57 research outputs found

    Low-altitude measurements of 2ā€“6 MeV electron trapping lifetimes at 1.5 ā‰¤ L ā‰¤ 2.5

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    During the Halloween Storm period (Octoberā€“November 2003), a new Van Allen belt electron population was powerfully accelerated. The inner belt of electrons formed in this process decayed over a period of days to years. We have examined quantitatively the decay rates for electrons seen in the region of 1.5 ā‰¤ L ā‰¤ 2.5 using SAMPEX satellite observations. At L = 1.5 the e-folding lifetime for 2ā€“6 MeV electrons was Ļ„ āˆ¼ 180 days. On the other hand, for the half-dozen distinct acceleration (or enhancement) events seen during late-2003 through 2005 at L āˆ¼ 2.0, the lifetimes ranged from Ļ„ āˆ¼ 8 days to Ļ„ āˆ¼ 35 days. We compare these loss rates to those expected from prior studies. We find that lifetimes at L = 2.0 are much shorter than the average 100ā€“200 days that present theoretical estimates would suggest for the overall L = 2 electron population. Additional wave-particle interaction aspects must be included in theoretical treatments and we describe such possibilities here

    Substorm driven chorus waves: Decay timescales and implications for pulsating aurora

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    Energetic electron precipitation (EEP) associated with pulsating aurora can transfer greater than 30 keV electrons from the outer radiation belt region into the upper atmosphere and can deplete atmospheric ozone via collisions that produce NOx and HOx molecules. Our knowledge of exactly how EEP occurs is incomplete. Previous studies have shown that pitch angle scattering between electrons and lower-band chorus waves can cause pulsating aurora associated with EEP and that substorms play an important role. In this work, we quantify the timescale of chorus wave decay following substorms and compare that to previously determined timescales. We find that the chorus decay e-folding time varies based on magnetic local time (MLT), magnetic latitude, and wave frequency. The shortest timescales occur for lower-band chorus in the 21 to 9 MLT region and compares, within uncertainty, to the energetic pulsating aurora timescale of Troyer et al. (2022, https://doi.org/10.3389/fspas.2022.1032552) for energetic pulsating aurora. We are able to further support this connection by modeling our findings in a quasi-linear diffusion simulation. These results provide observations of how chorus waves behave after substorms and add additional statistical evidence linking energetic pulsating aurora to substorm driven lower-band chorus waves

    A new approach to constructing models of electron diffusion by EMIC waves in the radiation belts

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    Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) waves play an important role in relativistic electron losses in the radiation belts through diffusion via resonant waveā€particle interactions. We present a new approach for calculating bounce and driftā€averaged EMIC electron diffusion coefficients. We calculate bounceā€averaged diffusion coefficients, using quasiā€linear theory, for each individual CRRES EMIC wave observation using fitted wave properties, the plasma density and the background magnetic field. These calculations are then combined into bounceā€averaged diffusion coefficients. The resulting coefficients therefore capture the combined effects of individual spectra and plasma properties as opposed to previous approaches that use average spectral and plasma properties, resulting in diffusion over a wider range of energies and pitchā€angles. These calculations, and their role in radiation belt simulations, are then compared against existing diffusion models. The new diffusion coefficients are found to significantly improve the agreement between the calculated decay of relativistic electrons and Van Allen Probes data

    Multiā€parameter chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models

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    The resonant interaction of energetic particles with plasma waves, such as chorus and plasmaspheric hiss waves, plays a direct and crucial role in the acceleration and loss of radiation belt electrons that ultimately affect the dynamics of the radiation belts. In this study, we use the comprehensive wave data measurements made by the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science instruments on board the two Van Allen probes, to develop multiā€parameter statistical chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models. The models of chorus and plasmaspheric hiss waves are presented as a function of combined geomagnetic activity (AE), solar wind velocity (V), and southward interplanetary magnetic field (Bs). The relatively smooth wave models reveal new features. Despite, the coupling between geomagnetic and solar wind parameters, the results show that each parameter still carries a sufficient amount of unique information to more accurately constrain the chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave intensities. The new wave models presented here highlight the importance of multiā€parameter wave models, and can improve radiation belt modeling

    International survey on high- and low-dose synacthen test and assessment of accuracy in preparing low-dose synacthen

