505 research outputs found

    Satisfação com a vida, ética e comportamento monetário : idosos e idosas pobres a viver sós

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    Mestrado em GerontologiaObjectivos: O envelhecimento bem sucedido associa-se à satisfação com a vida, que é influenciada por diversas variáveis, incluindo o bem-estar financeiro, o significado atribuído ao dinheiro (ética monetária) e os comportamentos monetários. Neste estudo pretendemos compreender como a satisfação com a vida de pessoas idosas, de classe socio-económica baixa e média-baixa, que vivem sós se relaciona com a ética e o comportamento monetário. Metodologia: Optou-se por realizar um estudo descritivo-correlacional com uma abordagem quantitativa. A amostra é composta por 32 idosos (mais de 64 anos) de classe média-baixa e baixa, que vivem sós. O questionário de recolha de dados compreende os seguintes instrumentos: Escala da Satisfação com a Vida (Diener, 1985); Índice de Graffar, Índice de Barthel, Escala Geriátrica de Depressão (adaptado do EASYcare), Escala de Ética Monetária (Tang,1997) e Escala de Comportamentos Monetários (Furnham, 1984). Resultados: Os principais resultados indicam que: i) os idosos valorizam moderadamente os bens materiais e comportam-se de forma moderada; ii) as pessoas idosas apresentam moderada/baixa satisfação com a vida; iii) ética e os comportamentos monetários não influenciam a satisfação com a vida; iv) existem diferenças de género na ética e comportamentos monetários. Conclusão: Os idosos estão pouco/moderadamente satisfeitos com a vida, sem que haja relação com a ética e os comportamentos monetários. ABSTRACT: Objectives – Successful ageing is associated to the satisfaction with life and it is influenced by several variables, including the financial well-being, the meaning of money (monetary ethics) and the monetary behaviour. In this study, our goal is to understand the relation between ethics and monetary behaviour and satisfaction with life of elderly people from lower/middle social and economical classes, who live alone. Procedure - A descriptive and correlational study with a quantitative approach was carried out. The sample comprises 32 elderly people (more than 64 years old) from lower/middle classes, who live alone. Data were collected through a questionnaire which included the following instruments: Scale of Satisfaction with Life (Diener, 1985); Graffar Index, Barthel Index, Scale of Geriatric Depression (adapted from EASYcare), Monetary Ethics Scale (Tang, 1997) and Monetary Behaviour Scale (Furnham, 1984). Results – Main findings suggest that: i) elderly people moderately value material goods and behave in a moderate way; ii) elderly people show moderate/lower life satisfaction; iii) ethics and monetary behaviour do not influence satisfaction with life; iv) there are differences of gender in ethics and monetary behaviour. Conclusion - Elderly people are little/moderately satisfied with life, which is not related to ethics and monetary behaviour

    How is goodwill impairment driven by relative firm performance? : evidence from Germany

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    Goodwill treatment has been facing considerable changes in terms of regulation. More recently, IAS 36 (2004) develops the subject of impairment of assets, stating that goodwill should be subject to impairment tests on an annual basis. In the IFRS context, the present research study aims at investigating how goodwill impairment is driven by relative firm performance in Europe, using Germany evidence. More precisely, the paper focuses on two distinct analyses: comparing differences between impairment and non-impairments firms (cross-sectional analysis) and impairment and non-impairment years (longitudinal analysis). Using both t-tests and Wilcoxon Rank Sum statistical tests, findings partially support the hypothesis that impairment firms are significantly less efficient when compared to nonimpairment firms in the period of goodwill impairment recognition. However, results of the longitudinal analysis do not support the hypothesis that Germany firms are relatively less efficient in the year of goodwill impairment comparing to the year of no impairment. These results are in line with similar studies applied to the United States and US GAAP. Finally, based on the longitudinal analysis’ findings, the earnings management topic is briefly discussed.Le traitement du goodwill a été confronté à des changements considérables en termes de réglementation. Plus récemment, la norme IAS 36 (2004) développe le sujet de la dépréciation des actifs, indiquant que le goodwill doit faire l'objet de tests de dépréciation sur une base annuelle. Dans le cadre des normes internationales d’information financière (IFRS), l’étude présente vise étudier la façon dont la dépréciation du goodwill est entraînée par la performance relative de l'entreprise en Europe, en utilisant évidences d’Allemagne. Plus précisément, le document met l'accent sur deux analyses distinctes: comparer les différences entre les entreprises avec ou sans dépréciation (analyse transversale) et comparer les années successives avec ou sans dépréciation pour chaque entreprise (analyse longitudinale). En utilisant les tests statistiques t et Wilcoxon Rank Sum, les résultats confirment partiellement l'hypothèse que les entreprises avec dépréciation sont beaucoup moins efficaces lorsque l'on compare à des entreprises sans dépréciation dans la période de reconnaissance de dépréciation du goodwill. Cependant, les résultats de l'analyse longitudinale ne supportent pas l'hypothèse selon laquelle les entreprises d’Allemagne sont relativement moins efficaces dans l'année de l'écart d'acquisition en comparant à l'année sans perte de valeur. Ces résultats sont en ligne avec les études similaires appliquées aux États-Unis et aux principes comptables généralement acceptés aux États Unis (US GAAP). Tenant, en compte les conclusions de l’analyse longitudinale, le sujet de la manipulation des résultats est brièvement discuté

