127 research outputs found

    La Educación Musical Reglada en Málaga durante el Franquismo (1936-1975).

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    En esta tesis se detalla cómo fue la educación musical en Málaga durante el franquismo. Se realiza un análisis contextual de la época, de los antecedentes y de la asignatura de música en los diferentes planes de estudios previos al franquismo. En cuanto a la metodología se indica el proceso que se ha seguido para su realización: tipos de fuentes, bibliotecas, archivos utilizados y el estado de la cuestión. Se aborda como fue la educación reglada, legislación y planes educativos en España y su aplicación en Málaga. Para conocer la realidad de la educación musical nos hemos basado en fuentes primarias de centros educativos públicos y privados de congregaciones religiosas de diferentes etapas. Dedicamos un capítulo a la F.E.T. de las J.O.N.S., a la S.F. que influyeron directamente en la enseñanza reglada malagueña y otro a los recursos educativos disponibles. A lo largo de los capítulos se muestra el trabajo y esfuerzo de músicos, pedagogos, maestros, profesores de música y personas interesadas para incorporar la música en el sistema educativo reglado, y equipararla en igualdad de condiciones que el resto de las asignaturas. Analizamos los distintos métodos educativos musicales y cuales se incorporaron a la educación musical reglada en España y en Málaga, como el método Orff y el método Ward. También como otros sistemas educativos como el alemán y el italiano influyeron en el español. La S.F. a través de las cátedras ambulantes transmitió y recopiló un determinado folclore en todas las localidades malagueñas, realizaron viajes de propaganda al extranjero, y mediante las escuelas de hogar, campamentos, albergues, cursos de formación… controlaron el sistema educativo reglado femenino, desde el preescolar hasta la formación del profesorado, y la F.E.T. de las J.O.N.S. en la enseñanza masculina. Por medio de esta tesis se reconoce el trabajo, esfuerzo y labor de profesores, profesoras, maestros, maestras y músicos malagueños que han caído en el olvido, como las instructoras de música, profesores de rondalla, el asesor de música de la S.F., los profesores que impartieron música con la L.G.E. Es relevante porque profundizamos en los recursos musicales que se utilizaron en la enseñanza reglada malagueña. Los instrumentos musicales como la flauta dulce, armónica, guitarra, instrumentación Orff, e instrumentos de la agrupación de rondalla. En cuanto a la audición, explicamos que tipo de repertorio utilizaron en cada etapa educativa. Un capítulo se dedica en especial a la prensa periódica, enciclopedias y libros, se muestran las editoriales y libros que estuvieron disponibles en España y los que se utilizaron en Málaga, pero además indicamos cuáles fueron los que se emplearon en cada etapa educativa en Málaga, desde preescolar, pasando por el bachillerato hasta el magisterio

    Ionic self-assembly of pillar[5]arenes: proton-conductive liquid crystals and aqueous nanoobjects with encapsulation properties

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    Liquid crystal (LC) pillar[n]arenes have been barely explored due to their time-consuming and complicated synthesis, despite their promising properties for metal-ion separation, drug delivery, or surface functionalization. Herein, we report an easy and reliable method to functionalize pillar[n]arene macrocycles through electrostatic interactions. These ionic materials were prepared by ionically functionalizing a pillar[n]arene containing ten amine terminal groups with six different carboxylic acids. This supramolecular approach results in ionic pillar[n]arenes which self-organize into LC phases with good proton-conducting properties. Moreover, ionic functionalization provides a new amphiphilic character to the pillar[n]arenes, which self-assemble in water to produce a variety of nanoobjects (i.e., spherical or cylindrical micelles, vesicles, solid nanospheres, or nanotubes) that are capable of encapsulating a model hydrophobic drug. Interestingly, the presence of coumarin moieties in the chemical structure of the ionic pillar[n]arenes results in self-organized materials with light-responsive properties due to the ability of coumarins to undergo photo-induced [2+2] cycloaddition. In particular, we demonstrate that coumarin pohotodimerization can be employed to fabricate mechanically stable proton-conductive LC materials, as well as to obtain photo-responsive nanocarriers with light-induced release of encapsulated molecules

    Neurorrestauración tras la isquemia cerebral: papel de los neurotransmisores en la neurogénesis postisquémica