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    OBJECTIVE: The short synacthen test (SST) is widely used to assess patients for adrenal insufficiency but the frequency and protocols used across different centres for the low-dose test (LDT) are unknown. This study aimed to survey centres and test the accuracy of ten different synacthen preparation strategies used for the LDT. METHODS: Members of six international endocrine societies were surveyed regarding diagnostic tests used for adrenal insufficiency, and in particular the SST. Synacthen was diluted for the LDT and concentrations measured using a synacthen ELISA. RESULTS: Survey responses were received from 766 individuals across 60 countries (52% adult, 45% paediatric endocrinologists). The SST is used by 98% of centres: 92% using high-dose (250 Ī¼g), 43% low-dose, and 37% both. Ten low-dose dilution methods were assessed and variation in synacthen concentration was demonstrated with intra-method coefficients of variation (CV) ranging from 2.1% to 109%. The method using 5% dextrose as a diluent was the least variable (CV of 2.1%). The variation in dilution methods means that the dose of synacthen administered in a LDT may vary between 0.16 Ī¼g and 0.81 Ī¼g. CONCLUSIONS: The high-dose SST is the most popular diagnostic test of adrenal insufficiency but up to 72% of paediatric endocrinologists use a LDT. There is considerable variation observed both within and between low-dose synacthen dilution methods creating considerable risk of inaccurate dosing and thereby invalid results

    Statistical comparison of electron loss and enhancement in the outer radiation belt during storms

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    The near-relativistic electron population in the outer Van Allen radiation belt is highly dynamic and strongly coupled to geomagnetic activity such as storms and substorms, which are driven by the interaction of the magnetosphere with the solar wind. The energy, content and spatial extent of electrons in the outer radiation belt can vary on timescales of hours to days, dictated by the continuously evolving influence of acceleration and loss processes. While net changes in the electron population are directly observable, the relative influence of different processes is far from fully understood. Using a continuous 12-year dataset from the Proton Electron Telescope (PET) on board the Solar Anomalous Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX), we statistically compare the relative variations of trapped electrons to those in the bounce loss cone. Our results show that there is a proportional increase in flux entering the bounce loss cone outside the plasmapause during storm main phase and early recovery phase. Loss enhancement is sustained on the dawnside throughout the recovery phase while loss on the duskside is enhanced around minimum Sym-H and quickly diminishes. Spatial variations are also examined in relation to geomagnetic activity, making comparisons to possible causal wave modes such as whistler-mode chorus and plasmaspheric hiss

    Characterizing Radiationā€Belt Energetic Electron Precipitation Spectra: A Comparison of Quasiā€Linear Diffusion Theory With In Situ Measurements

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    High energy electron precipitation from the Earth's radiation belts is important for loss from the radiation belts and atmospheric chemistry. We follow up investigations presented in Reidy et al. (2021, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020ja028410) where precipitating flux is calculated inside the field of view of the POES T0 detector using quasi-linear theory and pitch angle diffusion coefficients (DĪ±Ī±) from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). These results showed good agreements at >30 keV for L* >5 on the dawnside but the flux were too low at higher energies. We have investigated the effect of changing parameters in the calculation of the precipitating flux to improve the results for the higher energies using comparisons of in situ flux and cold plasma measurements from GOES-15 and RBSP. We find that the strength of the diffusion coefficients rather than the shape of the source spectrum has the biggest effect on the calculated precipitation. In particular we find decreasing the cold plasma density used in the calculation of DĪ±Ī± increases the diffusion and hence the precipitation at the loss cone for the higher energies, improving our results. The method of calculating DĪ±Ī± is also examined, comparing co-located rather than averaged RBSP measurements. We find that the method itself has minimal effect but using RBSP derived DĪ±Ī± improved our results over using DĪ±Ī± calculated using the entire BAS wave data base; this is potentially due to better measurements of the cold plasma density from RBSP than the other spacecraft included in the BAS wave data base (e.g., THEMIS)

    Cross-L* coherence of the outer radiation belt during 2 storms and the role of the plasmapause

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    The high energy electron population in Earthā€™s outer radiation belt is extremely variable, changing by multiple orders of magnitude on timescales that vary from under an hour to several weeks. These changes are typically linked to geomagnetic activity such as storms and substorms. In this study, we seek to understand how coherent changes in the radiation belt are across all radial distances, in order to provide a spatial insight into apparent global variations. We do this by calculating the correlation between fluxes on different L* measured by the PET instrument aboard the SAMPEX spacecraft for times associated with 15 large storms. Our results show that during these times, variations in the 0.63 MeV electron flux are coherent outside the minimum plasmapause location and also coherent inside the minimum plasmapause location, when flux is present. However, variations in the electron fluxes inside the plasmapause show little correlation with those outside the plasmapause. During storm recovery and possibly main phases, flux variations are coherent across all L* regardless of plasmapause location, due to a rapid decrease, followed by an increase in radiation belt fluxes across all L*
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