234 research outputs found

    The sphaeromatid genus Paracilicaea Stebbing 1910 (Crustacea Isopoda) from the Western Indian Ocean with the description of five new species

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    Seven species of Paracilicaea are recorded from intertidal habitats on the coasts of Somalia and the Yemen, Western Indian Ocean. Paracilicaea falcata n. sp., P. mirabilis n. sp., P. nodosa n. sp., P. peniculata n. sp. and P. uncinata n. sp. are described. The genus Paracilicaea Stebbing 1910 from the Indo-Pacific region is revised and redefined. Four species are excluded from Paracilicaea and are here regarded as "incertae sedis": P. dakini (Tattersall 1922), P. fimbriata Kussakin et al. 1990, P. hamata (Baker 1908) and P. septemdentata (Baker 1910). A key to the species of the genus is given, together with a synoptic list of all species, with their synonymy and distribution

    Pongycarcinia xiphidiourus n. gen. n. sp.,a new Brazilian Calabozoidae (Crustacea Isopoda)

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    The discovery of a second species of Calabozoidae, in a cave of an ancient karstic zone of the Bahia State (Brazil), provides new insights into the suborder Calabozoidea, described by VAN LIESHOUT in 1983 and represented until now by a single species Calabozoa pellucida Van Lieshout 1983 inhabiting the subterranean waters of Venezuela. The new finding expands the distribution range of the suborder and permits further studies to clarify its uncertain phylogeny. It also demonstrates a greater diversity of the isopod taxa in Brazilian subterranean waters than previously known. This suggests that a more detailed search would increase the chances of finding further interesting specimens of Crustacea in this region. The belonging of the newly discovered specimens to a new genus and species Pongycarcinia xiphidiourus is justified by the presence of peculiar characters, such as the shape of the second male pleopod and of some structures of the stomach. The two theories of the phylogeny of this isopod taxon, one linking it to the suborder Asellota through common ancestors, the other considering it more closely related to Oniscoidea, are discussed. KEY WORDS: stygofauna, Calabozoidea, Brazil, new genus, new species

    Crystal Structure and Local Dynamics in Tetrahedral Proton-Conducting La1-xBa1+xGaO4

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    La1-xBa1+xGaO4-0 (LBG) compounds, based on unconnected GaO4 moieties, were recently proposed as proton conductors. Protonic defects in the lattice are inserted through self-doping with Ba2+, to create oxygen vacancies subsequently filled by hydroxyl ions. We present a combined structural analysis on self-doped LBG using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption (EXAFS): these results unravel the finer structural details on the short-range and long-range scales, and they are correlated with the dynamical properties of protonic conduction coming from vibrational spectroscopy. The structure of the GaO4 groups is independent of the oxide composition. On hydration, an array of short intertetrahedral hydrogen bonds is formed, producing a contraction of the a axis. On the basis of thermogravimetric analysis, EXAFS, XRD and infrared spectroscopy (IR) results, we propose that the stiffness of the GaO4 tetrahedra hinders the intratetrahedral proton transfer, while the noticeable fraction of protons involved in strong hydrogen bonds limit the proton reorientational freedom

    Indium doping of proton-conducting solid oxides

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    Solid oxides protonic conductors are prepared by doping the pure matrix compounds with cationic species. Barium cerate and barium zirconate are perovskite-like compounds, characterized by a network of corner-sharing MeO6 octahedra (Me=Ce, Zr). Barium lies in the cavities between octahedra. Insertion of trivalent species in the octahedral site involves the formation of charge- compensating oxygen vacancies, that can be filled by hydroxyls coming from dissociative water absorption. Then, proton delocalization among structural oxygens ensures conductivity. The most effective conductors are obtained by yttrium doping that, on the other hand, enters only in limited amounts in both BaZrO3 and BaCeO3, thus involving limited carrier concentration. Perovskites are affected by different drawbacks: barium cerate compounds are very sensitive to the acidic components present in the environment and in particular to CO2 that induces decomposition in barium carbonate and cerium oxide; barium zirconate, notwithstanding a very high bulk conductivity, is biased by high grain boundary resistivity. A possible alternative to perovskite-like compounds is constituted by fergusonite-type lanthanum niobate and lanthanum tantalate compounds, characterized by a tetrahedral coordination of Nb and Ta. These oxides present a very high chemical stability but very low carrier concentration, usually induced by Ca-doping the lanthanum site [1]. Among the different trivalent dopants, it was demonstrated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy that indium is able to enter in any composition in the perovskite network, thus providing a very high carrier concentration, even if with lower proton mobility. This property of indium was ascribed to its electronic structure and in particular to the low Pearson hardness, allowing this cation to fit in a hosting matrix with the least structural strain [2]. A preliminar attempt of exploiting indium for enhancing the carrier concentration of lanthanum niobate was carried out. The solid state synthesis involved amounts of the reactant simple oxides suitable to force indium doping of the niobium site. X-ray diffraction do not show significant amounts of secondary oxide phases