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    Introduction. Brain ischemia and reperfusion produce alterations in the microenvironment of the parenchyma, including ATP depletion, ionic homeostasis alterations, inflammation, release of multiple cytokines and abnormal release of neurotransmitters. As a consequence, the induction of proliferation and migration of neural stem cells towards the peri-infarct region occurs. Development. The success of new neurorestorative treatments for damaged brain implies the need to know, with greater accuracy, the mechanisms in charge of regulating adult neurogenesis, both under physiological and pathological conditions. Recent evidence demonstrates that many neurotransmitters, glutamate in particular, control the subventricular zone, thus being part of the complex signalling network that influences the production of new neurons. Conclusion. Neurotransmitters provide a link between brain activity and subventricular zone neurogenesis. Therefore, a deeper knowledge of the role of neurotransmitters systems, such as glutamate and its transporters, in adult neurogenesis, may provide a valuable tool to be used as a neurorestorative therapy in this pathology.Peer Reviewe

    Role of FGFs in the control of programmed cell death during limb development

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    10 páginas, 8 figuras.We have investigated the role of FGFs in the control of programmed cell death during limb development by analyzing the effects of increasing and blocking FGF signaling in the avian limb bud. BMPs are currently considered as the signals responsible for cell death. Here we show that FGF signaling is also necessary for apoptosis and that the establishment of the areas of cell death is regulated by the convergence of FGF- and BMP-mediated signaling pathways. As previously demonstrated, cell death is inhibited for short intervals (12 hours) after administration of FGFs. However, this initial inhibition is followed (24 hours) by a dramatic increase in cell death, which can be abolished by treatments with a BMP antagonist (Noggin or Gremlin). Conversely, blockage of FGF signaling by applying a specific FGF-inhibitor (SU5402) into the interdigital regions inhibits both physiological cell death and that mediated by exogenous BMPs. Furthermore, FGF receptors 1, 2 and 3 are expressed in the autopodial mesoderm during the regression of the interdigital tissue, and the expression of FGFR3 in the interdigital regions is regulated by FGFs and BMPs in the same fashion as apopotosis. Together our findings indicate that, in the absence of FGF signaling BMPs are not sufficient to trigger apoptosis in the developing limb. Although we provide evidence for a positive influence of FGFs on BMP gene expression, the physiological implication of FGFs in apoptosis appears to result from their requirement for the expression of genes of the apoptotic cascade. We have identified MSX2 and Snail as candidate genes associated with apoptosis the expression of which requires the combined action of FGFs and BMPs.This work was supported by grants to J. M. H. (DGESIC/PM98-0061 and Fundación Valdecilla) to M. A. N. (DGESIC/PM98-0125) and to D. Macias (Junta de Extremadura; IPR99C035). J. J. S.-E. was supported by an MRC programme grant to Cheryll Tickle; J. C.-M. was supported by DGAPA (UNAM) and J. A. M. by a grant from the Junta de Extremadura (Consejeria de Educación y Juventud/Fondo Social Europeo).Peer reviewe

    Evidence of autochthonous transmission of urinary schistosomiasis in Almeria (southeast Spain): An outbreak analysis

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    Background: Schistosomiasis is endemic in 78 countries belonging to tropical and subtropical areas. However, autochthonous transmission of urogenital schistosomiasis was reported in Corsica (France) in 2013. We present evidence of autochthonous transmission of urogenital schistosomiasis in Almería (Spain) in 2003. Methods: Description of the outbreak in farmers and subsequent epidemiological studies aimed at searching for Bulinus snails and their genotypic characteristics. Results: The outbreak affected 4 farmers out of a group of 5 people who repeatedly bathed that summer in an irrigation pool in the area. Two of them presented macroscopic hematuria with bilharziomas, showing the presence of Schistosoma eggs in bladder biopsies. Two others were asymptomatic but the serology for schisto somiasis was positive. In 2015, the presence of the vector Bulinus truncatus was demonstrated in Almería in water collections of appropriate characteristics. DNA sequencing proving that local B. truncatus species were base-to base identical to B. truncatus from Senegal. Conclusions: We present a new outbreak of autochthonous transmission of urogenital schistosomiasis in Europe. Although no new cases of autochthonous transmission have been reported, some other cases may have occurred at that time or later on and be unnoticed as many cases of schistosomiasis are asymptomatic or present mild and unspecific symptoms

    Etiology of bloodstream infections at a population level during 2013-2017 in the Autonomous Community of Valencia, Spain

