209 research outputs found

    Profiling of oligolignols reveals monolignol coupling conditions in lignifying poplar xylem

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    Lignin is an aromatic heteropolymer, abundantly present in the walls of secondary thickened cells. Although much research has been devoted to the structure and composition of the polymer to obtain insight into lignin polymerization, the low-molecular weight oligolignol fraction has escaped a detailed characterization. This fraction, in contrast to the rather inaccessible polymer, is a simple and accessible model that reveals details about the coupling of monolignols, an issue that has raised considerable controversy over the past years. We have profiled the methanol-soluble oligolignol fraction of poplar (Populus spp.) xylem, a tissue with extensive lignification. Using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, chemical synthesis, and nuclear magnetic resonance, we have elucidated the structures of 38 compounds, most of which were dimers, trimers, and tetramers derived from coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol, their aldehyde analogs, or vanillin. All structures support the recently challenged random chemical coupling hypothesis for lignin polymerization. Importantly, the structures of two oligomers, each containing a γ-p-hydroxybenzoylated syringyl unit, strongly suggest that sinapyl p-hydroxybenzoate is an authentic precursor for lignin polymerization in poplar

    Inhibition of Salmonella Typhimurium by medium chain fatty acids in an in vitro simulation of the porcine caecum

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    To lower the contamination of pork meat with Salmonella, feed additives such as medium chain fatty acids (MCFA\u27s) can be applied at the primary production level. An in vitro continuous culture system, simulating the porcine caecum, was developed for investigating the effect of MCFAs on the pig intestinal microbial community. The system was monitored by plating on selective media, 16S rDNA PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and HPLC analysis of fermentation products. In a simulation of the porcine caecum without MCFA treatment, with Salmonella Typhimurium added after stabilization of the microbial community, the strain could establish itself at a stable population size of about 5 log cfu/ml. The effect of selected MCFAs was observed from all monitored parameters and depended on chain length and concentration applied. At a dose of 15 mM, caproate and caprinate did not show any pronounced effect, while a clear Salmonella inhibiting effect (3 log units reduction) was found for caprylate. Doubling the caprylate dose did not result in enhanced Salmonella inhibition

    Methionine sulfoxide reductase B from Corynebacterium diphtheriae catalyzes sulfoxide reduction via an intramolecular disulfide cascade

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    Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a human pathogen that causes diphtheria. In response to immune system–induced oxidative stress, C. diphtheriae expresses antioxidant enzymes, among which are methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr) enzymes, which are critical for bacterial survival in the face of oxidative stress. Although some aspects of the catalytic mechanism of the Msr enzymes have been reported, several details still await full elucidation. Here, we solved the solution structure of C. diphtheriae MsrB (Cd-MsrB) and unraveled its catalytic and oxidation-protection mechanisms. Cd-MsrB catalyzes methionine sulfoxide reduction involving three redox-active cysteines. Using NMR heteronuclear single-quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra, kinetics, biochemical assays, and MS analyses, we show that the conserved nucleophilic residue Cys122 is S-sulfenylated after substrate reduction, which is then resolved by a conserved cysteine, Cys66, or by the non-conserved residue Cys127. We noted that the overall structural changes during the disulfide cascade expose the Cys122–Cys66 disulfide to recycling through thioredoxin (Trx). In the presence of hydrogen peroxide, Cd-MsrB formed reversible intra- and intermolecular disulfides without losing its Cys-coordinated Zn2+, and only the non-conserved Cys127 reacted with the low-molecular-weight (LMW) thiol mycothiol, protecting it from overoxidation. In summary, our structure–function analyses reveal critical details of the Cd-MsrB catalytic mechanism, including a major structural rearrangement that primes the Cys122–Cys66 disulfide for Trx reduction and a reversible protection against excessive oxidation of the catalytic cysteines in Cd-MsrB through intra- and intermolecular disulfide formation and S-mycothiolation

