7 research outputs found

    A previously unknown maltose transporter essential for starch degradation in leaves

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    A previously unknown maltose transporter is essential for the conversion of starch to sucrose in Arabidopsis leaves at night. The transporter was identified by isolating two allelic mutants with high starch levels and very high maltose, an intermediate of starch breakdown. The mutations affect a gene of previously unknown function, MEX1. We show that MEX1 is a maltose transporter that is unrelated to other sugar transporters. The severe mex1 phenotype demonstrates that MEX1 is the predominant route of carbohydrate export from chloroplasts at night. Homologous genes in plants including rice and potato indicate that maltose export is of widespread significance

    Large-Scale Arabidopsis Phosphoproteome Profiling Reveals Novel Chloroplast Kinase Substrates and Phosphorylation Networks1[W]

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    We have characterized the phosphoproteome of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings using high-accuracy mass spectrometry and report the identification of 1,429 phosphoproteins and 3,029 unique phosphopeptides. Among these, 174 proteins were chloroplast phosphoproteins. Motif-X (motif extractor) analysis of the phosphorylation sites in chloroplast proteins identified four significantly enriched kinase motifs, which include casein kinase II (CKII) and proline-directed kinase motifs, as well as two new motifs at the carboxyl terminus of ribosomal proteins. Using the phosphorylation motifs as a footprint for the activity of a specific kinase class, we connected the phosphoproteins with their putative kinases and constructed a chloroplast CKII phosphorylation network. The network topology suggests that CKII is a central regulator of different chloroplast functions. To provide insights into the dynamic regulation of protein phosphorylation, we analyzed the phosphoproteome at the end of day and end of night. The results revealed only minor changes in chloroplast kinase activities and phosphorylation site utilization. A notable exception was ATP synthase β-subunit, which is found phosphorylated at CKII phosphorylation sites preferentially in the dark. We propose that ATP synthase is regulated in cooperation with 14-3-3 proteins by CKII-mediated phosphorylation of ATP synthase β-subunit in the dark

    Rapid Classification of Phenotypic Mutants of Arabidopsis via Metabolite Fingerprinting

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    We evaluated the application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolic fingerprinting to classify forward genetic mutants with similar phenotypes. Mutations affecting distinct metabolic or signaling pathways can result in common phenotypic traits that are used to identify mutants in genetic screens. Measurement of a broad range of metabolites provides information about the underlying processes affected in such mutants. Metabolite profiles of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants defective in starch metabolism and uncharacterized mutants displaying a starch-excess phenotype were compared. Each genotype displayed a unique fingerprint. Statistical methods grouped the mutants robustly into distinct classes. Determining the genes mutated in three uncharacterized mutants confirmed that those clustering with known mutants were genuinely defective in starch metabolism. A mutant that clustered away from the known mutants was defective in the circadian clock and had a pleiotropic starch-excess phenotype. These results indicate that metabolic fingerprinting is a powerful tool that can rapidly classify forward genetic mutants and streamline the process of gene discovery