1,424 research outputs found

    Origins of GEMS Grains

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    Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the Earth s stratosphere contain high abundances of submicrometer amorphous silicates known as GEMS grains. From their birth as condensates in the outflows of oxygen-rich evolved stars, processing in interstellar space, and incorporation into disks around new stars, amorphous silicates predominate in most astrophysical environments. Amorphous silicates were a major building block of our Solar System and are prominent in infrared spectra of comets. Anhydrous interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) thought to derive from comets contain abundant amorphous silicates known as GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfides) grains. GEMS grains have been proposed to be isotopically and chemically homogenized interstellar amorphous silicate dust. We evaluated this hypothesis through coordinated chemical and isotopic analyses of GEMS grains in a suite of IDPs to constrain their origins. GEMS grains show order of magnitude variations in Mg, Fe, Ca, and S abundances. GEMS grains do not match the average element abundances inferred for ISM dust containing on average, too little Mg, Fe, and Ca, and too much S. GEMS grains have complementary compositions to the crystalline components in IDPs suggesting that they formed from the same reservoir. We did not observe any unequivocal microstructural or chemical evidence that GEMS grains experienced prolonged exposure to radiation. We identified four GEMS grains having O isotopic compositions that point to origins in red giant branch or asymptotic giant branch stars and supernovae. Based on their O isotopic compositions, we estimate that 1-6% of GEMS grains are surviving circumstellar grains. The remaining 94-99% of GEMS grains have O isotopic compositions that are indistinguishable from terrestrial materials and carbonaceous chondrites. These isotopically solar GEMS grains either formed in the Solar System or were completely homogenized in the interstellar medium (ISM). However, the chemical compositions of GEMS grains are extremely heterogeneous and seem to rule out this possibility. Based on their solar isotopic compositions and their non-solar elemental compositions we propose that most GEMS grains formed in the nebula as late-stage non-equilibrium condensates

    Mineralogy of Interplanetary Dust Particles from the Comet Giacobini-Zinner Dust Stream Collections

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    The Draconoid meteor shower, originating from comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, is a low-velocity Earth-crossing dust stream that had a peak anticipated flux on Oct. 8, 2012. In response to this prediction, NASA performed dedicated stratospheric dust collections to target interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) from this comet stream on Oct 15-17, 2012 [3]. Twelve dust particles from this targeted collection were allocated to our coordinated analysis team for studies of noble gas (Univ. Minnesota, Minnesota State Univ.), SXRF and Fe-XANES (SSL Berkeley) and mineralogy/isotopes (JSC). Here we report a mineralogical study of 3 IDPs from the Draconoid collection.

    High temperature annealing of minority carrier traps in irradiated MOCVD n(+)p InP solar cell junctions

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    Deep level transient spectroscopy was used to monitor thermal annealing of trapping centers in electron irradiated n(+)p InP junctions grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, at temperatures ranging from 500 up to 650K. Special emphasis is given to the behavior of the minority carrier (electron) traps EA (0.24 eV), EC (0.12 eV), and ED (0.31 eV) which have received considerably less attention than the majority carrier (hole) traps H3, H4, and H5, although this work does extend the annealing behavior of the hole traps to higher temperatures than previously reported. It is found that H5 begins to anneal above 500K and is completely removed by 630K. The electron traps begin to anneal above 540K and are reduced to about half intensity by 630K. Although they each have slightly different annealing temperatures, EA, EC, and ED are all removed by 650K. A new hole trap called H3'(0.33 eV) grows as the other traps anneal and is the only trap remaining at 650K. This annealing behavior is much different than that reported for diffused junctions

    New Manganese Silicide Mineral Phase in an Interplanetary Dust Particle

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    Comet 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup was identified as a source of an Earth-crossing dust stream with low Earth-encounter velocities, with peak anticipated fluxes during April in 2003 and 2004 [1]. In response to this prediction, NASA performed dedicated stratospheric dust collections using high altitude aircraft to target potential interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) from this comet stream in April 2003. Several IDPs from this collection have shown unusually low noble gas abundances [2] consistent with the predicted short space exposure ages of Grigg-Skjellerup dust particles [1]. High abundances of large D enrichments [3] and presolar grains [4] in IDPs from this collection are also consistent with an origin from the comet Grigg-Skjellerup. Here we report a new mineral from one of the cluster IDPs of the "Grigg-Skjellerup" collection, L2055. Our report focuses on an unusual manganese-iron-chromium silicide phase that, to our knowledge, has not been observed previously in nature. This unique phase may also shed light on the genesis of the enigmatic low-Fe,Mn-enriched (LIME) olivine that has been previously reported in IDPs and meteorites [5]

    Robertson-Walker fluid sources endowed with rotation characterised by quadratic terms in angular velocity parameter

