1,487 research outputs found

    Characteristics of and determinants of the density of contributions in a Private Social Security System

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    This paper investigates previously unresearched issues pertaining to the well-known Chilean innovations in Social Security. Previous empirical studies of the Chilean system used aggregate and macro data, without attention to individual heterogeneity. This study uses new household survey data, linked with Social Security records for over 20 years, to analyze selected reform issues related to social security coverage and the density and continuity of contributions to the social security system. The results lead to a better understanding of the participation determinants and the distributional aspects of the Chilean system, lay the groundwork for policy changes, and illuminate implications of the system reforms for other countries.

    Development of a methodology for sustainable product re-design from product architecture principles

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    Sustainability is one of the most trending topics in the world due to the increase of interest regarding environmental, economical and social issues for future generations. In the field of product design, it is possible to identify research opportunities focused on the development of design methods for more sustainable products. Reuse, remanufacture and recycle are considered key issues for including sustainability in the entire lifecycle of products. From the design perspective, Product architecture principles provide huge benefits from early design stages, specially in the definition of components for product families, which entails the use of common components or modules able to be reused along different product versions or variants. This work, proposes a product re-design methodology for product families, taking into account the need for modularizing components to improve sustainability and functional performance. An adaptation of the four-stage design method is proposed, including additional steps to generate products that offer a better sustainability performance. A family of prosthetic devices for children is employed as case study to demonstrate the application and benefits of the proposed approach. The case study is re-designed to generate an open architecture product family. A set of proposed indicators is used to compare the sustainability performance of both, original and open architecture product family

    Determinación de los factores de mayoración para el consumo de agua potable en el municipio de Sibaté con respecto a los definidos en la resolución número 0330 del 8 de junio de 2017

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEn este proyecto se realizará un estudio sobre el cálculo de los coeficientes de mayoración para acueductos en Colombia, en especial para el acueducto del Municipio de Sibaté teniendo en cuenta la Resolución 0330 de 2017.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. GENERALIDADES MUNICIPIO Y ACUEDUCTO DE SIBATÉ 3. ANÁLISIS VOLUMENES Y COEFICIENTES 4. ÍNDICE DE AGUA NO CONTABILIZADA BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Fonts i protagonistes de la informació en la televisió de proximitat. El cas del Tele Elx

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    Following the process of regulation of local digital terrestrial television in Spain, some of the academic research has focused on the beleaguered sector of the so-called proximity television. Although some of the studies go back to the eighties, most of the research deals with historicist or legislative issues, not taking into account other aspects such as the content and programming of local broadcasters. This paper presents the case of Tele Elx, a local television channel born in 1987 in Elche, which we regard as a paradigm of the evolution of proximity television. Our objective is to analyze its news sources and the main actors in its newscasts. We have carried out a content analysis of several samples of its prime-time newscast, Tele nit, which has been broadcasted from its launch. The sample includes 35 newscasts, from 1991 to 2015, which allow us to diachronically carry out an analysis of the evolution of news in local television in Spain.Arran de la regulació de la televisió digital terrestre local (TDT-L) a Espanya s'ha reactivat l'atenció investigadora sobre el maltractat sector de la televisió de proximitat. Tot i que els estudis es remunten als anys huitanta, la majoria versen sobre aspectes historicistes o legislatius i menyspreen altres enfocaments sobre l'oferta de programació i continguts d'aquestes televisions. Aquest article presenta el cas de Tele Elx, un canal d'àmbit local nascut el 1987 a Elx i que considerem que és un paradigma de l'evolució de les televisions de proximitat. El propòsit és conèixer-ne les fonts d'informació i els protagonistes de les seues notícies. Per a això s'han realitzat mostres selectives en el seu informatiu capdavanter, Tele nit, que s'emet ininterrompudament des dels seus inicis. La mostra abasta trenta-cinc noticiaris, del 1991 al 2015, que permeten fer una anàlisi diacrònica de la progressió dels informatius locals en televisions de petita escala

    Evaluation of a dead-end ultrafiltration membrane for the removal of organic matter from a water reservoir in Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: The removal of natural organic matter (NOM) from surface water sources was evaluated by a pilot ultrafiltration plant through 3 different treatment processes: UF, PAC/UF and PAC/C-S/UF. For UF, the ultrafiltration plant was used as the only treatment. For PAC/UF, tests were performed with powdered activated carbon (PAC) as pre-treatment to the ultrafiltration membrane. For the PAC/C-S/UF hybrid treatment process, adsorption with PAC and coagulation- sedimentation with aluminum sulphate as a coagulant was used as pre-treatment. The results indicated that the best hybrid treatment process was PAC/C-S/UF, since it maintained a stable transmembrane pressure (TMP) of around 0.5 bar in the operating time, while in the this process the flow remained constant at about 227 L / (m2 · h). In addition, with this process, the highest removal efficiencies were obtained for the NOM parameters evaluated. Coagulation pre-treatment improved the removal of NOM in comparison with PAC and UF as the only treatment. The results showed that both hydrophobic and hydrophilic organic compounds could be removed by the action of the coagulant. When further comparing the increased removal rates of the hydrophobic material (HoM) and hydrophilic material (HiM) fractions, it was observed that the hydrophobic organic chromophores could be removed by coagulation more easily than the hydrophilic organic chromophore compounds. The molecular weight distribution (MWD) was evaluated, indicating that the PAC/C-S/UF treatment successfully removed medium-high molecular weight (MW) compounds (> 1701 Da), but the removal efficiency of medium-low MW compounds (≤ 1701 Da) began to decrease as the compounds had lower MW

    The Chilean Pension Reform Turns 25: Lessons From the Social Protection Survey

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    In 1980, Chile dramatically reformed its retirement system, replacing what was an old insolvent PAYGO program with a new structure that relies heavily on funded defined contribution individual accounts. In addition, eligibility and benefit requirements were standardized, and a safety net for old-age poverty was strengthened. Twenty-five years after this reform, the Chilean model is being re-assessed, in terms of coverage, contribution, investment, and retirement benefit outcomes. This paper introduces a recently-developed longitudinal survey of individual respondents in Chile, the Social Protection Survey (or Encuesta de Previsión Social, EPS), and illustrates some uses of this survey for microeconomic analysis of key aspects of the Chilean system.