    Experiential learning as a construct for child motivation

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    Experiential learning results from involvement, participation, exploration, experimentation, creation, discovery, relationships, and interaction with others and objects, in short, interaction with the world around us. In other words, everyone learns motivated by their purposes, i.e. they deliberately strive to achieve learning that makes sense to them. Motivation and learning are fundamental to the study of new school theories. It cannot, and should not, be seen only as an essential characteristic for the child, but must be mediated by the teacher, supported by various strategies to promote motivation for learning. The study presented here focused on experiential learning as a pedagogy and the teaching-learning strategies that correspond to it. The work was carried out with 24 children, aged 9 and 10, in the 4th year of primary school. The study is based on a qualitative, interpretive approach. Data was collected mainly through the technique of direct and participant observation, using field notes, photographic records, and observation grids. The objectives were: to identify the advantages and disadvantages of experiential work, to understand whether experiential work is a motivating factor, and to study the role of the child in the development of experiential work. The results obtained in the study, which emerged from the application of various data collection instruments, revealed that the children were more active, autonomous, and participative, verifying that experiential learning, using diversified strategies, boosts children's involvement, and stimulates their curiosity and their love of learning. We were also able to see that experiential learning has a greater impact on children's motivation if the teacher presents him/herself to them as an example of a motivated person.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Comuna na Escola: Projeto de intervenção curricular de teatro com uma turma de 4º ano de escolaridade

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    Projeto de intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Artística na especialização de Teatro na EducaçãoEste projeto do tipo investigação-ação assenta numa abordagem qualitativa e no paradigma sociocrítico e emancipatório. Pretendeu analisar as práticas de intervenção dos atores-professores coadjuvantes da área curricular de Expressão Dramática/Teatro numa turma de 4º ano de escolaridade, durante o ano letivo 2020/2021, com aulas semanais de uma hora e meia. O desenho metodológico da intervenção aspirou a uma possível compreensão da prática artística-pedagógica dos atores-professores, mobilizados pela Comuna Teatro Pesquisa, integrada em contexto de educação formal e no projeto educativo da turma. Recorremos à recolha dos planos e diários de bordo das sessões, de entrevistas semiestruturadas (uma à entidade artística e outra à professora titular) e de trabalhos realizados pelos alunos, submetidos a processos de análise de conteúdo, para entender o contexto singular deste estudo e as representações dele extraídas. Na concretização desta ação artístico-pedagógica convergiram recursos comunitários com interesses comuns, organizados para uma ação educativa em que predominou a formação pessoal e social e competências artísticas e culturais. Priorizando os ideais humanistas, as práticas democráticas e a promoção da educação estética e artística, as estratégias de intervenção integraram uma visão pluriparadigmática lúdica-expressiva e formalista-cognitiva da educação artística, prosseguida em prol da educação sensível. As aprendizagens, induzidas através de jogos dramáticos e teatrais, na expressão vocal e corporal, focaram as emoções, a capacidade empática e a cooperação no trabalho coletivo. Conclui que, nesta intervenção, as crianças evidenciaram o desenvolvimento da confiança em si e nos outros, e da autoexpressão criativa, em simultâneo com conhecimento da linguagem teatral, especificamente, sobre o espaço cénico, a contracena, a construção de personagens e de narrativas dramatúrgicas.Abstract This action-research project is based on a qualitative approach and on the sociocritical and emancipatory paradigm. It intended to analyse the intervention practices of supporting actor-teachers in the Dramatic Expression/Theatre curricular area in a 4th grade class, during the 2020/2021 school year, with weekly classes of one and a half hours. The methodological design of the intervention aspired to a possible understanding of the artistic-pedagogical practice of the actor-teachers, mobilized by Comuna Teatro Pesquisa, integrated in the context of formal education and in the group's educational project. We resorted to the collection of session plans and logbooks, semi-structured interviews (one to the artistic entity and another to the head teacher) and work carried out by students, submitted to content analysis processes, to understand the unique context of this study and the representations extracted from it. In carrying out this artistic-pedagogical action, community resources converged with common interests, organized for an educational action in which personal and social training and artistic and cultural skills predominated. Prioritizing humanist ideals, democratic practices and the promotion of aesthetic and artistic education, the intervention strategies integrated a ludic-expressive and formalist-cognitive pluriparadigm vision of artistic education, pursued in favour of sensitive education. Learning, induced through dramatic and theatrical games, in vocal and body expression, focused on emotions, empathetic capacity and cooperation in collective work. I concluded that, in this intervention, the children evidenced the development of confidence in themselves and in others, and of creative self-expression, simultaneously with knowledge of theatrical language, specifically, about the scenic space, the acting, the construction of characters and dramaturgical narratives.N/