    Kinetic Characterisation of a Single Chain Antibody against the Hormone Abscisic Acid: Comparison with Its Parental Monoclonal

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    A single-chain Fv fragment antibody (scFv) specific for the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) has been expressed in the bacterium Escherichia coli as a fusion protein. The kinetics of ABA binding have been measured using surface plasmon resonance spectrometry (BIAcore 2000) using surface and solution assays. Care was taken to calculate the concentration of active protein in each sample using initial rate measurements under conditions of partial mass transport limitation. The fusion product, parental monoclonal antibody and the free scFv all have low nanomolar affinity constants, but there is a lower dissociation rate constant for the parental monoclonal resulting in a three-fold greater affinity. Analogue specificity was tested and structure-activity binding preferences measured. The biologically-active (+)-ABA enantiomer is recognised with an affinity three orders of magnitude higher than the inactive (-)-ABA. Metabolites of ABA including phaseic acid, dihydrophaseic acid and deoxy-ABA have affinities over 100-fold lower than that for (+)-ABA. These properties of the scFv make it suitable as a sensor domain in bioreporters specific for the naturally occurring form of ABA

    How Thioredoxin Dissociates Its Mixed Disulfide

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    The dissociation mechanism of the thioredoxin (Trx) mixed disulfide complexes is unknown and has been debated for more than twenty years. Specifically, opposing arguments for the activation of the nucleophilic cysteine as a thiolate during the dissociation of the complex have been put forward. As a key model, the complex between Trx and its endogenous substrate, arsenate reductase (ArsC), was used. In this structure, a Cys29Trx-Cys89ArsC intermediate disulfide is formed by the nucleophilic attack of Cys29Trx on the exposed Cys82ArsC-Cys89ArsC in oxidized ArsC. With theoretical reactivity analysis, molecular dynamics simulations, and biochemical complex formation experiments with Cys-mutants, Trx mixed disulfide dissociation was studied. We observed that the conformational changes around the intermediate disulfide bring Cys32Trx in contact with Cys29Trx. Cys32Trx is activated for its nucleophilic attack by hydrogen bonds, and Cys32Trx is found to be more reactive than Cys82ArsC. Additionally, Cys32Trx directs its nucleophilic attack on the more susceptible Cys29Trx and not on Cys89ArsC. This multidisciplinary approach provides fresh insights into a universal thiol/disulfide exchange reaction mechanism that results in reduced substrate and oxidized Trx

    Hypocrates is a genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor for (pseudo)hypohalous acids and their derivatives

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    The lack of tools to monitor the dynamics of (pseudo)hypohalous acids in live cells and tissues hinders a better understanding of inflammatory processes. Here we present a fluorescent genetically encoded biosensor, Hypocrates, for the visualization of (pseudo)hypohalous acids and their derivatives. Hypocrates consists of a circularly permuted yellow fluorescent protein integrated into the structure of the transcription repressor NemR from Escherichia coli. We show that Hypocrates is ratiometric, reversible, and responds to its analytes in the 106 M-1s-1 range. Solving the Hypocrates X-ray structure provided insights into its sensing mechanism, allowing determination of the spatial organization in this circularly permuted fluorescent protein-based redox probe. We exemplify its applicability by imaging hypohalous stress in bacteria phagocytosed by primary neutrophils. Finally, we demonstrate that Hypocrates can be utilized in combination with HyPerRed for the simultaneous visualization of (pseudo)hypohalous acids and hydrogen peroxide dynamics in a zebrafish tail fin injury model

    Stress-induced nuclear speckle reorganization is linked to activation of immediate early gene splicing