    Existencia de solución de un problema de contorno aplicando el método de súper y sub-soluciones

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    En el presente artículo se muestra un resultado de existencia de solución para un problema de contorno usando el método de super y sub-soluciones. Bajo condiciones apropiadas, se prueba la existencia de solución de un problema periódico utilizando el teorema de punto fijo de Schauder.In this paper we show a result of existence of solution for a boundary problem using the method of upper and lower solutions. Under apropiates conditions, we prove the existence of solutions of the periodic problem using the Schauder’s fixed point theorem

    Reintegración sin desmovilización: el caso de las milicias populares de Medellín

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    Narratives on peace processes in Colombia do not often include the 1994 negotiations with the so-called “popular militia” in Medellín -- This article analyzes the development and results of this process, revises the explanations of its failure which were produced in that time, and proposes an interpretation that appeals to a more profound institutional structure that gave way to the negotiation of disorder and the privatization of security, thus developing a thesis suggested by María Teresa UribeLos recuentos sobre los procesos de paz en Colombia no siempre incluyen la negociación con las milicias populares de Medellín en 1994 -- Este artículo analiza los acuerdos y desarrollos de este proceso, revisa las explicaciones coetáneas de su fracaso y propone una interpretación que invoca una estructura institucional más profunda que dio lugar a la negociación del desorden y la privatización de la seguridad, en desarrollo de una tesis de María Teresa Urib

    ttl mutants are impaired in cellulose biosynthesis under osmotic stress

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    As sessile organisms, plants require mechanisms to sense and respond to the challenging environment, that encompass both biotic and abiotic factors that results in differential development. In these conditions is essential to balance growth and stress responses. As cell walls shape plant growth, this differential growth response cause alterations to the plant cell wall and cellulose is a major component. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms that regulate cellulose biosynthesis is essential to develop strategies to improve plant production. Previous studies have shown that the GSK3 kinase BIN2 modulate cellulose biosynthesis through phosphorylating cellulose synthases and that the expression of cellulose synthases are regulated by Brassinosteroids. Our previous work reveals that the tetratricopeptide-repeat thioreoxin-like (TTL) TTL1, TTL3, and TTL4 genes, in addition to their reported role in abiotic stress tolerance, are positive regulators of BR signaling. We observe association of TTL3 with most core components in traducing BR signalling, such as LRR-RLK BRI1, BIN2 and the transcription factor BES1 that positively regulate cellulose biosynthesis. We show that ttl mutants are affected in cellulose biosynthesis, particularly in osmotic stress conditions. Furthermore, TTL3 associates with LRR-RLKs that have been shown to be important for cellulose biosynthesis such as FEI1 in the FEI1/FEI2/SOS5 pathway. We aim to investigate the mechanisms by which TTL proteins regulate cellulose biosynthesis using a combination of genetics, biochemical, and molecular and cell biology approaches. This work was supported by grants from: (1) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación BIO2014-55380-R, BIO2014-56153-REDT; (2) Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (BES-2015-071256); (3) Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.This work was supported by grants from: (1) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación BIO2014-55380-R, BIO2014-56153-REDT; (2) Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (BES-2015-071256); (3) Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Deus narrado a partir do político

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    Which are the most significant ideas which derive from the narration of Exodus 6, 1-13? In what way do they have political implications? Is God a reality that includes the political dimension of the people of Israel and of our communities of believers? Those questions provide the grounds for the line of argument of the following paper. The author undertakes a study of the referred biblical passage by using contributions of the synchronic exegesis and intends a hermeneutical approach from other books of the Pentateuch and the Old Testament. At the end, he presents some conclusions which provide pastoral applicability to the subject of God narrated from a political perspective.¿Cuáles son las ideas más significativas que se desprenden de la narración del Ex 6,1-13? ¿En qué medida tienen implicación política? ¿Es Dios una realidad que incluye la dimensión política del pueblo de Israel y de nuestras comunidades creyentes? Estas preguntas dan razón de la línea expositiva de este artículo. El autor hace un estudio de la perícopa en cuestión y utiliza aportes de la exégesis sincrónica e intenta una aproximación hermenéutica desde otros textos del Pentateuco y del Antiguo Testamento. Al final, presenta unas conclusiones que le dan aplicabilidad pastoral al tema de Dios narrado desde lo político.Quais são as ideias mais significativas que decorrem da narração contida em Ex 6, 1-13? Em que medida tem implicação política? Deus é uma realidade que inclui a dimensão política do povo de Israel e de nossas comunidades de fiéis? Estas perguntas dão o sentido da linha expositiva deste artigo. O autor faz um estudo da perícope em questão, utilizando aportes da exegese sincrônica e uma aproximação hermenêutica a partir de outros textos do Pentateuco e do Antigo Testamento. No fim apresenta conclusões que dão aplicabilidade pastoral ao tema de Deus narrado a partir do político