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Bloodstream Infections has become in one of the priorities for the antimicrobial stewardship teams due to their high mortality and morbidity rates. Usually, the first antibiotic treatment for this pathology must be empirical, without microbiology data about the microorganism involved. For this reason, the population studies about the etiology of bacteremia are a key factor to improve the selection of the empirical treatment, because they describe the main microorganisms associated to this pathology in each area, and this data could facilitate the selection of correct antibiotic therapy. Material and methods: This study describes the etiology of bloodstream infections in the Southeast of Spain. The etiology of bacteremia was analysed by a retrospective review of all age-ranged patients from every public hospital in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (approximately 5,000,000 inhabitants) for five years. Results: A total of 92,097 isolates were obtained, 44.5% of them were coagulase-negative staphylococci. Enterobacteriales was the most prevalent group and an increase in frequency was observed along the time. Streptococcus spp. were the second microorganisms more frequently isolated. Next, the most prevalent were Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus spp., both with a stable incidence along the study. Finally, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the fifth microorganism more frequently solated. Conclusions: These data constitute a useful tool that can help in the choice of empirical treatment for bloodstream infections, since the knowledge of local epidemiology is key to prescribe a fast and appropriate antibiotic therapy, aspect capital to improve survival.RESUMEN: Introducción: Las bacteriemias se han convertido en una de las prioridades de los Programas de Optimización de uso de Antimicrobianos (PROA) debido a sus altas tasas de morbimortalidad. Normalmente, el tratamiento antibiótico tiene que ser pautado de forma empírica, sin datos del microorganismo implicado. Por esto, los estudios poblacionales sobre la etiología de las bacteriemias son un factor clave para mejorar la elección del tratamiento empírico, ya que describen los principales microorganismos asociados a esta patología en cada área, lo que facilita en gran medida la selección del antibiótico correcto. Material y métodos: Este estudio describe la etiología de las bacteriemias en el sureste de España durante los años 2013-2017. La etología fue analizada de forma retrospectiva estudiando los microorganismos implicados en todas las bacteriemias diagnosticadas en la Comunidad Valenciana (5.000.000 de habitantes). Resultados. Se obtuvieron un total de 92.097 aislados clínicos, de los cuales un 44,5% fueron Staphylococcus coa-gulasa negativos. Las enterobacterias fueron el grupo más prevalente, su frecuencia se incrementó durante el estudio. Los cocos grampositivos, tipo Streptococcus, fueron los siguientes microorganismos que se aislaron de forma más frecuente, su frecuencia disminuyó a lo largo del periodo estudiado. A continuación, Staphylococcus aureus y Enterococcus spp. les siguieron en prevalencia, manteniéndose sus tasas estables a lo largo del estudio. Por último, el quinto microorganismo más prevalente fue Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Conclusiones: Los datos obtenidos en este estudio constituyen una herramienta que puede facilitar la elección correcta del tratamiento empírico inicial que debe aplicarse en estos procesos

    Highly accurate whole-genome imputation of SARS-CoV-2 from partial or low-quality sequences

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    [Background] The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has emphasized the utility of viral whole-genome sequencing in the surveillance and control of the pathogen. An unprecedented ongoing global initiative is producing hundreds of thousands of sequences worldwide. However, the complex circumstances in which viruses are sequenced, along with the demand of urgent results, causes a high rate of incomplete and, therefore, useless sequences. Viral sequences evolve in the context of a complex phylogeny and different positions along the genome are in linkage disequilibrium. Therefore, an imputation method would be able to predict missing positions from the available sequencing data.[Results] We have developed the impuSARS application, which takes advantage of the enormous number of SARS-CoV-2 genomes available, using a reference panel containing 239,301 sequences, to produce missing data imputation in viral genomes. ImpuSARS was tested in a wide range of conditions (continuous fragments, amplicons or sparse individual positions missing), showing great fidelity when reconstructing the original sequences, recovering the lineage with a 100% precision for almost all the lineages, even in very poorly covered genomes (<20%).[Conclusions] Imputation can improve the pace of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing production by recovering many incomplete or low-quality sequences that would be otherwise discarded. ImpuSARS can be incorporated in any primary data processing pipeline for SARS-CoV-2 whole-genome sequencing.This work is supported by grant PT17/0009/0006 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, COVID-0012–2020 from Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía, and postdoctoral contract PAIDI2020- DOC_00350 for C.L., from Junta de Andalucía, co-funded by the European Social Fund (FSE) 2014–2020.Peer reviewe

    Successful Direct Acting Antiviral Therapy in ChronicHepatitis C Normalizes IFN and IL2 Production in T Cells Together with TLR8 Expression and Functionality in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