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    Current models posit that nuclear speckles (NSs) serve as reservoirs of splicing factors and facilitate posttranscriptional mRNA processing. Here, we discovered that ribotoxic stress induces a profound reorganization of NSs with enhanced recruitment of factors required for splice-site recognition, including the RNA-binding protein TIAR, U1 snRNP proteins and U2-associated factor 65, as well as serine 2 phosphorylated RNA polymerase II. NS reorganization relies on the stress-activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway and coincides with splicing activation of both pre-existing and newly synthesized pre-mRNAs. In particular, ribotoxic stress causes targeted excision of retained introns from pre-mRNAs of immediate early genes (IEGs), whose transcription is induced during the stress response. Importantly, enhanced splicing of the IEGs ZFP36 and FOS is accompanied by relocalization of the corresponding nuclear mRNA foci to NSs. Our study reveals NSs as a dynamic compartment that is remodeled under stress conditions, whereby NSs appear to become sites of IEG transcription and efficient cotranscriptional splicing

    The disulphide isomerase DsbC cooperates with the oxidase DsbA in a DsbD-independent manner

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    In Escherichia coli , DsbA introduces disulphide bonds into secreted proteins. DsbA is recycled by DsbB, which generates disulphides from quinone reduction. DsbA is not known to have any proofreading activity and can form incorrect disulphides in proteins with multiple cysteines. These incorrect disulphides are thought to be corrected by a protein disulphide isomerase, DsbC, which is kept in the reduced and active configuration by DsbD. The DsbC/DsbD isomerization pathway is considered to be isolated from the DsbA/DsbB pathway. We show that the DsbC and DsbA pathways are more intimately connected than previously thought. dsbA - dsbC - mutants have a number of phenotypes not exhibited by either dsbA - , dsbC - or dsbA - dsbD - mutations: they exhibit an increased permeability of the outer membrane, are resistant to the lambdoid phage φ80, and are unable to assemble the maltoporin LamB. Using differential two-dimensional liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry analysis, we estimated the abundance of about 130 secreted proteins in various dsb - strains. dsbA - dsbC - mutants exhibit unique changes at the protein level that are not exhibited by dsbA - dsbD - mutants. Our data indicate that DsbC can assist DsbA in a DsbD-independent manner to oxidatively fold envelope proteins. The view that DsbC's function is limited to the disulphide isomerization pathway should therefore be reinterpreted.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72894/1/MMI_6030_sm_Tables_S1-S4.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72894/2/MMI_tables_s1-s4.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72894/3/j.1365-2958.2007.06030.x.pd

    Solution structure of an arsenate reductase-related protein, YffB, from Brucella melitensis, the etiological agent responsible for brucellosis

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    B. melitensis is a NIAID Category B microorganism that is responsible for brucellosis and is a potential agent for biological warfare. Here, the solution structure of the 116-residue arsenate reductase-related protein Bm-YffB (BR0369) from this organism is reported

    A Structure-Based Approach for Detection of Thiol Oxidoreductases and Their Catalytic Redox-Active Cysteine Residues

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    Cysteine (Cys) residues often play critical roles in proteins, for example, in the formation of structural disulfide bonds, metal binding, targeting proteins to the membranes, and various catalytic functions. However, the structural determinants for various Cys functions are not clear. Thiol oxidoreductases, which are enzymes containing catalytic redox-active Cys residues, have been extensively studied, but even for these proteins there is little understanding of what distinguishes their catalytic redox Cys from other Cys functions. Herein, we characterized thiol oxidoreductases at a structural level and developed an algorithm that can recognize these enzymes by (i) analyzing amino acid and secondary structure composition of the active site and its similarity to known active sites containing redox Cys and (ii) calculating accessibility, active site location, and reactivity of Cys. For proteins with known or modeled structures, this method can identify proteins with catalytic Cys residues and distinguish thiol oxidoreductases from the enzymes containing other catalytic Cys types. Furthermore, by applying this procedure to Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins containing conserved Cys, we could identify the majority of known yeast thiol oxidoreductases. This study provides insights into the structural properties of catalytic redox-active Cys and should further help to recognize thiol oxidoreductases in protein sequence and structure databases