11 research outputs found

    Critical discourse studies: Where to from here?

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    This paper surveys critical discourse studies to the present and claims that, to avoid lapsing into comfortable orthodoxy in its mature phase, CDS needs to reassert its transformative radical teleology. The initial part of the paper reasserts the need for a strong social theory given the materialist and context-bound nature of discourse in daily activity. From this basis, the paper then characterizes the “new times” in which contemporary discourse occurs, and briefly surveys those issues typically analyzed, namely political economy, race and gender, and critical literacy. By considering people's ordinary lives, the paper then suggests that subject and agency, and calculative technologies of management deserve, and new modalities need, more research. Transdisciplinarity is encouraged, particularly with social psychology and critical management studies

    Bronquiectasias : tratamento cirĂșrgico : anĂĄlise de 437 casos

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    -Introdução: Este trabalho apresenta a experiĂȘncia cirĂșrgica em 437 pacientes submetidos Ă  ressecção pulmonar para tratamento de bronquiectasias, avaliando evolução pĂłs-operatĂłria e o impacto quanto Ă  melhora dos sintomas. -MĂ©todos: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os prontuĂĄrios mĂ©dicos de 437 pacientes submetidos Ă  ressecção pulmonar para tratamento de bronquiectasias em uma Ășnica instituição, entre Janeiro de 1978 e Dezembro de 2010. Os pacientes tinham 16 ou mais anos de idade, e as bronquiectasias foram diagnosticadas pelas manifestaçÔes clĂ­nicas e por tomografia computadorizada do tĂłrax. Pacientes portadores de fibrose cĂ­stica e os submetidos a transplante pulmonar foram excluĂ­dos. -Resultados: A amostra incluiu 437 pacientes (249 do sexo feminino; 188 do masculino). A idade mĂ©dia dos pacientes na Ă©poca da cirurgia era de 38,45 anos (variando de 16 a 80 anos). O sintoma mais comum na apresentação era tosse produtiva (79,4%). A causa identificada como mais comum das bronquiectasias foi infecção respiratĂłria na infĂąncia (49,2%). Cirurgia unilateral foi realizada em 415 pacientes (95,0%), e em 344 toda a ĂĄrea com bronquiectasias foi ressecada. Dentre os procedimentos cirĂșrgicos utilizados, o principal foi lobectomia mĂ©dia em 147 pacientes (33,6%) e segmentectomia (32,3%). ApĂłs a cirurgia, 94,4% de 267 pacientes questionados referiram melhora de seus sintomas, 68,9% deles considerando-se assintomĂĄticos. Ocorreu 1 (um) Ăłbito no pĂłs operatĂłrio. -ConclusĂ”es: O tratamento cirĂșrgico das bronquiectasias mostrou-se altamente eficiente, em termos de melhora dos sintomas dos indivĂ­duos acometidos, sendo realizado com taxas de morbidade aceitĂĄveis, mortalidade praticamente nula, e com excelentes resultados em termos de melhora dos sintomas.Background. This work presents the surgical experience of 437 patients undergoing to lung resection for the treatment of bronchiectasis, evaluating both the impact on postoperative clinical improvement and complications of the surgical procedure. Methods It was retrospectively analyzed the medical charts of 437 consecutive patients who underwent a surgical lung resection for treatment of bronchiectasis in a single institution, between January 1978 and December 2010. Patients were 16 years or older and bronchiectasis was diagnosed by symptoms and computed tomography. Patients with cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis the ones that underwent to lung transplantation were excluded. Results The study sample included 437 patients (249 females; 188 males). Mean age at time of surgery was 38.45 years old (range: 16 to 80). The most common presenting symptoms were cough (79.4%). The most common etiology of bronchiectais was childhood infections (49.2%). Unilateral approach was performed in 415 (95.0%) and in 344 the total bronchiectasic site were resected. Several surgical procedures were used, the majority was medium lobectomy in 147 (33.6%) and segmentectomy (32.3%). After surgery, 94.4% of the patients improved their symptoms, 68,9% following practically assymptomatic. One postoperative death occurred. Conclusions Bronchiectasis may be treated by surgical management, particularly in developing countries where it is very prevalent. It can be performed with acceptable morbidity rates, practically without mortality, and with excelent results in terms of symptoms improvement

    Neoliberal capitalism and middle-class punitiveness: Bringing Erich Fromm's 'materialistic psychoanalysis' to penology

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    Why is it that imprisonment has undergone an explosive growth in the USA and Britain over the last three decades against the background of falling crime rates in both countries? And why has this development met with a significant and escalating degree of support among the public? To the extent that governing elites on either side of the Atlantic have been eliciting public support for their authority by inducing concerns about issues of crime and punishment, what explains the selection of crime as a means to this effect, and in what precise ways do crime and punishment fulfil their hidden political function? Moreover, how do Americans and Britons legitimate their consent to objectively irrational policies and the elites responsible for their formulation? In seeking to advance the study of these questions, the present article rediscovers the method and key findings of Erich Fromm's 'materialistic psychoanalysis', bringing them to bear upon insights produced by political economies of contemporary punishment and related scholarship. Particular attention is paid to the hitherto understudied themes of the political production of middle-class support for punitive penal policies under conditions of neoliberal capitalism, and the crucial role played in this process by the privileged position accorded to violent street crime in the public domain

    Cultural Capital in the Economic Field : A Study of Relationships in an Art Market

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    In this study of an economic field and its relationships to a cultural field, we apply Pierre Bourdieu’s central concepts of economic capital, cultural capital, symbolic capital and field, and thus follow in a tradition that at the outset was considered to be post-structuralism, but which by Bourdieu later has been brought into the realm of realism. We have mapped relationships between the actors and thus the field structures that these relationships entail. The fields in which a segment of an art world is operating is represented in multi-dimensional figures which illustrate relationships and bonds between the different categories of organizations. Some of the business actors we have studied are engaging in cultural activities with a great deal of autonomy, others are connected to the cultural field in less active ways. In participating in the cultural field they are in different ways and to different extents accumulating symbolic capital including prestige and honor. The method we have applied is multiple correspondence analysis which was frequently used by Bourdieu