analysis. In blinded analyses, 70.2% of AIDA and 68.9% of TN-14 participants were correctly called to their treatment arm. While the transcriptional signatures from the two trials were distinct, both therapies achieved varying immunomodulation consistent with IL-1 inhibition. On average, IL-1 antagonism resulted in modest normalization relative to healthy controls. At endpoint, signatures were quantified using a gene ontology-based inflammatory index, and an inverse relationship was observed between measured inflammation and stimulated C-peptide response in IL-1Ra- and canakinumab-treated patients. Cytokine neutralization studies showed that IL-1ι and IL-1β additively contribute to the T1D inflammatory state. Finally, analyses of baseline signatures were indicative of later therapeutic response. Despite the absence of clinical efficacy by IL-1 antagonist therapy, transcriptional analysis detected immunomodulation and may yield new insight when applied to other clinical trials

    Insulitis in type 2 diabetes

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    Islets of patients with type 2 diabetes have the feature of an inflammatory process reflected by the presence of cytokines, immune cells, beta-cell apoptosis, amyloid deposits and fibrosis. Indeed, beta-cells from patients with type 2 diabetes display inflammatory markers, including increased interleukin (IL)-1 beta expression. Furthermore, increased islet-associated macrophages are observed in human type 2 diabetic patients and in most animal models of diabetes. Importantly, increased numbers of macrophages are detectable very early in high fat-fed mice islets, before the onset of diabetes. These immune cells are most likely attracted by islet-derived chemokines, produced in response to metabolic stress, and under the control of IL-1 beta. It follows that modulation of intra-islet inflammatory mediators, in particular IL-1 beta, may prevent insulitis in type 2 diabetes and therefore presents itself as a possible causal therapy with disease-modifying potential