    Plano de marketing da Glintt para o serviço Sifarma.Coaching

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    O projeto visa propor um plano de marketing para o Sifarma.Coaching, um serviço Glintt que compreende um programa de formação criado para apoiar as Farmácias a consolidar e melhorar o atendimento prestado aos seus clientes, através da utilização do software Sifarma. Os principais objetivos do projeto consistem em incrementar a visibilidade do serviço e impulsionar as suas vendas, permitindo à Glintt reforçar o seu posicionamento enquanto empresa tecnológica de referência em Portugal e impulsionadora da transformação digital na área da saúde. Para tal, foi conduzida uma revisão da literatura referente às temáticas envolvidas e identificada a metodologia utilizada, que engloba a recolha, análise e combinação de dados primários e secundários. De seguida, procedeu-se à análise situacional e, tendo em consideração as conclusões chave do estudo realizado, foi delineada uma estratégia de marketing e respetivo plano operacional para 2022 que, pela necessidade emergente, incidiu sobre a variável comunicação do marketing-mix.The project aims to propose a marketing plan for Sifarma.Coaching, a Glintt service that comprises a training program created to support Pharmacies to consolidate and improve the service provided to their customers, through the use of Sifarma software. The main objectives of the project are to increase the visibility of the service and boost its sales, allowing Glintt to reinforce its position as a top technology company in Portugal and a driver of digital transformation in the healthcare area. To this end, a literature review was conducted on the themes involved and the methodology used was identified, which includes the collection, analysis, and combination of primary and secondary data. Then, the situational analysis was carried out and, considering the key findings of the study, a marketing strategy and respective operational plan for 2022 was outlined, which, due to emerging need, focused on the communication variable of the marketing-mix

    Digital Epidemiology after COVID-19: impact and prospects

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    Epidemiology and Public Health have increasingly relied on structured and unstructured data, collected inside and outside of typical health systems, to study, identify, and mitigate diseases at the population level. Focusing on infectious disease, we review how Digital Epidemiology (DE) was at the beginning of 2020 and how it was changed by the COVID-19 pandemic, in both nature and breadth. We argue that DE will become a progressively useful tool as long as its potential is recognized and its risks are minimized. Therefore, we expand on the current views and present a new definition of DE that, by highlighting the statistical nature of the datasets, helps in identifying possible biases. We offer some recommendations to reduce inequity and threats to privacy and argue in favour of complex multidisciplinary approaches to tackling infectious diseases.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures and a supplement material fil

    Assessoria de imprensa: diferenças das práticas entre Portugal e Brasil

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    O presente artigo pretende evidenciar as diferenças existentes nas práticas de assessoria de imprensa no Brasil e em Portugal. Através de cinco entrevistas realizadas com assessores de imprensa, três brasileiros e dois portugueses ligados à área do esporte e da política, o artigo expõe o dilema que existe relativamente aos limites estabelecidos na profissionalização da assessoria, que se evidenciam distintos nestes dois países