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    Chronic hepatitis C infection (HCV) activates a systemic cell-mediated immune response characterized by the production of IFN? and an innate immune response addressed by the activation of TLR signaling. We aimed to investigate whether HCV eradication by direct acting antivirals (DAA) leads to a recovery in cell-mediated immune response and TLR expression and functionality. Blood samples were obtained in HCV infected patients before DAA treatment and at week +48 after the end of treatment. Results were compared to healthy controls. Cell surface expression of TLR8 was assessed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) by flow cytometry. Freshly isolated PBMCs were cultured with specific TLR8 agonists and intracellular production of cytokines was determined by flow-cytometry after ex vivo TLR8 activation with ssRNA 40. Production of IFN?, IL2 and IL17 was assessed by flow cytometry in T cells after polyclonal activation. Included were 50 HCV-infected patients and 15 controls. TLR8 expression in PBMCs was significantly increased before treatment and recovered normal levels at week +48. Production of IL1b, IL6 and TNF? dependent on the activation of TLR8 in PBMCs was also increased in patients before DAA treatment, with a significant reduction at week +48. Combined expression of IFN? and IL2 in CD4+ T cells in HCV-infected patients was significantly increased compared to controls and recovered normal levels at week +48. DAA-mediated clearance of HCV is associated with a decreased expression and activation of TLR8 in PBMCs until healthy control levels which is accompanied by a reduction in the Th1 response.This research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), grant number PIE15/00079


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    Para cultivar una especie silvestre es necesario modificar el esquema genético resultante de los procesos de selección natural a uno adaptado a las condiciones manejadas por el hombre, e implica detectar áreas geográficas similares a aquellas donde se originó la especie. En este estudio se analiza un modelo de áreas geográficas potenciales para la adaptación de Capsicum pubescens Ruiz & Pav. con el objetivo de detectar las condiciones de nicho ecológico apropiado, determinar zonas potenciales en México y describir las relaciones entre el medio ambiente y las características morfológicas del fruto. Se utilizó el algoritmo reciente de máxima entropía (MaxEnt) para modelar el nicho de C. pubescens dentro de una región de importancia en el centro de Veracruz, México. Se utilizó un total de 44 sitios de presencia y cuatro variables bioclimáticas para detectar nichos adecuados para la especie; así mismo, se realizó un análisis de regresión por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) combinando los sitios de presencia, variables bioclimáticas y características morfológicas del fruto. Se construyó un mapa final de idoneidad identificando las áreas adecuadas para el crecimiento de C. pubescens. Las contribuciones de las variables predictoras al modelo fueron preipitación anual (Bio12) 43.9 %, capa de potasio (K) 23 %, altitud (DEM) 22.3 % y temperatura media anual (Bio1) 10.7 %, con valor del área bajo la curva de 99.7 %. Los mínimos cuadrados parciales corroboraron la importancia de las covariables, que intervienen en la expresión de características morfológicas del fruto, ayudando a entender mejor las relaciones entre especies y el medio ambiente. Áreas aún no exploradas arrojaron probabilidades de ocurrencia mayores a 90 %, principalmente en las zonas montañosas de Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Nuevo León y la Sierra de Santa Martha al sur del estado de Veracruz. Se identificó un grupo de accesiones sobresalientes que podrían servir como base para iniciar un programa de mejoramiento genético en esta especie

    A Career in Catalysis: Avelino Corma

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    As one of the most influential scientists in the field of heterogeneous catalysis and materials science, Prof. Avelino Corma has made significant contributions in many diverse fields, spanning over solid catalysts for petrochemistry, solid catalysts for production of fine chemicals, synthesis of microporous and mesoporous materials, development of inorganic-organic hybrid materials, supported metal catalysts (from isolated metal atoms to nanoclusters and nanoparticles) and photochemistry with solid materials. These experimental approaches are complemented with characterization of solid materials with advanced spectroscopy and microscopy techniques as well as theoretical calculations/modeling. The aim of this Account is to overview Avelino's distinguished scientific career and highlight the most remarkable achievements made in his research activities during >40 years. We attempt to show the evolution of Avelino's research topics in his group throughout his career and the approaches that Avelino has chosen to tackle the challenges encountered. The research paradigm developed by Avelino and his team can be inspiring to the researchers in the field of materials science who are striving to translate the knowledge generated in fundamental studies into practical applications for addressing the new scientific challenges encountered in building a sustainable world