44 research outputs found

    Success management as a PM knowledge area – work-in-progress

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    It is a fact that an organization's success is closely linked with its projects’ success. Although there are many studies in literature that focus on different aspects of project success like, for instance, the success factors or the criteria for success assessment, there are only few studies that mention the processes required for success evaluation. Guides and standards, such as the PMBOK 5 or ISO 21500:2012, are not exceptions to this reality. Given the high importance and complexity of the evaluation of the projects’ success, in this work-in-progress the Success Management is proposed as a new knowledge area of project management, as well as a set of processes to be carried out in its scop

    Effects of temperature and body mass on metabolic rates of sprat, Sprattus sprattus L.

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    Sprat, Sprattus sprattus L., is a small schooling clupeid forming large stocks in several ecosystems. Despite its high trophodynamic impact, little is known about its energy consumption rates. As a central component of a bioenergetic budget, metabolic rates of sprat from 3.11 to 9.71 g wet weight (WW) were measured at nine different temperatures (T) ranging from 9 to 21A degrees C using a computer-controlled intermittent-flow respirometer. Routine metabolism (R (R)) was related to T (A degrees C) and WW (g) by R (R) = 0.074 WW(1.077) e(0.080 T). Standard metabolic rates (R (S)) as calculated from the 10% percentiles of the repeated measurements were on average 12% lower and still influenced by continuous swimming activity: R (S) = 0.069 WW(1.073) e(0.078 T). We interpret the deviation of the scaling exponent b from typically found exponents of b similar to 0.8 as a consequence of permanently elevated activity level. The high permanent swimming activities also indicated that the concept of standard metabolism may not be meaningful in schooling planktivorous fish. These results suggest that generally in bioenergetic models for clupeid schooling fish the activity multipliers should be chosen very conservatively