760 research outputs found

    Phytoextraction of phosphorus for ecological restoration: application of soil additives

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    The European Habitats Directive urges the European member states to take measures for maintaining and restoring natural habitats. In Flanders (Belgium) and the Netherlands, the surface area of nature reserves is intended to be enlarged with 38 000 ha and 150 000 ha, respectively, what is mainly to be realised on former agricultural land. In order to restore species rich nature habitats on former agricultural land, it is crucial to decrease the availability of nutrients and a limitation for plant growth by at least one nutrient should be ensured. The former fertilization of P in the agricultural context results in an immense P pool fixated to the soil and this is one of the main problems hindering the ecological restoration. We focus on an alternative restoration method, the phytoextraction of P, also P-mining. This is the deprivation of soil P with a crop with high P-use efficiency and non-P fertilization. This method allows the gradual transition from agricultural land use towards nature management. Up until now there have only been estimations of the P-mining duration time from the initial phase of the mining-process. In order to estimate the P-extraction over time the experiments take place on a soil-P-chronosequence. A controlled pot experiment was set up with soil from three former agricultural sites with different soil-P-levels, Lolium perenne was sown and chemical and biological compounds were added to enhance the bioavailability of P for plant-uptake. The additives used were two concentrations of humic acids, phosphorus solubilising bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Largest effects of the soil additions on the biomass production were measured in the lowest soil-P-level. Limitation by P in the Mid and Low P soils was very pronounced. The phytoextraction of P will slow down with soil P level decreasing in time. The effect of the soil additions is discussed

    Neurophysiological investigations of drug resistant epilepsy patients treated with vagus nerve stimulation to differentiate responders from non-responders

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    Background and purpose In patients treated with vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) for drug resistant epilepsy (DRE), up to a third of patients will eventually not respond to the therapy. As VNS therapy requires surgery for device implantation, prediction of response prior to surgery is desirable. It is hypothesized that neurophysiological investigations related to the mechanisms of action of VNS may help to differentiate VNS responders from non-responders prior to the initiation of therapy. Methods In a prospective series of DRE patients, polysomnography, heart rate variability (HRV) and cognitive event related potentials were recorded. Polysomnography and HRV were repeated after 1 year of treatment with VNS. Polysomnography, HRV and cognitive event related potentials were compared between VNS responders (>= 50% reduction in seizure frequency) and non-responders. Results Fifteen out of 30 patients became VNS responders after 1 year of VNS treatment. Prior to treatment with VNS, the amount of deep sleep (NREM 3), the HRV high frequency (HF) power and the P3b amplitude were significantly different in responders compared to non-responders (P = 0.007; P = 0.001; P = 0.03). Conclusion Three neurophysiological parameters, NREM 3, HRV HF and P3b amplitude, were found to be significantly different in DRE patients who became responders to VNS treatment prior to initiation of their treatment with VNS. These non-invasive recordings may be used as characteristics for response in future studies and help avoid unsuccessful implantations. Mechanistically these findings may be related to changes in brain regions involved in the so-called vagal afferent network

    Tree Species Identity Shapes Earthworm Communities

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    Earthworms are key organisms in forest ecosystems because they incorporate organic material into the soil and affect the activity of other soil organisms. Here, we investigated how tree species affect earthworm communities via litter and soil characteristics. In a 36-year old common garden experiment, replicated six times over Denmark, six tree species were planted in blocks: sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), beech (Fagus sylvatica), ash (Fraxinus excelsior), Norway spruce (Picea abies), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) and lime (Tilia cordata). We studied the chemical characteristics of soil and foliar litter, and determined the forest floor turnover rate and the density and biomass of the earthworm species occurring in the stands. Tree species significantly affected earthworm communities via leaf litter and/or soil characteristics. Anecic earthworms were abundant under Fraxinus, Acer and Tilia, which is related to calcium-rich litter and low soil acidification. Epigeic earthworms were indifferent to calcium content in leaf litter and were shown to be mainly related to soil moisture content and litter C:P ratios. Almost no earthworms were found in Picea stands, likely because of the combined effects of recalcitrant litter, low pH and low soil moisture content

    Advies: Herstel van dotterbloemgrasland in het natuurpark Overmeers

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    Development of a high-throughput colorimetric Zika virus infection assay

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) is an emerging pathogen that causes congenital infections which may result in birth defects, such as microcephaly. Currently, no approved treatment or vaccination is available. ZIKV can be readily detected in cell culture where virally infected cells are normally stained by specific antibodies. As ZIKV regularly causes a cytopathic effect, we were wondering whether this viral property can be used to quantitatively determine viral infectivity. We here describe the use of an 3-[4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl]-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide-(MTT)-based cell viability assay that allows to determine ZIKV-induced cell death. We show that this colorimetric assay quantifies ZIKV infection over a broad range of viral dilutions in both monkey and human cells. It allows to determine inhibitory activities of antivirals that block ZIKV or to define the neutralizing antibody titers of ZIKV antisera. This MTT-based ZIKV detection assay can be evaluated by naked eye or computational tools, has a broad linear range, does not require large equipment or costly reagents, and thus represents a promising alternative to antibody-based assays, in particular in resource-poor settings. We propose to use this simple, fast, and cheap method for quantification of ZIKV neutralizing antibodies and testing of antiviral compounds.Peer reviewe