    Feasibility study on piezoelectric actuated automotive morphing wing

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    Active aerodynamics is a promising technology to improve vehicle performance and efficiency, but so far in the automotive field the actuation methods suffer with several drawbacks that jeopardize its functioning and broad implementation. Morphing wings represent a technology already studied for aerospace applications that could help overcoming some of those issues. This paper proposes a piezoelectric transducer actuation for a composite material automotive wing and seeks to validate it through virtual models and physical tests. Experimental validation with a 3D-printed simplified wing profile confirms the feasibility of the technology and helps determining the best position for the piezo actuator. Furthermore, a FEM model is presented, where the piezo effect is simulated through a thermal analogy. An optimization of the composite stacking sequence is performed to maximize the trailing edge displacements, and its results are compared with the deflection caused by aerodynamic loads observed in the wing. The displacement of the trailing edge is in the order of tenths of a millimeter, even though further investigations are necessary to improve overall impact of the solution the preliminary results are promising

    Saliva, a bodily fluid with recognized and potential diagnostic applications

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    Human whole saliva is a bodily fluid that can be obtained easily by noninvasive techniques. Specimens can be collected by the patient also at home in order to monitor health status and variations of several analytes of clinical interest. The contributions to whole saliva include secretions from salivary glands and, among others, from the gingival crevicular fluid that derives from the epithelial mucosa. Therefore, saliva is currently a relevant diagnostic fluid for many substances, including steroids, nonpeptide hormones, therapeutic drugs, and drugs of abuse. This review at first briefly describes the different contributions to whole saliva. A section illustrates the procedures for the collection, handling, and storage of salivary specimens. Another section describes the present use of whole saliva for diagnostic purposes and its specific utilization for the diagnosis of several local and systemic diseases. The final sections illustrate the future opportunities offered by various not conventional techniques with a focus on the most recent –omic investigations. It describes the various issues that have to be taken into account to avoid false positives and negatives, such as the strength of the experimental plan, the adequacy of the number of samples under study, and the proper choice of controls

    Immunoreactivity of thymosin beta 4 in human foetal and adult genitourinary tract

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    Thymosin beta 4 (Tβ4) is a member of the beta-thymosins family, a family of peptides playing essential roles in many cellular functions. Our recent studies suggested Tβ4 plays a key role in the development of human salivary glands and the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to analyse the presence of Tβ4 in the human adult and foetal genitourinary tract. Immunolocalization of Tβ4 was studied in autoptic samples of kidney, bladder, uterus, ovary, testicle and prostate obtained from four human foetuses and four adults. Presence of the peptide was observed in cells of different origin: in surface epithelium, in gland epithelial cells and in the interstitial cells. Tβ4 was mainly found in adult and foetal bladder in the transitional epithelial cells; in the adult endometrium, glands and stromal cells were immunoreactive for the peptide; Tβ4 was mainly localized in the glands of foetal prostate while, in the adults a weak Tβ4 reactivity was restricted to the stroma. In adult and foetal kidney, Tβ4 reactivity was restricted to ducts and tubules with completely spared glomeruli; a weak positivity was observed in adult and foetal oocytes; immunoreactivity was mainly localized in the interstitial cells of foetal and adult testis. In this study, we confirm that Tβ4 could play a relevant role during human development, even in the genitourinary tract, and reveal that immunoreactivity for this peptide may change during postnatal and adult life