    Dynamic literacy by seniors for seniors, motivations and expectations

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    The focus on lifelong learning, such as the creation of new educational responses that contribute to the empowerment of people and communities, as well as the recognition and valuation of multiple contexts where people acquire and share their knowledge in order to achieve universal literacy, has guided the European policy guidelines. In this article we present some results of a lifelong learning project – PROALFA, which promotes literacy workshops, focuses on learning to read and write and are directed at elderly people in residential structures. The workshops are performed voluntarily by adults, in retirement, who are students of a senior training programme of a Portuguese higher education institution. The aim is to understand the main motives, expectations and the driving forces that leads them to participate in a voluntary way, in these educational activities, meet the participants of the workshop, interact personally with them and their literacy aspects. The data we present is based on a qualitative approach, using: i) techniques of semi-structured interview, for the 4 senior facilitators of the workshop; and ii) documentary research, for the characterization of the 16 participants in the activity. We can conclude that the need to share knowledge and experiences, mutually stimulate cognition and interaction with near generations, are the main reason that lead seniors to streamline a socioeducational activity. In Portuguese society this project can be understood as good practice in adult education and for the future elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O vínculo jurídico-laboral do treinador desportivo

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    O vínculo jurídico-laboral do treinador desportivo é um tema que tem vindo a ser alvo de diversas críticas e opiniões, não estando a sua solução à vista. Em Portugal, bem como em Espanha, a grande problemática surge, quer na qualificação da figura do treinador desportivo, quer na aplicação da legislação laboral que lhe é aplicável. A questão é suscitada, na medida em que a atividade dos treinadores desportivos não é objeto de regulamentação específica, sendo que muitas das normas do Código do Trabalho não se mostram adequadas à especial natureza da atividade do treinador desportivo. Face à existência desta lacuna de previsão, a doutrina e jurisprudência têm sido tentadas a aplicar ao treinador desportivo as normas que regulam os contratos de trabalho dos praticantes desportivos. A celebração de um Contrato Coletivo de Trabalho entre a Associação Nacional de Treinadores de Futebol e a Federação Portuguesa de Futebol Profissional, visava preencher a lacuna existente quanto a esta matéria, mas não logrou alcançar o seu objetivo, podendo mesmo dizer-se que muitas das suas cláusulas são de teor contrário à legislação laboral. Tem vindo a doutrina a focar as suas atenções nos contratos dos treinadores de futebol, sendo que pretendemos ir um pouco mais além, explorando a necessidade de regulamentação noutras modalidades desportivas.The legal-labour link of a sports coach is a very targeted theme by criticism and different opinions, although there hasn't been found any solution for the issue that it represents. In Portugal, as well as in Spain, the problem appears whether in the qualification of the sports coach figure, or whether in the labour legislation applicable. The question raises due to the fact that activities of sports coaches are not object of specific legislation, given that the majourity of the norms in the Labour Code do not fit in the special nature of the activities of sports coaches. Given the existence of this gap in prediction, the doctrine and the jurisprudence have been tempted to apply to the sports coach, the regulations usually applied to the work contracts of athletes. The celebration of a Collective Labour Agreement between the National Association of Football Coaches (ANTF) and the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF), aimed to fill the existing gap regarding this subject, but it did not achieved the purpose, and it can even be said that many of its clauses contradict the labour legislation. The doctrine has now been focusing its attention on football coaches contracts, however we intend to go further, exploring the need for regulation in other types of sports