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    Einstein's equations for a Robertson-Walker fluid source endowed with rotation Einstein's equations for a Robertson-Walker fluid source endowed with rotation are presented upto and including quadratic terms in angular velocity parameter. A family of analytic solutions are obtained for the case in which the source angular velocity is purely time-dependent. A subclass of solutions is presented which merge smoothly to homogeneous rotating and non-rotating central sources. The particular solution for dust endowed with rotation is presented. In all cases explicit expressions, depending sinusoidally on polar angle, are given for the density and internal supporting pressure of the rotating source. In addition to the non-zero axial velocity of the fluid particles it is shown that there is also a radial component of velocity which vanishes only at the poles. The velocity four-vector has a zero component between poles

    Radiation effects in Ga(0.47)In(0.53)As solar cells

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    The effects of irradiating Ga(0.47)In(0.53)As p-i-n junctions with 1 MeV electrons were measured using Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) and both dark and illuminated (1 sun, air mass zero (AM0)) current-voltage (I-V) measurements. The I-V measurements were made over the range 100K less than T less than 350K. Temperature coefficients of the Ga(0.47)In(0.53)As photovoltaic parameters are presented which follow the same general behavior as other solar cell materials (e.g. Si and GaAs). Fits of the dark I-V data to the two term diode equation before irradiation were satisfactory, yielding an estimated band-gap energy of 0.79 eV. The recombination component of the dark current was found to increase linearly with fluence. DLTS detected two radiation-induced defect levels one shallow (E(sub c)-0.10 eV) and one near mid-gap (E(sub c)-0.29 eV), and it is the near mid-gap level which is expected to be the cause of the dark current increase. The radiation-induced degradation of the open circuit voltage is shown to be accurately predicted from the dark I-V measurements. The degradation of the open circuit voltage dominated the radiation response of the photovoltaic parameters while the short circuit current was only moderately degraded. This behavior is qualitatively explained in terms of the base thickness and dopant level. Appropriate changes in the device structure are suggested which should increase the radiation resistance. Isochronal thermal annealing induced recovery in the photovoltaic parameters at approximately 400K, coinciding with an annealing stage of the near mid-gap defect level

    Bench Crater Meteorite: Hydrated Asteroidal Material Delivered to the Moon

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    D/H measurements from the lunar regolith agglutinates [8] indicate mixing between a low D/H solar implanted component and additional higher D/H sources (e.g., meteoritic/ cometary/volcanic gases). We have determined the range and average D/H ratio of Bench Crater meteorite, which is the first direct D/H analysis of meteoritic material delivered to the lunar surface. This result provides an important ground truth for future investigations of lunar water resources by missions to the Moon

    Enhancing the sensitivity of transient gravitational wave searches with Gaussian Mixture Models

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    Identifying the presence of a gravitational wave transient buried in non-stationary, non-Gaussian noise which can often contain spurious noise transients (glitches) is a very challenging task. For a given data set, transient gravitational wave searches produce a corresponding list of triggers that indicate the possible presence of a gravitational wave signal. These triggers are often the result of glitches mimicking gravitational wave signal characteristics. To distinguish glitches from genuine gravitational wave signals, search algorithms estimate a range of trigger attributes, with thresholds applied to these trigger properties to separate signal from noise. Here, we present the use of Gaussian mixture models, a supervised machine learning approach, as a means of modelling the multi-dimensional trigger attribute space. We demonstrate this approach by applying it to triggers from the coherent Waveburst search for generic bursts in LIGO O1 data. By building Gaussian mixture models for the signal and background noise attribute spaces, we show that we can significantly improve the sensitivity of the coherent Waveburst search and strongly suppress the impact of glitches and background noise, without the use of multiple search bins as employed by the original O1 search. We show that the detection probability is enhanced by a factor of 10, leading enhanced statistical significance for gravitational wave signals such as GW150914.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Building a stochastic template bank for detecting massive black hole binaries

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    Coalescence of two massive black holes is the strongest and most promising source for LISA. In fact, gravitational signal from the end of inspiral and merger will be detectable throughout the Universe. In this article we describe the first step in the two-step hierarchical search for gravitational wave signal from the inspiraling massive BH binaries. It is based on the routinely used in the ground base gravitational wave astronomy method of filtering the data through the bank of templates. However we use a novel Monte-Carlo based (stochastic) method to lay a grid in the parameter space, and we use the likelihood maximized analytically over some parameters, known as F-statistic, as a detection statistic. We build a coarse template bank to detect gravitational wave signals and to make preliminary parameter estimation. The best candidates will be followed up using Metropolis-Hasting stochastic search to refine the parameter estimation. We demonstrate the performance of the method by applying it to the Mock LISA data challenge 1B (training data set).Comment: revtex4, 8 figure
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