4 research outputs found

    Prevalence of urinary incontinence in Andorra: impact on women's health.

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    BACKGROUND: Urinary incontinence (UI) is a frequent public health problem with negative social consequences, particularly for women. Female susceptibility is the result of anatomical, social, economic and cultural factors. The main objectives of this study are to evaluate the prevalence of UI in the female population of Andorra over the age of 15 and, specifically, to determine the influence of socio-demographic factors. A secondary aim of the study is to measure the degree of concern associated with UI and whether the involved subjects have asked for medical assistance, or not. METHODS: Women aged 15 and over, answered a self-administered questionnaire while attending professional health units in Andorra during the period November 1998 to January 2000. A preliminary study was carried out to ensure that the questionnaire was both understandable and simple. RESULTS: 863 completed questionnaires were obtained during a one year period. The breakdown of the places where the questionnaires were obtained and filled out is as follows: 32.4% – medical specialists' offices; 31.5% – outpatient centres served exclusively by nurses; 24% – primary care doctors' offices; 12% from other sources. Of the women who answered the questionnaire, 37% manifested urine losses. Of those,45.3% presented regular urinary incontinence (RUI) and 55.7% presented sporadic urinary incontinence (SporadicUI). In those women aged between 45 and 64, UI was present in 56% of the subjects. UI was more frequent among parous than non-parous women. UI was perceived as a far more bothersome and disabling condition by working, middle-class women than in other socio-economic groups. Women in this particular group are more limited by UI, less likely to seek medical advice but more likely to follow a course of treatment. From a general point of view, however, less than 50% of women suffering from UI sought medical advice. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of UI in the female population of Andorra stands at about 37%, a statistic which should encourage both health professionals and women to a far greater awareness of this condition

    Anàlisi sobre les pràctiques educatives d’un centre d’educació infantil i primària per afavorir la inclusió d’un alumne amb altes capacitats i la resta de l’alumnat

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    Curs 2015-2016El treball Final de Grau que es mostra a continuació és un estudi de cas de la trajectòria educativa d’un alumne amb altes capacitats en un centre d’educació infantil i primària de la comarca d’Osona. Un dels objectius que persegueix és aprofundir en el coneixement dels alumnes amb altes capacitats i quins aspectes s’han de tenir en compte per afavorir una intervenció inclusiva a partir dels referents teòrics. La metodologia la qual se centra la recerca és qualitativa i els instruments de recollida de dades són les entrevistes realitzades a persones properes a l’alumne: l’equip directiu del centre, les mestres que ha tingut durant la seva trajectòria escolar i a la família. A partir de l’anàlisi ens ha permès descobrir les principals característiques d’aquest tipus d’alumnat així com els recursos i l’atenció rebuda dins el centre.The following final grade work is a case study about the educational career path of a student with high abilities in a infant and primary school in Osona. One of the main aims is going in depth with the knowledge of the high ability students and which aspects have to be considered in order to make an easy inclusive intervention by means of different theoric models. The researching methodology is qualitatively based and the tools used to get data are different interviews done to different people closely related to the student such as the directive team, the different teachers involved in his career path and the family. Throughout the analysis of all this work it has been possible to discover the main characteristics of these type of students and also the resources used and the attention that they recieve in the school