    Biochar como estratégia na redução do efeito da seca em Eucalyptus

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    Mestrado em Biologia AplicadaAtmospheric CO2 concentrations are higher than any time in the last decades, resulting in global warming along with general climactic changes. Drought stress is one of the most important effect of climactic alterations and directly disrupts water and carbon fluxes, with effects on primary production and terrestrial ecosystems equilibrium. It affects plants at different levels depending on intensity, duration and progression of drought, leading to responses at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels. The biochar application to the soils as a mitigation agent, by enhancing water and nutrient availability, has been well documented. Assuming the economic importance of Eucalyptus globulus in Portugal and the rising demand of dry periods in mediterranic region, the main goal of this study was to evaluate the ability of biochar to reduce the stress effects in Eucalyptus globulus plants, under water limiting conditions. We also evaluate the application of fertilizers in plant performance and the conjugation of both. For this propose, 136 plants of Eucalyptus globulus were subjected to a 6 weeks period assay, divided by 2 groups (well watered – 80% of field capacity and water stress - 30% of field capacity), which one with 4 treatments: without biochar, with biochar (6%), without biochar+fertilizer and with biochar+fertilizer. At the end of the experimental period, the plants were evaluated at morphological, physiological and biochemical levels. Our results showed a significant decrease in most of analysed parameters with water limitation, as gas exchanges, hydric potential, height, transpiration, lateral branches, leaf area and number of leaves, photosynthesis (except WSb), above ground biomass (fresh and dry) and weight of roots, suggesting that the water limitations severely affect plants performance. Biochar application improve leaf area and photosynthesis rates along with decreases the total soluble sugars content and slight higher values of water potential, suggesting that in water stress conditions it is beneficial to applied biochar into soils to enhance their ability to store and use water, reducing overall stress levels in the plants. In well watered conditions, the biochar showed wilting signals In well watered conditions the use of biochar promoted lower photosynthetic rates and lower values of all morphological parameters as above ground biomass, number of lateral branches and leaf area when compared with nutrients application, along with apical wilting signals suggesting that in in well water conditions, the use of biochar is not a better option. The results of conjugation of both biochar and fertilizers were contradictory. In well water conditions we found a higher values of Fv/Fm along with chlorophylls and lower values of number of leaves, leaf area, photosynthesis and TSS. Otherwise, in water stress conditions and besides the lower performance in all gas exchanges parameters, we noticed higher above ground biomass, when compared with biochar and fertilizer applied alone. In conclusion, our results shows that biochar amend water limitation conditions in E.globulus, but is not a main value for plant performance in well water conditions or when applied together with fertilizer. In either case, further studies are needed.As concentrações de CO2 atmosférico têm atingido níveis alarmantes nas últimas décadas resultando no aquecimento global em conjunto com alterações climatéricas generalizadas. O stress hídrico é uma das maiores consequências destas alterações, constituindo um disruptor direto dos fluxos hídricos e de carbono com efeitos na produção primária e equilíbrio de ecossistemas terrestres. Afeta as plantas a diferentes níveis dependendo da intensidade, duração e níveis de progressão, conduzindo a respostas a níveis fisiológicos, bioquímicos e moleculares. Estudos recentes, suportam a aplicação de biochar nos solos como estratégia de mitigação, visando promover a retenção de água e nutrientes. Assumindo a importância económica da espécie Eucalyptus globulus em Portugal e o crescente aumento de períodos de seca na região mediterrânica, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de mitigação do biochar em Eucalyptus globulus sujeitos a limitação hídrica. Comparamos também o seu efeito com a utilização de fertilizantes sintéticos e da conjugação da utilização de ambos. Deste modo, 136 plantas de E.globulus foram sujeitas a um período experimental de 6 semanas, divididas por 2 grupos (sem limitação de água – 80% de capacidade de campo e com limitação de água – 30% de capacidade de campo), cada um constituído por 4 tratamentos: sem biochar, com biochar (6%), sem biochar+ fertilizante e com biochar+fertilizante. No final do ensaio, as plantas foram avaliadas ao nível morfológico, fisiológico e bioquímico. Os resultados deste estudo indicam um decréscimo na maioria dos parâmetros analisados em condições de limitação de água, nomeadamente ao nível das trocas gasosas, potencial hídrico, altura, níveis de transpiração, fotossíntese, número de folhas, área das folhas, peso de biomassa aérea e peso das raízes, o que sugere que a limitação de água afeta severamente a performance da planta. A aplicação do biochar promove o aumento de área das folhas e níveis fotossintéticos, juntamente com uma diminuição no conteúdo de açucares totais (TSS) e um ligeiro aumento dos valores de potencial hídrico, sugerindo que em condições limitantes de água, a aplicação de biochar a 6% promove a habilidade de retenção de água pelos solos, reduzindo os efeitos gerais de stress nas plantas. Em condições de controlo, sem limitação de água, as plantas sujeitas a aplicação de biochar apresentaram sinais atípicos de murchidão apical, bem como baixos níveis de fotossíntese e morfológicos gerais, quando comparados com a utilização de fertilizantes, nas mesmas condições, sugerindo que em condições de rega abundante a aplicação de fertilizante é preferível ao biochar. Os resultados da conjugação do biochar+ fertilizantes mostraram baixa performance da planta, comparativamente à aplicação em separado, nomeadamente ao nível da área folear, número de folhas, peso das raízes, fotossíntese, trocas gasosas e carotenoides, em condições de limitação de água. Em conclusão, os nossos resultados indicam que o biochar tem um efeito mitigante em condições de limitação de água para E.globulus, no entanto a sua aplicação não representa uma mais valia em condições de rega abundante ou quando aplicado em conjugação com fertilizantes