    Il complesso di gallerie drenanti Chianatelle-Felice-Olivella nel Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio (Napoli)

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    The Chianatelle-Felice-Olivella drainage galleries complex in the Vesuvius National Park (Naples) The Chianatelle-Felice-Olivella complex, located close to the village of Sant’Anastasia on Mt. Vesuvius, is constituted of 4 drainage galleries, each several tens of meters long, with a total drainage of about 0,1 l/s. Their present structure is due to the hydraulic works made, at the end of the 19th century by the king Ferdinando II of Bourbon, whereas the presence of an underground aquifer in this area had been noticed before the 79 a.C. eruption. The underground complex is not only an important archaeological site, but it is nowadays a part of the monitoring network for the Vesuvius volcanic risk assessment managed by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. Some important variation of the geochemical characteristics of the Olivella 1 gallery were recorded in coincidence with the October 11, 1999, earthquake

    Effect of The Gluten-Free Diet on Quality of Life, Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Immune System in Patients with Fibromyalgia and Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity. Fibromyalgia and Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity.

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a clinical syndrome characterized by chronic pain. FM patients complain hyperalgesia and allodynia and they are frequently affected by Non Celiac Wheat Sensitivity (NCWS), a condition where gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms are triggered by gluten and/or wheat ingestion. The gluten-free diet (GFD) impact was evaluated on fibromyalgia-related and gastrointestinal symptoms, health-related quality of life and immune response of patients with both FM and NCWS in order to detect a possible pathogenetic role of wheat/gluten in the triggering of the inflammatory process. Peripheral blood from 8 FM patients, 10 FM and NCWS patients (FM+NCWS patients), 13 NCWS patients and 14 healthy subjects (HS) was taken before and after 8 weeks of GFD and used for cytofluorimetric analysis. In all FM+NCWS patients after GFD almost all the clinical parameters used to evaluate musculoskeletal and systemic symptoms related to FM were reduced as well as intestinal symptoms present before GFD. Moreover, pro-inflammatory cytokines production (IFN-\u3b3, TNF- \u3b1, IL-17 and IL-22) by T helper (Th) cells of FM+NCWS patients was reduced after GFD. Our findings suggest that gluten/wheat could represent one of the triggering factors of the inflammatory condition playing an important role in the etiopathogenesis of both FM and NCWS

    Expression pattern of thymosin beta 4 in the adult human liver

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    Thymosin beta-4 (Tβ4) is a member of beta-thymosins, a family of small peptides involved in polymerization of G-actin, and in many critical biological processes including apoptosis, cell migration, angiogenesis, and fibrosis. Previous studies in the newborn liver did not reveal any significant reactivity for Tβ4 during the intrauterine life. The aim of the present study was to investigate by immunohistochemistry Tβ4 expression in the adult normal liver. Thirty-five human liver samples, including 11 needle liver biopsies and 24 liver specimens obtained at autopsy, in which no pathological change was detected at the histological examination, were immunostained utilizing an anti-Tβ4 commercial antibody. Tβ4 was detected in the hepatocytes of all adult normal livers examined. A zonation of Tβ4 expression was evident in the vast majority of cases. Immunostaining was preferentially detected in zone 3, while a minor degree of reactivity was detected in periportal hepatocytes (zone 1). At higher power, Tβ4-reactive granules appeared mainly localized at the biliary pole of hepatocytes. In cases with a strong immunostaining, even perinuclear areas and the sinusoidal pole of hepatocytes appeared interested by immunoreactivity for Tβ4. The current work first evidences a strong diffuse expression of Tβ4 in the adult human liver, and adds hepatocytes to the list of human cells able to synthesize large amounts of Tβ4 in adulthood. Moreover, Tβ4 should be added to the liver proteins characterized by a zonate expression pattern, in a descending gradient from the terminal vein to the periportal areas of the liver acinus. Identifying the intimate role played by this peptide intracellularly and extracellularly, in physiology and in different liver diseases, is a major challenge for future research focusing on Tβ4